December 03, 2019 - The question format allows the reader to determine the
exact guidelines that are addressed. … The grading system for the evidence appeared
to lack clarity-the specific tool used to determine the
November 15, 2016 - Disease Characteristics
More research is needed to determine effective treatments for low back pain … The evidence is insufficient to determine the efficacy of some pharmacological treatments (e.g., pregabalin … The evidence is insufficient to determine the efficacy of some noninvasive nonpharmacological treatments
November 01, 2016 - Disease Characteristics:
�� More research is needed to determine effective
treatments for low back … antidepressants were funded by the
manufacturers of the drugs.
�� The evidence is insufficient to determine … topical capsaicin, topical lidocaine) for any
type of low back pain.
�� The evidence is insufficient to determine
September 02, 2011 - The purpose of hormonal stimulation testing is to determine if viable testicular tissue is present. … Imaging is used to determine whether there is in fact a testis and to locate it. … presenting with other conditions, such as infertility or testicular cancer, that work backwards to determine … Data Extraction and Data Management
Determine Outcomes To Extract
Specific outcomes to extract have
September 02, 2011 - The purpose of hormonal stimulation testing is to determine if viable testicular tissue is
present. … Imaging is used to determine whether there is in fact a testis and to locate it. … presenting with other conditions, such as
infertility or testicular cancer, that work backwards to
determine … Data Extraction and Data Management
Determine Outcomes To Extract
Specific outcomes to extract
October 01, 2007 - Research Design: PBE-CPI incorporates natural variation within
data from routine clinical practice to determine … How-
ever, if these data are not obtained using participant random-
ization, it can be difficult to determine … Implement and evaluate findings from step 5 to determine
whether the new or modified interventions replicate … This view is critical to determine com-
parative effectiveness of treatment alternatives. … PBE-CPI stud-
ies work with front-line clinicians to determine variables
to collect that either are present
February 17, 2011 - health decisions, the former more clearly describes the impact of a new onset of an illness, can help determine … if prevention methods are successful, is useful when trying to determine risk factors for the onset
August 01, 2016 - üü Evidence from randomized controlled trials was insufficient to
determine the effectiveness of AUD … drinks per drinking day 2 521 Reduced by topiramate ���
Other drugsb The evidence is insufficient to determine
October 12, 2012 - status (either newer or classical markers) do not have an ideal predictive ability when used singly to determine … Furthermore, we can conclude that there is insufficient evidence to determine the test performance of
December 11, 2012 - Evidence was insufficient to determine the comparative effectiveness or harms of these interventions.
June 15, 2011 - The results of the literature reviews and expert opinions were combined to determine the need for updating
January 01, 2009 - What approaches would help determine the
intangible effects on patients with urinary calculi?
February 01, 2013 - Despite these efforts, we identified little detail or consistency in the frameworks used to
determine … It is not only important to identify research gaps but also to determine how the evidence falls
short … Future research could determine if a decision
system, like a hierarchy, could be established to aid … This will determine the level of granularity needed for the characterization of the research
gaps. … and quality (strength)
of evidence to determine the potential research gaps.
January 01, 2009 - Mittman_Respondent_Ebell 2
January 01, 2015 - 3) do they suggest any change in the criteria we use to
determine whether an intervention is effective … Two members from the team will independently assess each citation to determine
whether it meets inclusion … We will also sort studies into intervention
and outcome categories to determine whether any meta-analysis
August 15, 2011 - The study must provide sufficient information about the treatments for one
to determine that the data … This definition aids
interpretation in two main ways: 1) to determine whether a statistically
significant … difference is clearly clinically significant, and 2) to determine
whether a statistically nonsignificant … it is not clear
how studies will report this outcome, and we may need to consult with
the TEP to determine … Heterogeneity measures will be used to determine whether a meta-regression
will be attempted.
April 11, 2011 - Treatment criteria The study must provide sufficient information about the treatments for one to determine … This definition aids interpretation in two main ways: 1) to determine whether a statistically significant … difference is clearly clinically significant and 2) to determine whether a statistically nonsignificant … No a-priori definition; we may need to consult with the TEP to determine different MCSDs for different … Heterogeneity measures will be used to determine whether a meta-regression will be attempted.
September 03, 2019 - It is also difficult to determine
when the pooled effect crosses 1.0, especially on the
confidence … Methods Can the reviewers add methodology around the exclusion
of studies from meta analysis to determine … Using positive results to determine which outcomes to
grade could potentially introduce some bias into … Among this group of patients, however,
it would be important to determine which specific aspects
of … We agree with the reviewer’s comments that
screening, appropriate work-up to determine the
September 03, 2019 - It is also difficult to determine
when the pooled effect crosses 1.0, especially on the
confidence … Methods Can the reviewers add methodology around the exclusion
of studies from meta analysis to determine … Using positive results to determine which outcomes to
grade could potentially introduce some bias into … Among this group of patients, however,
it would be important to determine which specific aspects
of … We agree with the reviewer’s comments that
screening, appropriate work-up to determine the
September 03, 2019 - It is also difficult to determine
when the pooled effect crosses 1.0, especially on the
confidence … Methods Can the reviewers add methodology around the exclusion
of studies from meta analysis to determine … Using positive results to determine which outcomes to
grade could potentially introduce some bias into … Among this group of patients, however,
it would be important to determine which specific aspects
of … We agree with the reviewer’s comments that
screening, appropriate work-up to determine the