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    January 01, 2012 - The facilitator uses the agenda in advance of the meeting to determine specific processes to be used … If there is to be another meeting, determine time, date and place.
    August 01, 2015 - future research in pregnant women because we thought it would require a separate study to adequately determine … Future studies should focus on individuals with type 2 diabetes requiring insulin to determine the most … Diabetes Association.11 There is also a need for well-designed prospective, observational studies to determine … Such studies would also provide guidance on effect sizes for future power calculations to determine … we thought it would require a separate study (with a different group of stakeholders) to adequately determine
    March 15, 2010 - What is the correlation between the choice of initial diagnostic test to determine the diagnosis of … Study Design KQ 1, 3, & 4 • Cross-sectional or longitudinal of any duration • Prospective • Determine … cohorts within non-randomized comparative studies as separate “studies”/cohorts o (Not KQ 6) • Determine … We will determine the consistency of the data as having or not having inconsistency (or not applicable
    May 01, 2012 - not included in the calculation of mean, median, and total payments because it is not possible to determine
    May 24, 2017 - In addition, evidence was generally insufficient to determine whether any treatment approaches are more … effective for victims of particular types of trauma or to determine comparative risks of adverse effects … Newer studies might also help determine whether the change to DSM-5 criteria to diagnose PTSD has any … For studies without adequate information to determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the full … To determine whether quantitative analyses are appropriate, we will assess the clinical and methodological
    May 14, 2010 - Further, the evidence was insufficient to determine the relative superiority of any agent. … reviewed and abstracted, and their findings qualitatively assessed using a process devised by the EPC to determine
    June 30, 2015 - We are not able to determine if those microarray tests include aCGH or only refer to single nucleotide … Genetic Testing for DDs addresses the increasing use of genetic tests to diagnose these disorders or determine … These tests are administered in order to determine the individual child’s developmental, educational … not listed in the AHRQ description of the technical brief provided and is crucial for the reader to determine
    January 01, 2013 - used FDT, noncontact tonometry, and a questionnaire individually and in all possible combinations to determine … individually and in all possible combinations, with other measures of structure and function to determine … used FDT, noncontact tonometry, and a questionnaire individually and in all possible combinations to determine … Do Not Know (LALES) to determine the diagnostic accuracy of candidate screening tests performed alone … individually and in all possible combinations, with other measures of structure and function to determine
    November 07, 2012 - The key questions did not aim to determine the efficacy of NHs or HCBS. … Reviewer #1 Results The tables are nicely presented but the reader has to do a lot of work to determine … helplessness, chronic illness, social isolation, sensory and cognitive losses), it seems important to determine … The key questions did not aim to determine the efficacy of NHs or HCBS.
    October 25, 2010 - Two independent investigators will review the abstracts and/or full text of the studies to determine
    February 13, 2012 - Summary PPV2 and 3 would be better metrics than sensitivity since false negatives are difficult to determine … Such numbers are impossible to determine in clinical practice and should not be used in the report. … Peer Reviewer #6 Discussion Unless non invasive testing can accurately determine a lesion to have … It is unlikely, and rightfully so, to be used by breast imagers to determine best practice.
    September 01, 2011 - The author can then determine whether the desired edits are still required and, if so, paste them into … FuseAction=Content&ID=84 We recommend that AHRQ query these coordinators to determine whether they have … Majchrzak et al30 surveyed experienced corporate wiki users to determine whether wikis were considered … • Determine whether you’ll hand-pick participants or advertise. … It would also be advisable to determine whether HHS is planning standardization on a wiki platform.
    January 01, 2016 - The factors used to determine the overall strength-of-evidence grades are summarized in Appendix J … Although we sought to determine whether strategies differed based on various patient, clinical, and … ) SO E: L ow 12 Point-of-Care Tests Point-of-care tests are meant to be a rapid way to determine … Use of the test in the ED or outpatient setting as a tool to help determine the need for an antibiotic … Use of a guideline to determine appropriateness of prescribing is also limited in that the determination
    January 01, 2014 - definitions for the same concept; and (3) varying levels of detail such that it is not possible to determine … facilitate building a new registry could find sufficient information on the complete record page to determine
    January 01, 2014 - definitions for the same concept; and (3) varying levels of detail such that it is not possible to determine … facilitate building a new registry could find sufficient information on the complete record page to determine
    December 01, 2011 - The additional questions below help to determine if this is the case and also inform the stage of … the intervention as an innovation, scanners may select it for further follow-up by an analyst to determine … These questions are considered in sequence as they determine whether they can build a case for possible … Updates in and of themselves do not necessarily mean that new expert comments are needed to determine
    January 01, 2008 - Effective Health Care Topic Number(s): 0032/0047 Document Completion Date: 6-9-09 1 Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps  Treatment of epilepsy, which encompasses the comparative effectiveness of newer antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) versus older AEDs and generic versus brand name AEDs,…
    September 01, 2018 - Topic Brief for Social Isolation in Older Adults 1 Next Steps The nominator is interested in a new report that synthesizes recent evidence on interventions to address social isolation to improve health and reduce health care utilization in older adults. After discussing the needs of the nominator, i…
    May 21, 2015 - Current Page Topic Timeline Nov. 23, 2010 Topic Suggestion Sep. 4, 2014 Research Protocol May. 21, 2015 Technical Brief Oct. 9, 2015 Disposition of Comments Report Management Strategies to Reduce Psychiatric Readmissions Technical Brief Archived May 21, 2015 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 1.9 MB…
    June 10, 2013 - no difference between groups in BMI z- score No, there is a hierarchy of which outcomes we used to determine … Even if consistency and precision are better explicated, it is not clear what process was used to determine … the review was appropriate, and most aspects of methods were described sufficiently for readers to determine … Otherwise, using these data to determine that, for example, a school based PA study is likely to lead … Because of the diversity of outcome measures, we could only determine whether or not there was benefit

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