December 06, 2011 - input
Engage the decision makers for whom results are intended
Set goals for deliberation
Determine … participant population (e.g., lay public, patient group)
Select deliberative process or create hybrid
Determine … This study sought to address the issue of
surrogate consent for research participation and determine … As Ela mentioned, you’ll want to determine whether you will evaluate your approach and
how you will … The researchers here employed a randomized controlled evaluation
to determine whether deliberation affected
December 06, 2011 - input
Engage the decision makers for whom results are intended
Set goals for deliberation
Determine … participant population (e.g., lay public, patient group)
Select deliberative process or create hybrid
Determine … This study sought to address the issue of
surrogate consent for research participation and determine … As Ela mentioned, you’ll want to determine whether you will evaluate your approach and
how you will … The researchers here employed a randomized controlled evaluation
to determine whether deliberation affected
December 01, 2019 - Additional research is needed to determine the most effective treatments for PPH and the order in which … [evidence insufficient]
Combined interventions
Evidence is insufficient to determine if a combination … [evidence low]
Evidence is insufficient to determine if uterine or other pelvic vessel ligation
September 06, 2023 - Any
chosen framework will determine to a large extent which quality measures are prioritized,
October 01, 2009 - Future
research is needed to determine if ACE inhibitors or
ARBs offer additional benefits over other … • An individual patient data meta-analysis is needed
to determine if ACE inhibitors provide greater … • An individual patient data meta-analysis is needed
to determine if a history of revascularization … • Future studies are needed to determine if the
dosing intensity of ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy
is … • Future trials are needed to determine the impact of
genetic polymorphisms within the ACE gene or
December 01, 2011 - More research is needed to truly determine the
balance of benefits to harms. … Given the inadequate power in overall analyses and lack
of data, we could not definitively determine … No data were available to
determine if the results differed based on ethnicity or
ejection fraction. … Sensitivity analysis: A ”what if ” analysis that
helps determine the robustness of a study. … Helps
determine the degree of importance of each
variable for a given outcome.
August 01, 2019 - In clinical care, however, the primary goal is to determine treatment effectiveness for the individual … To determine whether these regulations apply to a particular quality improvement activity, the following … complains of any side effects throughout the trial, they should notify their physician’s office to determine … A group of researchers are trying to determine which type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID … strong preference for treatment B over treatment A, and requests that an n-of-1 trial be conducted to determine
December 01, 2019 - whether the use of echocardiography or biomarkers affects decisionmaking and clinical outcomes; and to determine … Conclusions
Further confirmation is needed to determine if the combination of echocardiography and
December 01, 2019 - Review methods
We used predefined criteria to determine study eligibility. … and a median AUROC of 0.80 to 0.91 for diagnosing cirrhosis, but there was insufficient evidence to determine
October 01, 2023 - Any chosen framework will determine to a large extent which quality measures are prioritized, which in
June 01, 2012 - The
evidence is insufficient to determine whether any particular
type is more effective than the others … The evidence is insufficient to determine whether
any particular type of health IT application is more … Without stronger evidence on specific
PCC-related outcomes, it will be difficult to determine the
net … are needed on clinical conditions other
than diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease in order
to determine … We clearly
need more research, as indicated above, to determine
the extent to which health IT interventions
March 01, 2019 - We may invite representatives from additional organizations and agencies if we determine that additional … decision analysis methodology to 1) identify who the decision-makers are and how decisions are made, 2) determine … If we determine these reviews contain sufficient information to address the guiding questions, we will … Process for Selecting Studies
The guiding questions will be used to determine eligibility for inclusion
November 01, 2012 - nails, palms, and soles of the feet.4,5
Different parameters determine disease
severity such as the … These data were also reviewed to determine the
overall applicability of data per outcome, describing … However, we
could not determine the comparative effectiveness of these
therapies with regard to final … We could not determine the comparative efficacy
between other available biologics such as alefacept … Future research should be designed to determine whether
there are specific disease or patient factors
November 01, 2017 - It is important to determine whether anti-platelet therapy is effective in reducing cardiovascular events … It is important to determine the most effective therapies for improving functional capacity and for limb
January 01, 2008 - ages and a body mass index (BMI) under 35 will be critical for a report on this
topic in order to determine
January 01, 2022 - research that investigates different drugs, devices, surgeries, and health care delivery arrangements to determine
July 01, 2011 - The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine the
utility of phased testing, followed by full … The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine the
effects of other potential treatments for OSA … • Conclusion: The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine
the utility of phased testing. … The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine
the association between AHI and other clinical … However, the strength of evidence is
insufficient to determine which patients might benefit most from
February 01, 2013 - Likewise, evaluative
measurements to determine the outcomes of
public deliberation differ across formats … Just as the recruitment method will help determine who is involved in the process, so will the
mode … single cases or multiple cases; they compare
selected measures before and after the deliberation to determine
February 01, 2013 - Likewise, evaluative
measurements to determine the outcomes of
public deliberation differ across formats … Just as the recruitment method will help determine who is involved in the process, so will the
mode … single cases or multiple cases; they compare
selected measures before and after the deliberation to determine
September 01, 2012 - Determine potential study designs to address final list of research needs
10. … We then
compiled votes across stakeholders and questions to determine the top tier research needs. … We tallied scores across each criterion to determine an overall score for each question. … Determine potential study designs to address final list of research needs
10. … We then compiled
votes across stakeholders and questions to determine the top tier research needs.