May 01, 2023 - Telehealth care is appropriate for some patients, but more information is necessary to determine the
December 01, 2019 - be valuable for clinicians to understand the potential added utility of this new technology and to determine … We will also determine whether these outcomes differ by the type of strategy used for blood glucose monitoring … Finally, based on the studies available in the literature, we will attempt to determine if there is an … Because insulin regimens may change over time, it may be difficult to determine if the current delivery … If we find substantial heterogeneity, we will attempt to determine potential reasons for this by conducting
December 01, 2019 - in early stages. 9,10 With this rapid growth, there is little time for prospective observation to determine … Potential psychosocial impact may also help determine treatment. … The team will evaluate any additional non-English studies that appear relevant to determine how or if … bias of RCTs by examining outcomes of trials as reported in resources such as ClinicalTrials.gov to determine … Because of the numerous possible harm outcomes, we cannot determine a specific sample size that would
September 01, 2018 - Using AUDIT scores to help determine likelihood of AUD........................................ 10
Exhibit … Conditions at various
sites, as well as characteristics of the service being implemented, will determine … Using AUDIT scores to help determine likelihood of AUD
Offer Evidence-Based Interventions … The scores on the AUDIT are very useful for screening-related assessment, to determine whether
patients … Scores for questions 4-6 are then tallied to determine
whether an AUD is likely.
May 20, 2013 - We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … Unfortunately, there
are insufficient results to determine non-inferiority or
superiority based on … Thus, we sought to demonstrate which was in
evidence and determine if more evidence is needed.
January 01, 2013 - TND-555-09-03-2013
Topic Number(s): 0472
Document Completion Date: 02-13-2013
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
The topic, Behavioral Health Programs for Gestational, Type 1 DM and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, will
go forward for refinement as an update to or expansion of an exis…
October 23, 2012 - It was decided that the
researchers explore the literature to determine whether an
80% cut off point … It was decided that the
researchers explore the literature to determine whether an
80% cut off point … It was decided that the
researchers explore the literature to determine whether an
80% cut off point … We decided to explore the literature
to determine whether an 80% cut off point was appropriate. … are complex, and the text then goes
on to set what seems to be a somewhat different objective, to
May 01, 2013 - We also sought to
determine whether any observed changes in asthma care
processes directly improve … In the absence of national qualitative standards to
determine magnitude of effect in clinical asthma … The
strength of the evidence is insufficient to determine the
effect of feedback and audit interventions … The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine the
effect of multicomponent interventions on … In summary, with only one
study at high risk of bias, there is insufficient evidence to
determine the
June 01, 2021 - reinfection, the duration of the protection, and whether detectable antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 can be used to determine … state of evidence and reconsider value of the key questions/clinical topic on ongoing basis in order to determine … The following key resources will be used to determine the regulatory approval status of immunoassays
August 05, 2010 - alternative diagnostic tools conducted by the
state of Washington in 2007 did not reveal adequate data to determine … Diagnosis: use of the test to determine the presence and type of structural or
functional abnormalities … Patient management or treatment planning: use of the test to determine the
management plan, including
June 01, 2021 - Throughout,
data for quality of life, functional status, and cognitive function were often too limited to
November 20, 2014 - These
clinical decision-support tools are based on research and
evidence, and aid physicians to determine
December 26, 2012 - attributes
o Feedback in real time
o Can be used
at individual patient level
• 3 sets of questions to
November 01, 2017 - Structured Abstract
The question of how to determine when a systematic review needs to
December 01, 2019 - We could not determine the impact of IVC filters on outcomes or the impact of prophylaxis on the nonmajor
January 01, 2022 - pain more and may be quicker than giving additional IV morphine (low SOE, insufficient evidence to determine
May 20, 2013 - Staging is used primarily to
determine appropriate treatment strategies; treatment options for colorectal … Clinicians determine the T, N, and M
components and use them to assign patients into four broad disease … One of the challenges of this systematic review is to
determine how cancer stages can be translated … Staging after treatment (interim staging, or
restaging) is primarily intended to determine if the tumor … diagnosis of a recurrence, staging aims to assess the extent of disease to guide
treatment decisions and determine
December 01, 2019 - Two independent investigators will screen full text articles to determine if all inclusion criteria are … However, if reviews used different tools to assess risk of bias in individual studies, we will determine … We will assess the heterogeneity among clinical, methodological and PICOTS elements to determine the
December 01, 2019 - provide a useful framework for other investigators conducting systematic review of medical tests:
Determine … context of the key question; and (2) studies that do not provide sufficient in formation about context to determine … Including all the technologies to determine if there were clear differences among techniques made clear
February 01, 2018 - can make it difficult for users of
EPC reviews to reach bottom-line conclusions regarding harms or determine … Review of EPC Reports
A workgroup member from the SRC (LS) reviewed 18 EPC reports to determine year … potentially serious harms that are very uncommon; however, they also noted that it
can be difficult to determine … report any prioritization methods used, including how
stakeholders were engaged, criteria used to determine … future researchers to look it over
• Start with the harms, as the type of harm of interested in will determine