
Total Results: 2,245 records

Showing results for "determine".

    November 01, 2020 - Based on stakeholders and context, writers can determine the relative importance of the constructs to
    December 01, 2019 - The Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center performed a systematic review to determine
    December 01, 2019 - The strength of evidence was insufficient to determine the effect of nitrous oxide on route of birth.
    April 01, 2022 - The criteria in Table 1 can be used at any of these points in the review process to determine whether … consideration of the potential for these biases in the body of relevant observational studies will help to determine … and observational studies is the potential for selection bias, which must be carefully considered to determine … It is also useful to determine whether the study authors required patients to be new users of the specific … The presence of outcome reporting bias can be difficult to determine, but may be inferred when important
    January 01, 2020 - We developed a list of ongoing research and funding opportunities to help determine if research needs … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. 16. … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. 16. … Lower Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences.
    February 05, 2025 - To determine study designs of nonrandomized studies, we will use criteria proposed by AHRQ for the classification … For studies without adequate information to determine whether inclusion or exclusion of an abstract … To determine whether quantitative analyses are appropriate, we will assess the contextual, clinical, … Assessing Applicability To provide users of our review with the necessary information to determine
    December 01, 2019 - knowledge to inform future public-reporting efforts, the objectives of this systematic review are: To determine … To determine whether public reporting leads to changes in health care delivery or changes in patients … (PICOTS) for a systematic review is an approach used to generate answerable research questions, to determine … may only measure the change care processes or providers’ behaviors and not have sufficient data to determine … Titles and abstracts of studies identified in the search will be subjected to dual review to determine
    January 26, 2015 - TEP Reviewer 3 Executive Summary: Methods Applicability: The PICOTS framework was used to determine … The fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria used per study to determine subject inclusion are listed in Appendix … It may also be appropriate to point out as a key finding that evidence is largely insufficient to determine … following to the Key Points and Conclusion: The fibromyalgia evidence is largely insufficient to determine … Clinical trials should be considered to determine if the treatment of fibromyalgia would best be approached
    July 01, 2011 - In the absence of a standard method to determine when or how to update any given SR, some organizations … expert opinion 13,14 are helpful sources for efficiently identifying new relevant evidence to determine … In 2008, AHRQ asked the Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center (SCEPC) to determine whether … Specifically, they should determine the extent to which the constituent elements of the key research … For example, value-of-information analysis may determine a benefit for making a decision to update
    June 01, 2010 - The criteria in Table 1 can be used at any of these points in the review process to determine whether … consideration of the potential for these biases in the body of relevant observational studies will help to determine … and observational studies is the potential for selection bias, which must be carefully considered to determine … It is also useful to determine whether the study authors required patients to be new users of the specific … The presence of outcome reporting bias can be difficult to determine, but may be inferred when important
    June 01, 2010 - The criteria in Table 1 can be used at any of these points in the review process to determine whether … consideration of the potential for these biases in the body of relevant observational studies will help to determine … and observational studies is the potential for selection bias, which must be carefully considered to determine … It is also useful to determine whether the study authors required patients to be new users of the specific … The presence of outcome reporting bias can be difficult to determine, but may be inferred when important
    May 01, 2014 - The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based collaborative forum … The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based collaborative forum … Project Objectives The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based … Determine the level of internal and external resources available for this initiative. … Internally, AHRQ should determine to what extent the Web-based CoP will be funded and sponsored by AHRQ
    September 01, 2024 - models that recognized methylation patterns, followed by a pair of machine learning modules (one to determine … Unclear or cannot determine 102 NR NR NR 85 17 NR NR NR 19 22 None 26 30 None 23 27 None 17 20 None … Protein (CEA and CA 19-9) Unclear or cannot determine Serum Unclear or cannot determine 17,991 3,447 … Metabolomics Mass spectrometry Serum Unclear or cannot determine 175 NR 0 NR 145 30 NR NR NR 90 62 None … Unclear Yes Unclear There was no mention of followup of healthy controls to determine whether they remained
    December 01, 2019 - In the absence of a standard method to determine when or how to update any given SR, some organizations … obtaining expert opinion 13,14 are helpful sources for efficiently identifying new relevant evidence to determine … In 2008, AHRQ asked the Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center (SCEPC) to determine whether … Specifically, they should determine the extent to which the constituent elements of the key research … For example, value-of-information analysis may determine a benefit for making a decision to update a
    May 01, 2020 - Observational studies can help determine whether trial populations and interventions are representative … factors affecting the risk of bias, or internal validity, there has been much less empiric data to determine … evidence separately, rather than including it with judgments about risk of bias and other factors to determineDetermine the Most Important Factors that May Affect Applicability Identify potential factors. … Determine the Most Important Factors that May Affect Applicability In order to determine the important
    February 01, 2013 - What is the validity of the tests and measures used to determine intermediate outcomes of PT on OA … What are minimal clinically important differences (MCIDs) of the tests and measures used to determine … Diagnosis—Process and end result of evaluation, organized into categories to help determine prognosis … Reexamination to determine changes in patient status and to modify/redirect intervention based upon … knee OA randomly assigned to either exercise alone or multimodal program and followed over time to determine
    February 01, 2019 - but the study did not present analysis of between-group difference in differences so we could not determine … Therefore, it was difficult to determine whether any changes in outcomes were due to the intervention … only one38 of the eight good- or fair- quality studies reported the ethnicity of its participants) to determine … and other stakeholders are very interested in both health and health care utilization outcomes to determine … (PT and nurse) 6 months (high duration) 1 hour 5 min 5x/week (high intensity) CND = Could Not Determine
    November 01, 2017 - the RTI International--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Evidence-based Practice Center to determine
    December 01, 2019 - Multidetector CT is widely used as the critical imaging test to determine whether, where, and how to … lung cancer (most often non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC)), as accurate N staging is important to determine … If direct comparisons are insufficient to determine comparative accuracy, we will broaden the inclusion … Grading the Strength of Evidence (SOE) for Major Comparisons and Outcomes We will determine the strength
    December 01, 2019 - Methods Guide chapter (if they are of high quality, work with our experts and Task Order Office to determine … abstracts and articles being reviewed by the methods and content leads, and 2) the contact reviewers who determine … developing the report, the content leads in consultation with epidemiologists and biostatisticians will determine

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