June 15, 2010 - www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/�
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: June 15, 2010
determine … may be delay in
publication of negative findings.17 Thus, we will carefully scrutinize studies to determine
November 01, 2013 - • Reporting bias should be cautiously assumed to exist even if authors cannot determine its
direction … It may not be possible to determine whether some or all of these occur within a given study; this
will … which journals may be candidates for handsearches, and with a research
librarian to determine which … Scenario 2—Clear Risk of Reporting Bias
If reviewers determine that an outcome X was planned but the … Scenario 3—Clear Risk of Reporting Bias
If reviewers determine that an outcome X was not planned but
January 01, 2011 - a set of criteria (attributes and levels):
And they use a linear additive value function to determine
November 01, 2017 - Further research is needed to explore additional real-world datasets and simulated data to determine
August 01, 2015 - identified by the updated review:
�� Because of insufficient evidence, high-quality studies are
needed to determine
December 26, 2012 - those with comorbidities)
12: General Conversational Recommendations (3)
• Discuss how to determine
December 01, 2017 - medical
management alone, may improve
asthma control and quality of
life, but evidence is insufficient
to determine
March 10, 2010 - So we
did specifically evaluate this in KQ7 and the reader can use this
information to determine to … We specifically evaluated this in KQ7 and the reader can use this
information to determine to what extent
June 01, 2016 - ��Additional research is needed to determine the
appropriate dosing, timing, and duration of propranolol … However, the
studies were too small to determine factors that might
have affected response to these
May 01, 2006 - levels higher
than recommended in product labels (≤12 g/dL);
however, evidence is insufficient to determine … Numeric changes on QoL instrument scales must
be empirically evaluated to determine whether the
February 01, 2006 - To help patients, policymakers, and clinicians
determine whether these noninvasive tests are
November 13, 2014 - interventions are based on varying theoretical frameworks, and the framework(s)
underpinning an intervention determine … interventions are not mutually exclusive and
can be used simultaneously (e.g., a care management plan may determine … www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published online: November 13, 2014
independently perform full-text screening to determine … We will
assess the clinical and methodological heterogeneity and variation in effect size to
June 06, 2011 - Background and Objectives for the Comparative Effectiveness Review
To determine … we will review titles and abstracts by using our pre-established inclusion/exclusion
criteria to determine … To determine the appropriateness of meta-analysis, we will consider the clinical
and methodological
July 01, 2012 - to inform
future public reporting efforts, the objectives of this
systematic review were:
• To determine … • To determine whether public reporting leads to changes
in health care delivery or changes in patients … is an approach used to generate answerable research
questions, to structure literature searches, to determine … 1,632 articles that were possibly
relevant and were reviewed by two of three reviewers
in order to determine
April 01, 2010 - are
already being used with endorsement by the NQF.3 These NQF measures need further
development to determine … measuring the
rate of occurrence;
• Standardize the key elements of care planning
Determine … how to measure the quality of
• Assess patient understanding;
• Determine key elements … resources, training,
and skills to treat depression
• Develop improved clinical decision tools to
March 01, 2012 - provide
coverage for these tests, and parents or caregivers who
want to know whether these tests can determine … Two reviewers independently screened the search results
(titles and abstracts) to determine if an article … The strength of evidence
is insufficient to determine the test performance of
ANA or CCP to diagnose … Implications
There is insufficient evidence to determine the test
performance of ANA or CCP in children
January 10, 2012 - but may also
affect the genitals, nails, palms, and soles of the feet.
Different parameters determine … These data will also be reviewed to determine
the overall applicability of data per outcome, describing
May 01, 2011 - • Evidence is insufficient to determine whether yoga can
reduce asthma medication use in adults and … Medication use was rarely reported, and evidence was
considered insufficient to determine effectiveness … Key Question 1a
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether patient
characteristics … age 40 and though younger than 40.41
Key Question 1b
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine … Key Question 2b
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether
certification and/or training
October 01, 2015 - • Evidence from three trials was insufficient to determine
effects of BCG versus gemcitabine on risk … MMC Versus Doxorubicin:
• Evidence was insufficient to determine effects of MMC
versus doxorubicin … gemcitabine:
Insufficient Evidence from 3 trials was insufficient to
determine risk of … Evidence was insufficient to
determine effects of non-BCG intravesical
therapies vs. no intravesical … doxorubicin:
Local adverse
Insufficient Evidence was insufficient to determine effects
August 19, 2011 - physiologic and
angiographic assessments of the severity of stenosis, often making it difficult to determine … Fractional flow reserve (FFR), in contrast, is an IVDx technique used to determine the
physiologic significance