February 01, 2025 - Specifically, the SR will 1) determine comparative effectiveness of medical therapies, and 2) determine … We will contact authors of original studies if we determine that additional information is needed. … analyze them together for KQ1 but separately for KQs 2 and 3, as the purpose of these questions is to determine
February 01, 2011 - This
algorithm is used to determine the denominator for diabetic foot ulcer and
LEA prevalence measurements
January 01, 2019 - All differences between the tests at these critical steps are identified and prioritized to determine … Careful scrutiny of this pathway is undertaken to identify critical steps that will determine the effectiveness … cognitive, or behavioral response to the test result and clinical management. 5
The next task is to determine … This flow diagram can be used to determine the type of comparative evidence needed to demonstrate a difference … These differences will determine the effectiveness of the new test and can be used to formulate the research
August 01, 2014 - The major impetus of
undertaking the CER was that a comprehensive review would determine the benefits … For the immunocompromised patient with suspected LRTI/sepsis, does a PCT-guided strategy used to
determine … For ICU patients with pneumonia/sepsis, does a PCT-guided strategy used to determine the
duration of … We
need to determine cut-offs for
these specific populations. … Dual infection PCT levels used to determine viral from bacterial, but need
March 01, 2022 - evidence.
2.7 Updating Strength of Evidence Ratings
One of the anticipated challenges was being able to determine … Following the AHRQ EPC methods
guidance on SOE,11 we could determine if new evidence changed the SOE … evolving literature base.12-16 A
future approach may be to allow the newly identified evidence to determine
December 01, 2019 - Background and Objectives for the Comparative Effectiveness Review
To determine the effectiveness … searches, we will review titles and abstracts by using our pre-established inclusion/exclusion criteria to determine … To determine the appropriateness of meta-analysis, we will consider the clinical and methodological diversity
November 01, 2017 - It is also important to determine the cost-effectiveness of hospitalization vs. alternatives to hospitalization … appropriate length of stay to adequately address the acute inpatient needs of an individual is difficult to determine
November 01, 2013 - Sometimes EPCs may determine a priori (in protocols) that, even if a study might have met other
inclusion … To determine which groups of studies to include in the domain score and the final strength of
evidence … Thus, EPCs may not be able to determine a meaningful
threshold across scales with different measurement … These four
types of outcomes may overlap to some degree; however, EPCs should determine the outcome … With these types of nontherapeutic
intervention questions, the challenge to EPCs is to determine the
December 01, 2017 - Patient-reported outcomes are more common,
reported in 63 percent of studies, as are data to determine … Expectant Management
We did not identify any studies intentionally designed
to determine outcomes of … Evidence is insufficient to determine if myomectomy
meaningfully improves bleeding patterns or anemia … Because of low power to detect
differences, the evidence is insufficient to determine
if pregnancy … and does baseline BMI determine results?
April 01, 2016 - impressions of rapid products, and (3) determine where/when/how end-users might use rapid
review … Determine what makes end-users trust and value an evidence synthesis, including (but
not limited to) … Determine end-user impressions of different rapid products with a focus on acceptability
and usability … Determine their impressions with respect to:
strengths and limitations, trade-offs (what approaches … Determine their impressions with respect to: strengths and
limitations, trade-offs (what pieces or
August 09, 2013 - This review concerns imaging tests to identify and diagnose suspected pancreatic cancer and
to determine … The best way to determine
the accuracy of an imaging test is to compare its interpretation to a gold … For such primary studies, we will consult with the Technical Expert
Panel (TEP) to determine suitable … complications
would be measured, reporting the occurrence of a procedure-related harm and the ability
to determine
March 13, 2012 - Determine the state of the current research for the following information on
available studies (see … • Was a reclassification analysis performed (to determine if the GEP test results
provide new (additional
March 01, 2020 - To determine predictors of adherence with SMBP monitoring.
June 01, 2021 - Disease Characteristics
More research is needed to determine effective treatments for low back pain … The evidence is insufficient to determine the efficacy of some pharmacological treatments (e.g., pregabalin … The evidence is insufficient to determine the efficacy of some noninvasive nonpharmacological treatments
December 01, 2019 - goal of this project was to evaluate the utility of CT.gov for detecting selective reporting, and to determine
October 01, 2019 - Skip to main content
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November 07, 2019 - applied in various circumstances.22
Using the terminology of the realist approach, reviewers seek to determine … For studies
without adequate information to determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the full … To determine whether
quantitative analyses are appropriate, we will assess the clinical and methodological
February 26, 2013 - In this respect further
studies are needed to determine the value of FFR for a
decision-making. … Page 10 line 34: “Whether a stent was successfully placed”–
she better be stated as it is difficult to determine … as
pointed out in the review, with quickly evolving technologies,
additional study is necessary to determine … underestimates a lesion, FFR is discovers the lesion is
significant but then IVUS may be needed to determine … Similar to the value that FFR provides
in clinical decision making to determine which lesions require
December 01, 2019 - CI) of a difference is within the boundaries of 0.80 to 1.20 (on the odds ratio [OR] scale), will we determine … To determine that there is evidence of a clinically important difference, the 95% CI of the difference … Alternatively, to determine that there is evidence of no clinically important difference, the 95% CI … Based on these, we will, in group discussion among the whole research team, determine the strength of
August 01, 2020 - • We found little information to determine whether interventions are equally
appropriate for or have … While the literature was highly diverse, we found little information to determine
whether interventions