
Total Results: 2,245 records

Showing results for "determine".

    September 02, 2011 - The purpose of hormonal stimulation testing is to determine if viable testicular tissue is present. … Imaging is used to determine whether there is in fact a testis and to locate it. … presenting with other conditions, such as infertility or testicular cancer, that work backwards to determine … Data Extraction and Data Management Determine Outcomes To Extract Specific outcomes to extract
    January 01, 2009 - What approaches would help determine the intangible effects on patients with urinary calculi?
    February 01, 2013 - Despite these efforts, we identified little detail or consistency in the frameworks used to determine … It is not only important to identify research gaps but also to determine how the evidence falls short … Future research could determine if a decision system, like a hierarchy, could be established to aid … This will determine the level of granularity needed for the characterization of the research gaps. … and quality (strength) of evidence to determine the potential research gaps.
    January 01, 2020 - Structured Abstract Objective To determine the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of multidisciplinary
    March 01, 2025 - The evidence was insufficient to determine an association between carbohydrate intake and weight or body … The evidence was insufficient to determine an association between carbohydrate intake and weight or body
    December 01, 2019 - This framework is intended to help FRN project teams consistently apply criteria to determine which study
    September 01, 2024 - the literature on HCBS include lack of randomized trials, inadequate descriptions of interventions to determine
    January 01, 2015 - 3) do they suggest any change in the criteria we use to determine whether an intervention is effective … Two members from the team will independently assess each citation to determine whether it meets inclusion … We will also sort studies into intervention and outcome categories to determine whether any meta-analysis
    January 01, 2009 - Mittman_Respondent_Ebell 2   Source:    Eisenberg  Center  Conference  Series  2009,  Translating  Information  Into  Action:  Improving  Quality  of   Care  Through  Interactive  Media,  Effective  Health  Care  Program  Web  site   (http://www.effectivehealthcare.…
    December 01, 2019 - The ultimate purpose of this evaluation is to help patients, policymakers, and clinicians determine when
    August 15, 2011 - The study must provide sufficient information about the treatments for one to determine that the data … This definition aids interpretation in two main ways: 1) to determine whether a statistically significant … difference is clearly clinically significant, and 2) to determine whether a statistically nonsignificant … it is not clear how studies will report this outcome, and we may need to consult with the TEP to determine … Heterogeneity measures will be used to determine whether a meta-regression will be attempted.
    September 03, 2019 - It is also difficult to determine when the pooled effect crosses 1.0, especially on the confidence … Methods Can the reviewers add methodology around the exclusion of studies from meta analysis to determine … Using positive results to determine which outcomes to grade could potentially introduce some bias into … Among this group of patients, however, it would be important to determine which specific aspects of … We agree with the reviewer’s comments that screening, appropriate work-up to determine the underlying
    January 01, 2009 - What tests and measures have been used to determine outcomes (e.g., for strength – manual muscle test
    January 01, 2011 - has been part of the screening process for appropriate preoperative care and patient selection to determine
    June 01, 2015 - • There was insufficient evidence from one cohort study with serious methodological limitations to determine … • There was insufficient evidence to determine effects of AC versus no AC on risk of locoregional … adjuvant versus neoadjuvant gemcitabine plus cisplatin, which had methodological shortcomings, to determine … insufficient evidence from four studies of bladder-sparing therapies versus radical cystectomy to determine … Adjuvant chemotherapy: recurrence Insufficient There was insufficient evidence to determine effects
    August 01, 2012 - No studies compared the use of the SFLC assay with traditional tests to determine whether the use of … No studies compared the use of the SFLC assay with traditional tests to determine whether treatment … However, it was not possible to determine whether SFLC testing is superior to traditional 10 testing … No studies compared the use of the SFLC assay with traditional tests to determine whether treatment … Conclusions We did not find sufficient evidence to determine whether the addition of the SFLC assay
    December 01, 2024 - Of these, 23 analyzed 9 brief assessment tools that determine whether a child should be further evaluated … non-white, low socioeconomic status children, and of sufficient size to allow subgroup analyses to determine
    January 27, 2012 - Two members of the team independently reviewed each full-text article to determine eligibility. … Evidence for many potential adverse events was insufficient to determine whether the risk was increased … We found insufficient direct evidence to determine whether medications are efficacious for improving … Additional studies could be conducted to determine whether precautions about suicide, suicidal thoughts … Evidence was generally insufficient to determine comparative effectiveness of acamprosate and naltrexone
    July 01, 2012 - Systematic reviews that attempt to determine the utility of a medical test are similar to other types … also the potential for random error, applicability, and adequacy of reporting.3 The challenge is to determine … Knowledge of the index test will determine which relatives are reported to have the disease status. … UNCLEAR: Insufficient information to determine whether partial verification was present.
    January 01, 2012 - This is very difficult to determine but one might, in the case of endometriosis for example, remove … endometriosis lesions and determine if pain is diminished before employing an intervention. … report notes that a frequently diagnosed etiology is endometriosis, the authors never explain how they determine … report’s Methods section, if the focus of a study was endometriosis, we examined the publication to determine … Peer Reviewer #3 General The report is excellent and much needed info to determine where we need to

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