January 01, 2009 - Other Applicability Resources
Many readily available sources of information can help determine applicability … Effect modifiers are cofactors that determine the extent to which an intervention results in an outcome … Determine and Report the
Most Important Factors in PICOS Format
Identify most important applicability … Determine and Report the Most Important Factors in PICOS Format
In Step 1, first identify conditions … The researcher should determine if this regimen is reflective of current practice.
September 01, 2015 - We sought to determine the predictive validity of the U.S. … To determine the
predictive validity, we used the Hosmer-Lemeshow test to assess calibration and the … Thus, we used these estimates as “gold standards” to
determine the predictive validity. … To determine the predictive validity, we compared the expected proportion of stable effect
estimates … In our study, calibration is the ability
to determine the likelihood that estimates remain stable.
April 03, 2014 - It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
December 17, 2013 - ranging in direct costs
from about $115 for ultrasound to $1114 for PET-CT,9, 10 increasing the need to determine … evaluate whether certain imaging technologies may be more suitable for some
subpopulations and attempt to determine … We will also seek input from Key Informants to determine
whether some imaging technologies may be more … Input from Key Informants will
also be sought to determine safety issues that may be associated with … For abstracts without adequate information to
determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the
August 01, 2023 - We found little information to determine whether interventions are equally appropriate for or have been
December 03, 2019 - The question format allows the reader to determine the
exact guidelines that are addressed. … The grading system for the evidence appeared
to lack clarity-the specific tool used to determine the
December 01, 2019 - ranging in direct costs from about $115 for ultrasound to $1114 for PET-CT, 9,10 increasing the need to determine … evaluate whether certain imaging technologies may be more suitable for some subpopulations and attempt to determine … We will also seek input from Key Informants to determine whether some imaging technologies may be more … Input from Key Informants will also be sought to determine safety issues that may be associated with … For abstracts without adequate information to determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the
November 01, 2016 - Disease Characteristics:
�� More research is needed to determine effective
treatments for low back … antidepressants were funded by the
manufacturers of the drugs.
�� The evidence is insufficient to determine … topical capsaicin, topical lidocaine) for any
type of low back pain.
�� The evidence is insufficient to determine
December 01, 2019 - The purpose of hormonal stimulation testing is to determine if viable testicular tissue is present. … Imaging is used to determine whether there is in fact a testis and to locate it. … presenting with other conditions, such as infertility or testicular cancer, that work backwards to determine … Data Extraction and Data Management
Determine Outcomes To Extract
Specific outcomes to extract have
September 23, 2014 - find inconsistent effects for
several comparisons, but studies did not report
enough information to determine … this 2014 position
statement on what the radiologist should be
reporting about the images taken to determine … These clinical decision-support tools
are based on research and evidence, and aid physicians to determine … The purpose of this report
was to compare the performance of different
imaging tests to determine whether … if screening HRIs for
pancreatic cancer was appropriate or effective, but rather to determine
February 02, 2022 - Two independent investigators will
perform full-text screening to determine if inclusion criteria are
April 01, 2007 - created for one or
more of the following purposes: to describe the
natural history of disease, to determine … It is
important to determine which elements are absolutely
necessary and which are desirable but not … status of its developer, and the extent to which
registry data are individually identifiable largely
October 01, 2007 - Research Design: PBE-CPI incorporates natural variation within
data from routine clinical practice to determine … How-
ever, if these data are not obtained using participant random-
ization, it can be difficult to determine … Implement and evaluate findings from step 5 to determine
whether the new or modified interventions replicate … This view is critical to determine com-
parative effectiveness of treatment alternatives. … PBE-CPI stud-
ies work with front-line clinicians to determine variables
to collect that either are present
September 17, 2020 - How fast the cancer grows and how different it is from surrounding tissue helps determine the stage.
January 01, 2020 - Structured Abstract
To determine the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of multidisciplinary
January 01, 2010 - The
Skoner article’s objective is to determine a safe and effective
maintenance dose, by comparing … In our review, we used raw data included in the
papers to determine the percent change in outcomes in … scores, and this data was not available in the paper for
rhinoconjunctivitis scores so we could not determine … page 10 of the report) That is one number in one review, other
reviews find different numbers to determine … powered to assess specific subgroups.
24 Peer Reviewer
Results The real problem now is to determine
August 01, 2016 - üü Evidence from randomized controlled trials was insufficient to
determine the effectiveness of AUD … drinks per drinking day 2 521 Reduced by topiramate ���
Other drugsb The evidence is insufficient to determine
September 01, 2019 - An institutional certification model could be used to determine whether data could be donated and under … An oversight committee could be formed to review donated databases and determine which to accept based … Discussion focused on how to determine if the informed consent was sufficient. … The repository would need to determine if the data were still valuable and should be included, even with … An institutional certification process could be used to determine if the informed consents are sufficient
February 01, 2013 - Despite these efforts, we identified little detail or consistency in the frameworks used to
determine … It is not only important to identify research gaps but also to determine how the evidence falls
short … Future research could determine if a decision
system, like a hierarchy, could be established to aid … This will determine the level of granularity needed for the characterization of the research
gaps. … and quality (strength)
of evidence to determine the potential research gaps.
December 01, 2022 - Two independent investigators will perform full-text screening to determine if inclusion criteria are