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    October 01, 2022 - The evidence was insufficient to determine whether either maternal or child participation was associated … Child Anthropometric Status or Growth The evidence was insufficient to determine whether child WIC … The evidence was insufficient to determine whether maternal or child WIC participation was associated … The evidence was insufficient to determine whether child WIC participation was associated with fruit … The evidence was insufficient to determine whether child WIC participation was associated with cognitive
    December 01, 2019 - 33.3%) EPCs and 3 (8.1%) of the other organizations reported currently using an explicit framework to determine … We did not identify one framework that captured all elements needed to determine and characterize research … It is also important to classify the reason(s) for the gap to help determine how to address the gap. … Further testing should determine if these challenges are ameliorated if the framework is used during … This explicit identification of research gaps will help determine the type of research needed to address
    April 01, 2022 - • The evidence was insufficient to determine whether maternal WIC participation was associated with … page 2) 2 Infant and Child Health Outcomes (continued) • The evidence was insufficient to determine … Child Anthropometric Status or Growth • The evidence was insufficient to determine whether child WIC … introduction of solid foods before 4 months of age (SOE: Low). • The evidence was insufficient to determine … • The evidence was insufficient to determine whether child WIC participation was associated with fruit
    January 07, 2014 - pharmacotherapy treatment options, and patient characteristics or test results that can be used to determine … that can be used to determine … What are the patient characteristics or test results that can be used to determine the optimal pharmacotherapy … What are the necessary tests to determine if a patient with a predominant complaint of nocturia has … Should these tests be required or recommended to determine if BPH is the cause of LUTS before treatment
    February 01, 2019 - health care system–based programs and policies aimed at supporting and promoting breastfeeding, and to determine … health care system–based programs and policies aimed at supporting and promoting breastfeeding and determine … improved maternal health outcomes are supported by evidence from observational studies, which cannot determine
    January 01, 2015 - Determine the overall role of surgery. … Determine the overall role of surgery. 14. … Determine patient dissatisfaction with care. … Determine the overall role of surgery. … Determine the optimal timing of surgical intervention b.
    October 01, 2019 - With this objective in mind, we had two Aims for this project: • Aim 1: Determine the sources of flat … file data that were recently submitted by EPCs to SRDR; and • Aim 2: Determine and pilot an approach … Aim 1: Determine the Sources of Flat File Data That Were Recently Submitted by EPCs to SRDR Sample … Evaluation of projects uploaded to SRDR will also need to determine if facilitating importing of data … Conclusions In summary, in Aim 1, we surveyed Project Leads of recent EPC projects to determine what
    December 01, 2019 - The types of genetic tests discussed are those used to (1) determine risk or susceptibility in asymptomatic … We reflect on genetic tests used to (1) determine risk or susceptibility in asymptomatic individuals … Sufficient data to determine precise estimates of penetrance are sometimes lacking. 4–5 This can be … Principle 7: Determine the added value of the genetic test over existing risk assessment approaches … Additional considerations arise when evaluating genetic test results used to determine susceptibility
    January 01, 2019 - In Step 3, the details of the systematic review are examined to determine the extent to which it has … practical method which can be used by clinical researchers who are not experts in systematic reviews to determine … Further research needs to determine how useful and practical this proposed framework is for researchers
    August 01, 2019 - Purpose of Review To determine optimal doses, routes of administration, and dosing strategies of naloxone … More research is needed to determine optimal doses of naloxone, appropriate timing of repeat dosing, … More research is needed to determine whether transporting patients to a hospital after successful reversal … two observational studies evaluated intravenous (IV) versus IN naloxone, evidence was insufficient to determine
    December 01, 2019 - This systematic review sought to determine the comparative accuracy and possible harms of various methods … Evidence is insufficient to determine the comparative accuracy of different types of algorithms. … The SOE is also insufficient to determine the accuracy of diagnostic tests in specific populations, including … Patients without GI symptoms : There is insufficient evidence to determine the comparative accuracy of … Evidence was also insufficient to determine the impact of indirect adverse consequences of diagnostic
    December 01, 2019 - Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies were used to determine the benefits of … controlled trials, cohort studies, case-controlled studies, and observational studies were reviewed to determine … Further research is needed to determine if screening and/or treating subclinical thyroid dysfunction
    July 01, 2012 - The types of genetic tests discussed are those used to (1) determine risk or susceptibility in asymptomatic … We reflect on genetic tests used to (1) determine risk or susceptibility in asymptomatic individuals … Sufficient data to determine precise estimates of penetrance are sometimes lacking.4–5 This can be due … Principle 7: Determine the added value of the genetic test over existing risk assessment approaches. … In order to determine whether tests for VKORC1 and CYP2C9 have clinical utility, studies would need
    December 01, 2019 - Evidence was insufficient to determine whether previous depression or a history of child abuse or baseline … Evidence was insufficient to determine the effect of timing, intensity, or dosing on the effectiveness … Evidence was insufficient to determine whether any treatment approaches were more effective for victims
    February 01, 2016 - Evidence was too inconsistent to determine effects of opioids versus NSAIDs (Table D). … 5 RCTs Insufficient Unable to determine 5 RCTs Insufficient NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory … NSAID, chronic LBP Insufficient There was insufficient evidence from 1 trial to determine effects of … EMS: Adverse events Insufficient There was insufficient evidence to determine harms of EMS. … More research is needed to determine effective treatments for low back pain with radicular symptoms
    December 01, 2019 - data, we can neither use insurance status to categorize individuals entering Medicare, nor accurately determine … aimed at appropriate use, further research should examine usage over longer time periods and seek to determine … However, there is no simple way to determine whether there is a change in the percentage of persons with … Monitoring trends in disability and program enrollment will be necessary to determine the impact of State
    July 01, 2016 - Evidence is insufficient to determine the comparative accuracy of different types of algorithms. … The SOE is also insufficient to determine the accuracy of diagnostic tests in specific populations, … people with celiac disease than in the general population, measuring total IgA should be considered to determine … This systematic review sought to determine the comparative accuracy and possible harms of various methods … The strength of evidence was insufficient to determine the comparative accuracy of the different algorithms
    April 01, 2013 - Evidence was insufficient to determine whether 8 Table B. … Overall, evidence was insufficient to determine whether combinations of psychological treatments and … Adverse Effects of Treatments Overall, evidence was insufficient to determine comparative rates of … Findings were insufficient to determine whether the risks of other adverse events are increased. … for victims of particular types of trauma or to determine comparative risks of adverse effects.
    July 01, 2020 - Additional research is needed to determine effect of certification on community health worker service … The objectives were to (1) determine the effects of certification on CHW recruitment, retention, scope … Further research is needed to determine if certification is linked to improved outcomes for people with
    September 01, 2020 - Purpose of Report To determine if the consistency of data extraction improves after creating explicit … Future studies with a larger cadre of LHS participants should help determine the most important criteria

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