
Total Results: 154 records

Showing results for "determine".

    January 01, 2019 - Determine the most optimal method for integrating the CDS artifacts. 4. … Future implementers may want to evaluate the NCQA value set prior to using it in order to determine … The CDS Connect team worked with b.well to determine how to handle each data element that required a … The project team recommended that b.well perform additional analysis and/or reporting to determine if … The data included the number of end users with sufficient data available to determine inclusion, the
    September 01, 2019 - Determine the most optimal method for integrating the CDS artifacts. 4. … Future implementers may want to evaluate the NCQA value set prior to using it in order to determine … The CDS Connect team worked with b.well to determine how to handle each data element that required a … The project team recommended that b.well perform additional analysis and/or reporting to determine if … The data included the number of end users with sufficient data available to determine inclusion, the
    September 01, 2019 - Determine the most optimal method for integrating the CDS artifacts. 4. … Future implementers may want to evaluate the NCQA value set prior to using it in order to determine … The CDS Connect team worked with b.well to determine how to handle each data element that required a … The project team recommended that b.well perform additional analysis and/or reporting to determine if … The data included the number of end users with sufficient data available to determine inclusion, the
    September 01, 2019 - Determine the most optimal method for integrating the CDS artifacts. 4. … Future implementers may want to evaluate the NCQA value set prior to using it in order to determine … The CDS Connect team worked with b.well to determine how to handle each data element that required a … The project team recommended that b.well perform additional analysis and/or reporting to determine if … The data included the number of end users with sufficient data available to determine inclusion, the
    January 01, 2020 - When the record is opened in the EHR, the CDS logic described herein executes to determine whether … of the outreach as well as specific CVD outcomes are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … Future implementers should determine if the ACC/AHA pooled cohort equation is implemented in their health … Breastfeeding Observation X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … attributes are present HDL I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    September 01, 2022 - The CDS logic is extended and run as a modified report to determine what care gaps exist (e.g., overdue … The CDS logic of this artifact could be extended and run as a modified report to determine what red … Determine whether the patient is within the inclusion criteria (greater than [>] or equal to [=] 18 … Suggested Action: Determine next followup appointment. … This information informs the care team while they determine the most appropriate actions and plan of
    September 01, 2021 - Once identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method to notify the patients, as … Fasting plasma glucose test I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (BMI) I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (HbA1c) I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … weeks) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    October 01, 2017 - Grade C recommendations reflect a Moderate LOC, meaning available evidence is sufficient to determine … When the record is opened in the EHR, the CDS logic described herein executes to determine whether to … statin if the patient was on a high intensity statin because it would be too hard to create logic to determine … Cholesterol Management Work Group physicians felt that providers (versus CDS exclusion logic) should determine … Cholesterol Management Work Group physicians felt that providers (versus CDS exclusion logic) should determine
    January 01, 2021 - (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1032.96) and "Dependence on renal dialysis" (ICD-10 Z99.2) conditions to determine
    September 01, 2021 - Once identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method to notify the patients, as … of individuals who receive the blood glucose test are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … (#1) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … HbA1c) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … weeks) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    January 01, 2022 - Once the patient(s) have been identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method of … individuals who receive the blood glucose test, are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … It allows the patient and their primary healthcare clinician to determine together the most appropriate … within the last 42 weeks) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (BMI) I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    September 01, 2022 - Once the patient(s) have been identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method of … individuals who receive the blood glucose test, are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … It allows the patient and their primary healthcare clinician to determine together the most appropriate … within the last 42 weeks) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (BMI) I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    January 01, 2023 - Once the patient(s) have been identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method of … individuals who receive the blood glucose test, are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … within the last 42 weeks) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (BMI) I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … (#1) X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectiveInstant, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    April 01, 2021 - Once identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method to notify patients, as well … To determine the impact of the interventions, data about the number of appointments scheduled because … decision-making process.8 It allows the patient and their primary healthcare clinician to together determine … Future implementers should determine if the ACC/AHA pooled cohort equation is implemented in their health … Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, effectiveInstant (R4 only), or issued (to determine
    September 01, 2019 - Once identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method to notify the patients, as … of the outreach as well as specific CVD outcomes are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … Fasting plasma glucose test I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … dL' or 'mmol/L' units HDL I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine … units Waist circumference I Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    September 01, 2019 - Once identified, the implementer should determine the appropriate method to notify patients, as well … of the outreach as well as specific CVD outcomes are collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis to determine … to the decision-making process.10 It allows the patient and their primary healthcare clinician to determine … Future implementers should determine if the ACC/AHA pooled cohort equation is implemented in their health … Breastfeeding Observation X Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, or issued (to determine
    January 01, 2020 - non-opioid analgesics was used to illustrate this “crowd steward” approach: One contributor might determine
    May 01, 2020 - The CDS logic is extended and 12 run as a modified report to determine what care gaps exist (e.g … The CDS logic of this artifact could be extended and run as a modified report to determine what red … Suggested Action: Determine next follow-up appointment. … This information informs the care team while they determine the most appropriate actions and plan of … Implementers should work with their EHR vendor to determine the steps necessary to register and integrate
    December 01, 2018 - The CDS logic is extended and run as a modified report to determine what care gaps exist (e.g., overdue … The CDS logic of this artifact could be extended and run as a modified report to determine what red … Suggested Action: Determine next follow-up appointment. … This information informs the care team while they determine the most appropriate actions and plan of … Implementers should work with their EHR vendor to determine the steps necessary to register and integrate
    April 01, 2021 - Alpha, a scheduled patient, is opened in the EHR, the CDS logic described herein executes to determine … To determine the impact of the interventions data about the number of appointments scheduled because … Future implementers should determine if the ACC/AHA pooled cohort equation is implemented in their health … Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, effectiveInstant (R4 only), or issued (to determine … Observation code effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, effectiveInstant (R4 only), or issued (to determine

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