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Showing results for "decide".

    September 01, 2020 - Decide together on the best option and arrange for a followup appointment. … Where can I find more information to help me decide? … Return to Contents Slide 47: Step 4—Reach a decision with your patient Slide Content : Decide … Would you like some more time, or are you ready to decide?" … Decide together on the best option and arrange for a followup appointment.
    December 26, 2018 - Reporting Environment • Find Potential Partners • Identify the Subject • Choose Quality Measures • Decide … 11 Plan Your Reporting Project: Decide … Role Key Points • There are several ways to produce and disseminate quality reports, and you must decide … Questions and Tasks Do you have enough information to help you decide your role in producing and disseminating … Identify the Subject Plan Your Reporting Project: Choose Quality Measures Plan Your Reporting Project: Decide
    April 01, 2011 - Recognize challenges in changing staff behavior 16 Set aims to improve discharge planning 17 Step 2: Decide … on how to implement the IDEAL Discharge Planning strategy 18 Decide on how to adapt the IDEAL Discharge … at your hospital: Decide on how to use and adapt the IDEAL Discharge Planning process.  … Once this tool is adapted, decide who will review it and what approvals are needed. … Decide who will conduct the training.
    December 15, 2014 - Finally, you will decide how to begin to pilot the reports in at least one unit. … For the two exercises, the change team is attempting to decide which electronic reports provided by … Once they decide, the team determines if they will use the reports at existing meetings or a new meeting … He/she also allowed the team to decide which reports would be implemented and how. … Decide which meetings and which On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention Reports you want to pilot. 2.
    July 01, 2018 - To help you decide which data collection method is most appropriate for your hospital, consider the … Decide Whether To Use Survey Identifiers You need to decide whether you will use individual survey identifiers … Paper Surveys In this chapter, we present information to help you decide how your paper surveys will … Decide on the number of questions on each Web page. … Decide Whether To Use Survey Identifiers Decide Whether To Use an Outside Vendor Plan Your Project
    October 01, 2014 - A State must decide which populations to target and how to identify and stratify members for enrollment … Selecting Included Populations When designing a care management program, a State must decide which … States do not want to provide similar services to the same population, so programs might decide to cover
    October 01, 2017 - Meet with the Team Leader(s) prior to the day of training to decide how the team will operate. … Alert the Implementation Team Leader to be ready to discuss and decide who will oversee administering
    August 23, 2018 - What are some reasons you decide work in a small practice rather than a large health center or medical … PROBE: Why did you decide to work on this particular change? What else have you worked on? 4.
    September 01, 2016 - use shared decision making, we increase our patients’ comfort level with their care plan because we decide
    July 01, 2017 - Finally, you will decide how to begin to pilot the reports on at least one unit. … Facilitator and Change Team in determining which On-Time Reports and meetings the Change Team will decide … The intent of this meeting is to give the Change Team an opportunity to decide which On-Time Preventable … Once they decide, the team will determine if they have existing meetings that meet their needs or if
    July 06, 2017 - Finally, you will decide how to begin to pilot the reports on at least one unit. … Facilitator and Change Team in determining which On-Time Reports and meetings the Change Team will decide … The intent of this meeting is to give the Change Team an opportunity to decide which On-Time Preventable … Once they decide, the team will determine if they have existing meetings that meet their needs or
    May 01, 2017 - Monitoring AHRQ Safety Program for Perinatal Care Electronic Fetal Monitoring 8 SAY: A unit can decide … Each unit can decide its approach to reviewing cases of severe maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality … Sites can also decide how often and how much information learned from debriefings or formal analysis … Care Electronic Fetal Monitoring 12 SAY: The next steps for your unit include the following: Decide
    September 01, 2019 - intended readers—particularly their health-care-related knowledge, experience, and beliefs—to help decide
    June 01, 2021 - • Dark, foul-smelling, and cloudy urine are not enough to decide if someone has a UTI.
    August 01, 2014 - Shared Decision Making Into Practice 12 Slide 24 SAY: First, decide … you have identified one or two conditions to start with, your implementation planning team needs to decideDecide who will be involved and what their roles will be. … Whatever you decide, you need a standard operating procedure to use, so that everyone involved knows … If you decide to use video or computer- based decision aids, you may need to set up a video player and
    July 01, 2005 - Step 5: Decide on a treatment plan. ................................................................. … In most cases, you will have time to carefully examine your options and decide what is best for you. … Step 5: Decide on a treatment plan. … Work with your doctor to decide on a treatment plan that best meets your needs. … Bob, person with a neurological disorder Once you and your doctor decide on one or more treatments
    November 30, 2010 - center), HHSA290-05-0036 (RTI International DEcIDE), and HHSA290-05-0038 (University of Illinois at … Chicago DEcIDE center) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. … Schumock, PharmD, MBA (Chicago-area DEcIDE center Principal Investigator); Daniel R. … Matchar, MD (Duke University DEcIDE center Principal Investigator); Rowena J. … Lohr, PhD (RTI International DEcIDE center Principal Investigator); Linda J.
    October 01, 2014 - If they decide not to provide a particular service perhaps because the patient has declined to receive
    June 01, 2021 - After talking with your team, you decide to collect data on the following information: To evaluate baseline … monitoring for drug-drug interactions, you decide to count the number of antibiotic courses started … how often covering clinicians start antibiotics, and how often regular clinicians are notified, you decide … You decide to develop an intervention in which the dispensing pharmacist sends an alert via an email … You might decide to share the results in newsletters, meetings, posters, emails, or social media.
    March 01, 2024 - The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness) Research Network gathers new

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