February 26, 2025 - situation that they do look at them, they virtually never have an explicit, transparent, risk-based way to decide … calls and near misses because they realize that's a way to identify vulnerabilities and thoughtfully decide … If you decide on the latter, then that's what you should do.
January 07, 2015 - February 22, 2017
When do supervising physicians decide to entrust residents with unsupervised
February 19, 2010 - March 1, 2011
When do supervising physicians decide to entrust residents with unsupervised
March 06, 2013 - March 6, 2013
When do supervising physicians decide to entrust residents with unsupervised
February 23, 2011 - May 3, 2023
When do supervising physicians decide to entrust residents with unsupervised
October 02, 2013 - Resources From the Same Author(s)
How much diagnostic safety can we afford, and how should we decide
July 10, 2008 - June 18, 2014
How much diagnostic safety can we afford, and how should we decide?
November 01, 2018 - Supervisors must be in control but trust learners to contribute to patient care
Supervisors must decide … extremely uncomfortable
Learner autonomy should have been respected—the intern should have been able to decide
September 01, 2004 - baseline life expectancy
is greater than that of the untreated condition, the physician then needs to decide … procedure and/or the disease-specific treatment would result in excess morbidity and mortaility (ie, decide
October 03, 2012 - March 6, 2013
When do supervising physicians decide to entrust residents with unsupervised
September 08, 2010 - Related Resources From the Same Author(s)
When do supervising physicians decide
December 15, 2010 - April 17, 2019
How much diagnostic safety can we afford, and how should we decide?
March 15, 2016 - baseline life expectancy is greater than that of the untreated condition, the physician then needs to decide … procedure and/or the disease-specific treatment would result in excess morbidity and mortaility (ie, decide
May 01, 2016 - The team should also then decide if that alarm will be transmitted to a secondary device such as a
pager … required.(6,13) For example,
for a patient with COPD whose normal baseline SpO2 is 88%, a clinician may decide
April 08, 2019 - The next step in accurate reconciliation is to verify key information and decide if it should be added … and medical problems, most organizations require that a health care provider review each entry and decide … look at this information, convert one concept to another, make sure that it's the right John Smith, or decide
January 09, 2019 - The accuracy of medical dispatch—a systematic review.
January 9, 2019
Bohm K, Kurland L. The accuracy of medical dispatch - a systematic review. Scand J Trauma Resusc
Emerg Med. 2018;26(1):94. doi:10.1186/s13049-018-0528-8.
Medical dispatch i…
August 13, 2014 - Feds stop public disclosure of many serious hospital
August 13, 2014
O'Donnell J.
This newspaper article reports on changes to publicly reported data on the Hospital Compare Web site.
Several avoidable hospital-acquired …
October 01, 2015 - The next step in accurate reconciliation is to verify key information and decide if it should be added … and medical problems, most
organizations require that a health care provider review each entry and decide … at this
information, convert one concept to another, make sure that it's the right John Smith, or decide
August 05, 2009 - Seeking a safer surgery: some states crack down on
doctors who perform unregulated outpatient procedures.
August 5, 2009
Landro L.
This article discusses growing legal oversight on outpatient surg…
February 01, 2018 - PowerPoint Presentation
Signout Fallout
Source and Credits
This presentation is based on the February 2018
AHRQ WebM&M Spotlight Case
See the full article at https://psnet.ahrq.gov/webmm
CME credit is available
Commentary by: Amy J. Starmer, MD, MPH, and Christopher P. Landrigan, MD, MPH, Harvard M…