
Total Results: 791 records

Showing results for "decide".

    November 01, 2017 - Perhaps more importantly, a knowledge base will help providers and policymakers decide whether and how … Perhaps more importantly, a knowledge base will help providers and policymakers decide whether and how
  2. Brooks_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - . • Men  should learn  about  prostate cancer and testing,  then  decide if testing  is
    November 01, 2018 - In June 2011, the Effective Health Care Program, through the DEcIDE
    September 01, 2014 - But to decide whether something helps or not (or works better than something else), researchers need … health care or education professionals, your family, and other people that you trust may help you decide
    July 01, 2019 - detail • Statistical heterogeneity is assessed by conducting a preliminary meta-analysis.9 ► Then decide
    January 25, 2011 - Philadelphia, PA 2 University of Pennsylvania Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE … and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 4 Acumen LLC DEcIDE … Data Points #8 (prepared by the University of Pennsylvania DEcIDE Center under contract no.
    February 01, 2009 - PHARMACO-EPIDEMIOLOGIC METHODS FOR A STUDY OF The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions … The DEcIDE network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … This report is based on research conducted by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital DEcIDE (Developing Evidence … (Prepared by Brigham and Women’s Hospital DEcIDE Center under Contract No. 29020050016.
    May 01, 2008 - May 2008 Research from the Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE) Network … The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness) network is part of … The DEcIDE network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … (Prepared by University of Maryland at Baltimore DEcIDE Center Under Contract No. … Report to AHRQ DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions and Effectiveness) Network.
    August 01, 2019 - The physician explains the results of the trial to the parents and the child, and together they decide … They decide to conduct a study in which each participant will be enrolled and offered his/her own n-of … Citation Punja S, Eslick I, Duan N, Vohra S, the DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance Panel. … In: Kravitz RL, Duan N, eds, and the DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance Panel (Duan N, Eslick I, Gabler
    June 01, 2012 - Test accuracy is often used as an intermediate outcome to support claims about tests. he reviewer must decide … Module 10 discusses further how to decide whether to use decision modeling in a systematic review. … Should FDG PET be used to decide whether a patient with an abnormal mammogram or breast finding at physical … Should FDG PET be used to decide whether a patient with an abnormal mammogram or breast finding at physical … The top half uses positron emission tomography (PET) as a triage test to decide whether to proceed with
    June 01, 2012 - Test accuracy is often used as an intermediate outcome to support claims about tests. he reviewer must decide … Module 10 discusses further how to decide whether to use decision modeling in a systematic review. … Should FDG PET be used to decide whether a patient with an abnormal mammogram or breast finding at physical … Should FDG PET be used to decide whether a patient with an abnormal mammogram or breast finding at physical … The top half uses positron emission tomography (PET) as a triage test to decide whether to proceed with
    November 01, 2017 - Challenges identified by the EPCs led to revisions in the instructions including guidance for teams to decide
    January 01, 2017 - You and your health care professional can decide what might be best to treat your gout attacks and help
    August 01, 2019 - controlled trials (RCTs) directly to the care of individual patients, clinicians use clinical judgment to decide … Helping patients decide: ten steps to better risk communication. … Citation Kaplan HC, Gabler NB, the DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance Panel. … In: Kravitz RL, Duan N, eds, and the DEcIDE Methods Center N-of-1 Guidance Panel (Duan N, Eslick I, Gabler
    May 01, 2020 - But to decide whether something helps or not (or works better than something else), researchers need … other health care or education professionals, your family, and other people that you trust may help you decide
    July 01, 2010 - Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of New Therapies The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform … The DEcIDE network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … This report is based on research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University DEcIDE (Developing Evidence … (Prepared by Johns Hopkins University DEcIDE Center under Contract No. 290-2005-0034-1).
    June 13, 2013 - What researchers will learn: Views about personal right to decide What doctors need to say to patients … is: you can climb up and down, you can jump, take two at a time……It is the context that helps you decide … , they are in learning mode Self-mobilization participation: Participants control the process, they decide
    December 01, 2019 - Algorithm Table 10–1 outlines a practical five-step approach that systematic reviewers could use to decide … Table 10–1: Proposed algorithm to decide if modeling should be a part of the systematic review
    July 01, 2014 - may need to review data on life-expectancy and likelihood of pain or loss of function in order to decide … failure who have been undergoing dialysis, and for whom kidney transplantation is not possible, decide … and life support X X This decision aid helps patients with serious or advanced illness decide … X X This decision aid helps patients with serious or advanced illness decide whether to stop … X This decision aid helps patients with serious or advanced illness decide whether they would like
    March 01, 2022 - The authors are affiliated with the Outcome DEcIDE Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts. … its Effective Health Care Program and Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE … (Prepared by Outcome DEcIDE Center [Outcome Sciences, Inc. d/b/a Outcome] under Contract No. … (Prepared by Outcome DEcIDE Center [Outcome Sciences, Inc. d/b/a Outcome] under Contract No. … (Prepared by the Outcome DEcIDE Center, under Contract No. 290-2005-0035-I.)

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