September 01, 2009 - • We propose a five-step process to standardize the approach that EPCs can use
to decide whether … The quality of each step of the existing review is likely to be a major factor in
how the EPCs decide … where an EPC cannot determine the accuracy or validity of the result of
an earlier SR, an EPC may decide … If EPCs decide to search for previous SRs within only a
specific date range or to exclude citations
September 01, 2009 - • We propose a five-step process to standardize the approach that EPCs can use
to decide whether … The quality of each step of the existing review is likely to be a major factor in
how the EPCs decide … where an EPC cannot determine the accuracy or validity of the result of
an earlier SR, an EPC may decide … If EPCs decide to search for previous SRs within only a
specific date range or to exclude citations
June 01, 2012 - Decide when inadequate reporting constitutes a fatal flaw. … Principle 3: Decide when inadequate reporting constitutes a fatal flaw. … Principle 3: Decide When Inadequate Reporting Constitutes a Fatal Flaw
Santaguida PL, Riley CM, Matchar … Principle 3: Decide When Inadequate Reporting Constitutes a Fatal Flaw
The third principle for addressing … the challenges of assessing the risk of bias in studies of medical test performance is to decide when
June 01, 2012 - Decide when inadequate reporting constitutes a fatal flaw. … Principle 3: Decide when inadequate reporting constitutes a fatal flaw. … Principle 3: Decide When Inadequate Reporting Constitutes a Fatal Flaw
Santaguida PL, Riley CM, Matchar … Principle 3: Decide When Inadequate Reporting Constitutes a Fatal Flaw
The third principle for addressing … the challenges of assessing the risk of bias in studies of medical test performance is to decide when
August 19, 2011 - patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography to evaluate the
presence/extent of CAD in order to decide … undergo diagnostic coronary angiography and are
evaluated for the presence or extent of CAD in order to decide … undergoing
angiography to
evaluate the
presence/extent of
CAD in order to
December 21, 2010 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0170
Document Completion Date: 1-13-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
The use of procalcitonin for the diagnosis and management of sepsis will go forward for refinement as
a systematic review. The scope of this topic, including popul…
October 01, 2019 - Campion, M.B.A. a
Thomas Taylor a
a Outcome DEcIDE Center, Cambridge, MA
Structured Abstract
Objectives … (Prepared by Outcome DEcIDE Center [Outcome Sciences, Inc. d/b/a Outcome] under Contract No.
October 01, 2007 - Presented at the DEcIDE Program Symposium Comparative Effectiveness
and Safety: Emerging Methods, Agency
December 01, 2019 - patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography to evaluate the presence/extent of CAD in order to decide … undergo diagnostic coronary angiography and are evaluated for the presence or extent of CAD in order to decide … patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography to evaluate the presence/extent of CAD in order to decide
January 01, 2012 - making needs of information seekers.
o Sense making refers to
June 01, 2011 - Investigators should decide which perspectives are most relevant and appropriate to the topic, and at … Before involving stakeholders, investigators should decide which perspectives are most relevant and appropriate
December 01, 2019 - Campion, M.B.A. a
a Outcome DEcIDE Center, Cambridge, MA
Structured Abstract
March 10, 2010 - Line 1377-1384: What is the criterion to decide between-group
heterogeneity to be high? … On the other hand, if you decide a prior to use low vs. high doses, by
collapsing several doses for … Methods If you decide to use a broad category, then you could expect to have
much heterogeneity and … It it not appropriate to use I^2 > 50% as a
criterion to decide whether or not to pool.
July 01, 2012 - Systematic reviewers should decide which of the four options is more suitable for evaluating
the performance … Second, the reviewers should decide which option(s)
for synthesizing test performance is (are) appropriate
July 01, 2009 - DARTNet Summary Report
The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness … The DEcIDE
network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … This report is based on research conducted by the University of Colorado DEcIDE (Developing
Evidence … (Prepared by University of Colorado DEcIDE Center under
Contract No. HHSA29020050037I TO2.) … activities, the Colorado DEcIDE network (CO-
DEcIDE) was funded to develop a prototype and pilot test
May 04, 2017 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
December 01, 2019 - We propose a five-step process to standardize the approach that EPCs can use to decide whether existing … The quality of each step of the existing review is likely to be a major factor in how the EPCs decide … cases where an EPC cannot determine the accuracy or validity of the result of an earlier SR, an EPC may decide … If EPCs decide to search for previous SRs within only a specific date range or to exclude citations based
December 01, 2019 - Triage test example: positron emission tomography (PET) to decide whether to perform breast biopsy among … Should FDG PET be used to decide whether a patient with an abnormal mammogram or breast finding at physical
January 01, 2009 - Effective Health Care
Topic Number(s): 0184-0193
Document Completion Date: 2-23-10
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
Interventions to improve prescription medication adherence will be considered for refinement as an
umbrella review of systematic reviews to outline current evi…