August 01, 2006 - obtaining the clinical record is a separate transaction NOT involving the RLS
Participating entities decide … institution participating in the RLS be required to do to inform patients and give them the ability to decide
August 01, 2006 - obtaining the clinical record is a separate transaction NOT involving the RLS
Participating entities decide … institution participating in the RLS be required to do to inform patients and give them the ability to decide
July 19, 2007 - ____
A National Web Conference
Smart Forms and Quality Dashboards
July 19, 2007
Our moderator for today is Dr. Jon White, the Agency's Health IT Director. I would now like to turn things
over to Dr. White, who will introduce today's speakers.
Thank you very much, and good day everybody. You have joi…
January 01, 2019 - Enhancing an EMR-Based Real-Time Sepsis Alert System Performance through Machine Learning - Final Report
Title of Project:
Enhancing an EMR-Based Real-Time Sepsis Alert System Performance through Machine
Principal Investigator and Team Members:
Robert Sherwin, …
March 01, 2017 - Communication-Focused Technologies for Improving the Health of Young African-American Women
Communication-Focused Technologies
for Improving the Health of Young
African-American Women
Final ACTION Contract Report
Final Report
Communication-Focused Technologies for Improving
the Health of Young African-American…
May 30, 2017 - A National Web Conference on Optimizing the Presentation and Visualization of Health Data for Patients and Providers - Q&As
A National Web Conference on Optimizing the Presentation
and Visualization of Health Data for Patients and Providers
Questions and Answers
May 30, 2017
Since your …
February 01, 2012 - B-1
Appendix B: Getting Ready: A Planning Checklist for Rural and Community Hospitals Considering Implementing Health IT
Appendix B: Getting Ready: A Planning Checklist
for Rural and Community Hospitals Considering
Implementing Health IT
Getting Ready: A Planning Checklist for Rural and Community Hospitals
September 26, 2011 - Baseline Clinician Survey: Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE)
Baseline Clinician Survey: Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE)
Geisinger Health System, Danville PA
This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by clinical staff across a health care system
setting. The…
January 01, 2013 - Or should users decide for themselves?
January 01, 2010 - Colorado Associated Community Health Information Exchange - Final Report
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1R18HS017205-01
Colorado Associated Community Health
Information Exchange
Inclusive dates: 09/30/07 - 06/30/10
Principal Inve…
February 01, 2012 - Use of an Electronic Referral System to Improve the Outpatient Primary Care–Specialty Care Interface
Use of an Electronic Referral
System to Improve the Outpatient
Primary Care–Specialty
Care Interface
Final ACTION Contract Report
January 01, 2018 - Patient decision aids, on
the other hand, focus on patients, trying to help them decide among options
July 01, 2015 - officers
and chief medical information officers, we could discuss recent developments, review strategy,
January 01, 2021 - cycle through a variety of instructional text and instructional
videos for the prototypes in order to decide
January 01, 2022 - A clinical trial to validate an automated online language interpreting tool with Hispanic patients who have limited English proficiency – Final Report
Final Report.
Title: A clinical trial to validate an automated online language interpreting tool with
Hispanic patients who have limited English proficiency
July 01, 2015 - Also, some providers may decide not to see patients that do not participate in DHIN because
they won … Patients/consumers may decide not to participate in DHIN.
June 01, 2008 - clinician responding, using the computer to generate it, rather than leaving it
to the clinician to decide … physician is ordering medications, and
is told these two medications interact, the clinician has to decide
January 01, 2012 - The nurse
then uses her clinical judgment to decide what issues to communicate to the patient’s physician … The nurse uses his or her
clinical judgment to decide which care module(s) to use to guide her practices
January 01, 2010 - Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Health Information Exchange
Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Health
Information Exchange (HIE): Experience from
Diverse Care Settings
May 14, 2010
Erin Grace
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Mark Frisse
Patricia Fontaine
Gina Pe…
July 01, 2011 - These were read by two reviewers completely, to decide
whether the study should or should not be included