
Total Results: 1,260 records

Showing results for "decide".

    July 01, 2018 - information available to those who are interested in implementing or purchasing such programs to help them decide
    April 24, 2017 - Summary Skills Practice Exercise Sheet Summary Summary Skills Practice Exercise Sheet INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Break into four small groups. Each group will receive one of four teamwork skill handouts. 2. Read the scenario below. 3. Identify the instances where a breakdown in teamwork has occurred as it rel…
    February 24, 2011 - You should decide who else can take part with you.
    October 01, 2018 - Know the Reporting Environment Find Potential Partners Identify the Subject Decide
    May 01, 2019 - To learn more about using composites and summary scores to reduce the burden on users and help them decide
    May 01, 2022 - Contents of a CAHPS Report One of the first steps in producing a CAHPS report is to decide what information
    August 01, 2022 - A Decision-maker's Guide to Adopting Innovations Guide to help decision makers decide whether or
    January 01, 2013 - to define specifically what needs to change to implement the best practices you have chosen and to decide … into ongoing processes include: Making certain procedures universal so that staff do not have to decide … You will also need to decide what information you will want to collect and from that decide how long … active resistance, is localized to specific parts of the hospital or to specific individuals, you may decide
    May 30, 2013 - · Unit can decide its approach to debriefing events based on seriousness of event, expertise available … Unit can decide its approach to reviewing cases where magnesium sulfate was used outside of the unit’ … Unit can decide its approach to reviewing cases of severe maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality … Sites can decide how often this information will be shared, how much will be shared, and with whom, and
    September 01, 2009 - Si decide retirarse, seguirá recibiendo la misma atención de su médico. ¿Quién verá mis respuestas? … Usted recibirá este dinero [provea detalles, por ejemplo, al final de la encuesta de hoy] aunque si decide
    October 01, 2017 - If you opt not to use QISs, decide who will lead the in-person training. … Decide on a method to use for prioritization. Below are some examples. … Decide on and define a rating scale for your criteria—typically 1 through 5 or 1 through 10. … You can decide to weigh certain criteria more than others. Rate the opportunities as a group. … They need to decide what quadrant they go in.
    September 01, 2015 - Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum Module 29: Implementing Care Teams Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum Module 29: Implementing Care Teams Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Advancing Excellence in Health Care …
    May 01, 2017 - AHRQ Safety Program for Ambulatory Surgery Sustainability Module Recognizing and Celebrating Success: Transcript Stephanie Ziesing, R.N. Providence Medical Center, SC Stephanie: Well, we had some great success stories, and during our meetings we would ask if anyone had some success stories with using the checklis…
    December 20, 2016 - Finally, you will decide how to pilot the reports in at least one unit. … and change team in determining which On-Time Reports to use and which meetings the change team will decide … Once they decide, the team determines if they have existing meetings that meet their needs or if a … Pressure Ulcer Healing 19 Implementation of the Healing Reports  What are ways to help the team decide
    April 01, 2022 - The team recalls a recent patient that was harmed and decide to share that story because it will resonate … considered the impact that each of these infections can potentially have on its patients, it is ready to decide … They decide to add an ED nurse supervisor to the team, with the understanding that he will be the liaison … The team can then decide how to proceed with the next test cycle.
    March 01, 2024 - The DEcIDE (Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness) Research Network gathers new
    March 01, 2024 - Track Your Progress Overview Action Decide on the reasons for followup and who will be responsible … Decide which social needs to screen for and which screeners to use. … Decide whom to screen, how, and how often. Identify your community resources.
    February 03, 2006 - Once the training is complete, they decide to launch the implementation of CUS and the Two-Challenge
    May 01, 2014 - No. 14-0012-2-EF Concise Antibiogram Toolkit Getting Started—Sources of Data Once you decide that … Once your antibiogram has been created, you will need to decide how to distribute the results to the
    May 22, 2013 - Strategy 4: IDEA Discharge Planning (Tool 4) Guide to Patient & Family Engagement Insert hospital logo here Care Transitions from Hospital to Home: IDEAL Discharge Planning Training [Hospital Name | Presenter name and title | Date of presentation] Strategy 4: IDEAL Discharge Planning (Tool 4) Today…

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