
Total Results: 1,458 records

Showing results for "curriculum".

    August 01, 2005 - Is Your Organization Ready for TeamSTEPPS™? Is Your Organization Ready for TeamSTEPPS™? Answering these questions can help your institution understand its level of readiness to initiate the TeamSTEPPS program. You may find it helpful to have a colleague review your responses or to answer the questions with a large…
    February 28, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS Situation Monitoring Module 3 Situation Monitoring Module 3 1 Situation Monitoring Exercise: Rebuild Your Tower Situation Monitoring Rules: Same goals and rules as the earlier tower building exercise except one BIG change: The Color Guide cannot speak or write the name of any color. The Length Guide…
    February 28, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS Team Leadership Module 2 Team Leadership Module 2 1 Understanding Teams and Team Structure 2 Objectives: Team Structure Team Leadership Understand the benefits of teamwork and clear team structure. Define a “team.” Identify the roles of patients and family caregivers within the care team. Desc…
  4. Staffsafetyassess (doc file)
    August 06, 2012 - Staff Safety Assessment Purpose of this form: This form is designed to tap into your experience at the front line of patient care to determine what risks are present in your unit that have jeopardized or could jeopardize patient safety. Who should us this tool? Health care providers. How to complete this form: Provi…
  5. Safetysnrchklst (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Safety Issues Worksheet for Senior Executive Partnership Who should use this tool? Health care providers and the senior leader. Date of safety rounds:___________ Unit:______________________ Attendees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Identified Issues Potential/Recommended Solutions Resources Needed 1. 2…
  6. Shadowing (doc file)
    August 08, 2012 - Shadowing Another Professional Tool Problem Statement: Health care delivery is a multidisciplinary practice that requires coordination of care among different professions and provider types. However, health care providers often do not understand other disciplines’ daily responsibilities, teamwork, and communication iss…
  7. Bckgrndqiteam (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Background Quality Improvement Team Information Form Who should use this tool? Health care providers. Please indicate people designated as Quality Improvement Team Members. Your team may not have people who serve in all of these roles. These individuals from are members of the Qual…
  8. Boardchecklist (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Checklist Items Leader Responsible Date Initiated 1. Set an organization aim of annually assessing the safety and teamwork climate. 2. Improve the safety and teamwork climate using valid measures. 3. Set expectation for unit-level culture assessment. 4. Require at least a 60 percent participation…
  9. Dailygoals (doc file)
    January 01, 2003 - Daily Goals Checklist Problem statement: Clear communication among health care providers is paramount. Communication failures lead to patient harm, increased length of stay, provider dissatisfaction, and staff turnover. Effective communication is particularly important in the unit if complicated care plans are to be …
  10. Morningbriefing (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Conducting a Morning Briefing Problem statement: Physicians can improve communication with nursing staff while more efficiently prioritizing patient care delivery and admissions and discharges. What is a Morning Briefing? A morning briefing is a dialogue between two or more people using concise and relevant informati…
  11. Teamcheckup (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Team Check-up Tool Purpose of the tool: This tool helps assess unit strengths and opportunities for improving unit processes and upgrading unit safety culture. Who should use this tool? Health care providers. Directions: Your team should collectively complete one Team Check-up Tool every month and submit it to the proj…
    August 07, 2012 - Infection Preventionist Checklist Who should use this tool? Infection preventionists. Checklist Items Leader Responsible Date Started 1. Meet with the CEO and hospital project leader to learn about the initiative and understand the infection prevention (IP) roles. 2. Introduce the project to all IP s…
  13. Ceosnrleaderchcklst (doc file)
    August 08, 2012 - CEO/Senior Leader Checklist Who should use this tool? Senior leaders. Checklist Items Leader Responsible Date Initiated 1. Ensure all current and new employees receive Science of Safety training. 2. Assign a senior executive (Chief Executive Officer or another leader) as an active member of each
  14. Obsrounds (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Observing Patient Care Rounds Problem statement: Interdisciplinary rounds are in the best interest of patients. Poor communication among staff is a root cause of many patient adverse and sentinel events. Communication among disciplines can be improved if viewed through the eyes of an objective observer. What are obser…
  15. Learndefects (doc file)
    August 08, 2012 - Learn From Defects Tool Problem statement: Health care organizations can increase the extent to which they learn from defects. We define this learning as reducing the probability that a future patient will be harmed. Most often clinicians recover from mistakes by reducing risks to the patient who suffered a defect. Wh…
    October 08, 2015 - • /curriculum - tools/teamstepps/ltc/ … • - tools/teamstepps/primarycare/ … /teamstepps/ltc/ … /cusptoolkit/modules/implement/index.html http …
    October 01, 2014 - integrated into the course during the 2008/09 academic year and is expected to become a mainstay of the curriculum … Product(s): Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Topic(s): Education: Curriculum
    May 04, 2016 - for Lung Cancer Screening Other Webinars available at: … - tools/shareddecisionmaking/webinars/index.html
    January 01, 2017 - and Long-Term Care Planning Other Webinars available at: … - tools/shareddecisionmaking/webinars/index.html
    December 09, 2015 - Health Literacy Patients Other Webinars available at: … - tools/shareddecisionmaking/webinars/index.html

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