
Total Results: 599 records

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  1. Evaluation Metrics (pdf file)
    September 01, 2012 - Evaluation Metrics 1 Enhancing Safety for Patients with Limited English Proficiency Patient Outcomes Survey 1 SCREENING QUESTION What is your preferred language? 1  English  If English, end questions 2  [Insert language 2] 3  [Insert language 3] 4  [Insert language 4] 5  Other …
    November 19, 2008 - Enhancing Safety for Patients with Limited English Proficiency Train-the-Trainer Instructor Guide Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency TM TeamSTEPPS | Limited English Proficiency LEP 06.1 | Introduction INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This module may be customized based on t…
    January 01, 2008 - For their expert input to this curriculum, we would like to thank: Agency for Healthcare Research and
    September 01, 2012 - Readiness Assessment Survey TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module Train the Trainer Handouts Readiness Assessment Survey Is Your Organization Ready for This TeamSTEPPS Module? These questions can help you assess your institution’s readiness to i…
    July 25, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Readiness Assessment Survey Readiness Assessment Survey Is Your Organization Ready for This TeamSTEPPS Module? These questions can help you assess your institution’s readiness to implement the TeamSTEPPS module to improve safety for patients with limited English…
  6. Leppostbehsurvey (pdf file)
    October 03, 2012 - 1 Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Posttraining Behavior Survey S1. Did you take the TeamSTEPPS training on improving safety for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP)? 1  Yes 2  No S2. Are you an interpreter? 1  Yes  Skip to Question 4 …
    September 01, 2012 - Readiness Assessment Survey TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module Train the Trainer Handouts Readiness Assessment Survey Is Your Organization Ready for This TeamSTEPPS Module? These questions can help you assess your institution’s readiness to implement the TeamSTEPPS…
    July 25, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Train-the-Trainer Session Agenda Enhancing Safety for Patients with Limited English Proficiency Train-the-Trainer Instructor Guide TM Slide TeamSTEPPS | Limited English Proficiency Limited English Proficiency Train-the-Trainer Session Agenda • Experience pret…
    July 25, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Patient Language Process Map Patient Language Process Map Identify language/cultural needs Who? How? Contact interpreter Who? How? List various methods. Note contingency plans. Ensure that interpreter is present for entire encounter Who? How? Ensure that …
    July 25, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Learning Outcomes Assessment 1 Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Learning Outcomes Assessment For each of the following questions, circle the letter next to the one best answer. 1. A 22-year-old male patient, Alejand…
    July 30, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Form Letter [PLACE ON TRAINING ORGANIZER’S LETTERHEAD] [DATE] [ADDRESS] Dear TeamSTEPPS trainers, We look forward to seeing you soon for the TeamSTEPPS training to improve the safety of patients with limited English Proficiency (LEP). A while back, you …
    September 01, 2012 - Readiness Assessment Survey TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module Staff Training Handouts Readiness Assessment Survey Is Your Organization Ready for This TeamSTEPPS Module? These questions can help you assess your institution’s readiness to implement the TeamSTEPPS modu…
    January 01, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Evidence Summary Evidence Summary: Why focus on safety for patients with limited English proficiency? Patient safety events that affect limited-English-proficient (LEP) patients tend to be more severe and more frequently due to communication errors compared to Engl…
  14. Lepprebehsurvey (pdf file)
    October 03, 2012 - 1 Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Pretraining Behavior Survey As part of our quality improvement activities, we are conducting a brief survey about the care we provide for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). Please answer the questions below truthfully to the be…
    October 03, 2012 - LEP Patient Outcome Survey – Spanish (Español) LEP Patient Outcome Survey – Spanish (Español) PREGUNTAS DE CUALIFICACIÓN 1. ¿En qué idioma prefiere hablar? 1 Inglés  Si contestó "Inglés", no cualifica para la entrevista 2 [Idioma 2] 3 [Idioma 3] 4 [Idioma 4] 5 Otro 2. ¿Qué tan bien habla ingl…
    July 26, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module, Staff Training Slide Presentation Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Overview/Objectives  Understand the safety risk to patients with limited English proficiency  Know the process to assemble the most appropriate and effective care…
    March 13, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Quick Reference Guide to TeamSTEPPS Action Planning TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Guide to Action Quick Reference - 1 The Quick Reference Guide to TeamSTEPPS Action Planning Step 1: Create a Change Team Objective: To create a team of leaders and staff members with the authority, expertise, credibility, …
    March 21, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) TeamSTEPPS 2.0 TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire – F-9 TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) Instructions: Please respond to the questions below by placing a check mark (√) in the box that corresponds to your level of ag…
  19. Scenario 1 (pdf file)
    February 28, 2014 - Scenario 1 Team Performance Observation Tool Date: Unit/Department: Team: Shift: Rating Scale Please comment if 1 or 2. 1 = Very Poor 2 = Poor 3 = Acceptable 4 = Good 5 = Excellent 1. Team Structure Rating a. Assembles a team b. Assigns or identifies team members’ roles and res…
    March 19, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Specialty Scenarios: Ancillary Services TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 13 Specialty Scenarios ANCILLARY SERVICES Specialty Scenarios - 14 TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios Ancillary Services Scenario 9 Appropriate for: All Specialties Setting: Hospital A patient presen…

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