March 01, 2020 - Cross-cultural primary care: A patient-based approach.
May 01, 2016 - We need to address cross-cutting activities. Today we actually have computer-centered care.
October 01, 2016 - Primary care has been
▌pg. 1
influenced by Blue Cross Blue Shield, whose Primary Group Incentive … The case management service began with Blue Cross Blue Shield funding, but HFHS now also
provides financial … At the time, the project was considered a new, cutting-edge concept to make
CHWs a reimbursable health
December 01, 2012 - Cross-Monitoring .
Situation Monitoring Video .
Situation Monitoring Exercise . … Return to Contents
Cross-monitoring is a process of ongoing monitoring … Commonly referred to as "watching each other's back," cross-monitoring involves monitoring all actions … Instructor Note:
Refer to the handout titled Cross-Monitoring . … and one in which cross-monitoring should have been used but was not.
June 01, 2023 - Small Independent Primary Care Practices in an Urban Setting
The New York Cooperative conducted a cross-sectional … https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2020.05.200058
A Cross-Cutting Workforce Solution for Implementing Community-Clinical … A cross-cutting workforce solution for implementing community-clinical linkage models. … A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Primary Care Practice Characteristics and Healthcare Professionals' Behavioral … Recruiting Practices for Change Initiatives Is Hard: Findings from EvidenceNOW
A cross-cooperative
July 05, 2023 - The PRIDx framework to engage payers in reducing diagnostic errors in healthcare
Mini Review
Kisha J. Ali*, Christine A. Goeschel, Derek M. DeLia, Leah M. Blackall and Hardeep Singh
The PRIDx framework to engage payers in
reducing diagnostic errors in healthcare
Received April 9…
July 22, 2015 - However, a number of other motivations were
reported, including a desire to be involved in cutting-edge … other motivations were also mentioned, including intellectual curiosity,
wanting to be involved in cutting-edge … (HEDIS), a
tool used to measure performance on important dimensions of care and service, and Blue Cross … Some, but not
all practices
had EHR in
Practices implemented a PCMH
model defined by Blue Cross … Enhancements to patient access
and outreach; shared medical
appointments; team-based care
and cross-trained
January 01, 2005 - We began by printing the process
map on cardboard and cutting out each individual component of the map … Cross-validation of item selection
and scoring for the SF-12 health survey in nine
countries: results
March 01, 2015 - www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic-care/improve/capacity-building/index.html
• provide cross-cutting
September 01, 2015 - Limited staffing frequently
results in a structure that requires significant cross-functional authority