July 01, 2011 - And
you can see the odds ratio there and the confidence interval does not cross one, so it is
January 01, 2011 - products; increase awareness of the benefits
and risks of therapeutics; and improve quality
while cutting … Presentations
represented several major themes and health IT
was a significant cross-cutting topic.
January 01, 2021 - In addition to the tangible guidelines and recommendations that emerged from this work,
several cross-cutting
November 08, 2005 - We $50
million from Blue Cross. There are about 35 different groups on the
board. … industry HR
departments or new development, or business development aspects of your
local Blue Cross … Blue Cross has taken the high road
and said they recognize we can all be better off if we can come
January 01, 2019 - Its
development and implementation were funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation in a … by cross … was not part of the AHRQ protocol and was designed and implemented with a previous grant from
Blue Cross
January 01, 2007 - The hospitals changed to
using cross-functional flowcharts with a Microsoft Visio application that included … Samples of
registered nurses at three other Trinity Health hospitals were used to cross-validate the … Basic item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, cross-validation factors
analyses, and reliability … The consistency of the fit to the factor
models was also high across the cross-validation samples.
January 01, 2022 - Aim 2:
We conducted a cross-sectional study that evaluated healthcare professional self-reported knowledge
April 01, 2009 - Positioning Medicaid and CHIP for the Future: Health IT Regulations, Initiatives, and Opportunities
Positioning Medicaid and CHIP for the Future: Health IT Regulations, Initiatives, and
Opportunities—April 2009
E-mail Stephanie Rizk if you want a copy of today’s presentations. We are in the process
of posting …
January 01, 2012 - We're in the process since our merger last summer of creating cross-connects so that a single
medication … Blue
Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina had incentives for pharmacies that were equal to the incentives
January 01, 2009 - spending for health
care depends in large part on its ability to make care more
efficient by cutting … “Effect of Electronic
Health Records in Ambulatory Care: Retrospective,
Serial, Cross Sectional Study
April 01, 2007 - & Medicaid Services
3 Vanderbilt Center for Better Health
4 Health Management Associates
5 Blue Cross … Industry Executive
Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Robert Mandel, MD, MBA
Vice President e-Health
Blue Cross … -Robert Mandel, MD, MBA, Vice President of eHealth, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts,
May, 2006
July 01, 2007 - Specific implementation planning for cross-state
initiatives will require a joint planning initiative … Demonstration projects that cross state lines are in place and will be
monitored to determine outcomes … These projects
include Healthe Mid America, KC CareLink, InfoLinks and Blue Cross Blue
Shield (BC/BS
January 01, 2018 - All data were cross‐referenced with the audio recordings and examined for
discrepancies and presented
August 15, 2011 - Facilitate cross-project status updates will
allow you to identify cross-project interdependencies you
December 31, 2007 - to quality
of care, the fundamental flaw relates to the fact that measures, by their nature, are cross-sectional … The yellow curve is when you
cross the threshold where the percent change moves you above an A1C of … many authors have suggested in valuing the improvement
in hemoglobin A1C even when the A1C does not cross
July 01, 2010 - comprehensive
set of measures which includes additional efficiency measures, subspecialty measures, cross-cutting
January 01, 2019 - Power to the patient: Design and Test of Closed-Loop Interactive IT for Geriatric Heart Failure Self-Care - Final Report
Power to the patient: Design and Test of Closed-Loop Interactive IT for Geriatric
Heart Failure Self-Care
January 01, 2008 - Cross practice visitation and collaborative training efforts can help to
disseminate best practices
September 01, 2011 - Individuals with
policy vision are clearly needed to develop initiative models (particularly those that cross
April 01, 2008 - • RAND focused on New Jersey physicians in an e-prescribing program sponsored by
Horizon Blue Cross … • Additional partners included Prime Therapeutics; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota;
the State … California at Los Angeles School of
• A collaborative effort of RAND, Horizon Blue Cross