
Total Results: 511 records

Showing results for "crc intervention".

    January 01, 2024 - Apneic oxygenation as a quality improvement intervention in an academic PICU. … Two clinics participated in the intervention, and two served as controls. … insurance expansion and reduction scenarios in North Carolina (NC) for colorectal cancer screening (CRC … The full lifetime of a simulated population of residents age-eligible for CRC screening (aged 50-75) … The researchers concluded that insurance expansion will likely improve CRC screening both overall and
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    July 01, 2013 - Allows timing and degree of intervention impact to be detected. … Below the text is the image of a control chart titled "Did the intervention really decrease the use of … Slide 36 Conclusion Electronic decision support tolls alone do not increase CRC screening referral … The greatest barrier to CRC screening for providers seemed to be competing demands during a short patient … redesigned clinical workflow, particularly an expanded role for the MA, appeared to increase referrals for CRC
    October 01, 2017 - , warnings, and interventions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in detail under “Potential Intervention … "Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries" "Procedure, Performed: PCI" "Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention … with the patient, to include a review of the benefits and harms of ASA therapy (this is included as an intervention … primary prevention of CRC. … If the patient has CRC a different therapy may be indicated.
    January 01, 2023 - Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2012; p. 743–62.
    December 01, 2019 - of various local hepatic therapies for metastases to the liver from unresectable colorectal cancer (CRC … insufficient to permit conclusions on the comparative effectiveness of these therapies for unresectable CRC
    January 01, 2024 - This study demonstrated the preliminary effectiveness of peer-group lifestyle intervention in a community … A pilot study of a peer-group lifestyle intervention enhanced with mHealth technology and social media … in persons eligible for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and 2) colorectal cancer (CRC … ) mortality and incidence in persons at average CRC risk.. … Evidence from CVD primary and secondary prevention studies suggested that aspirin therapy reduces CRC