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POPULATE Pain Management Summary … Divergence from
the guideline risks the validity and evidence base of the CDS intervention. … ), enables potential pilot partners to select an
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Disengaging Not seeking, not • Reduce demand/burden
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January 01, 2017 - Effectiveness of an electronic health record-based
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June 01, 2009 - For example, the first recommendation for each of the four areas is as follows:
Knowledge base / intervention … All of the “knowledge base / intervention” recommendations would allow a clinician to have the right … CDS automation is, necessarily, both a technical and an organization/social intervention. … New York: CRC Press; 2005.
125. Schmittdiel J, McMenamin SB, Halpin HA, et al. … Theoretical issues in the study of trust and human intervention in automated systems.
June 01, 2009 - areas: the state of the
knowledge base (the set of rules, content, and workflow opportunities for
intervention … All of the “knowledge base / intervention” recommendations would allow a clinician to have the
right … • CDS automation is, necessarily, both a technical and an organization/social intervention. … New York: CRC Press; 2005.
2006 Nov;61(5):1047-52. 125. … impact of issues in the study of trust and human
DSS, cognitive effort, and incentives on strategy intervention
June 01, 2009 - areas: the state of the
knowledge base (the set of rules, content, and workflow opportunities for
intervention … All of the “knowledge base / intervention” recommendations would allow a clinician to have the
right … • CDS automation is, necessarily, both a technical and an organization/social intervention. … New York: CRC Press; 2005.
2006 Nov;61(5):1047-52. 125. … impact of issues in the study of trust and human
DSS, cognitive effort, and incentives on strategy intervention
January 01, 2013 - to benefits, associated with the current versions of these tools,
which pointed to initial design intervention … Boca Raton: CRC
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