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    May 01, 2019 - and 1 preventive medication topic (aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer [CRC … for the USPSTF recommendations on aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and CRC … of aspirin on cardiovascular and total mortality, the effect of aspirin in reducing the incidence of CRC … For example, the modeling for the recommendations on CRC screening 1  suggested that screening before … The modeling analyses for aspirin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and CRC 9
    July 01, 2016 - and 1 preventive medication topic (aspirin to prevent car- diovascular disease and colorectal cancer [CRC … for the USPSTF rec- ommendations on aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and CRC … of aspirin on cardiovascular and total mortality, the effect of aspirin in reducing the incidence of CRC … The modeling analyses for lung cancer screening (17), CRC screening (16), and aspirin for primary pre … The modeling analyses for aspirin use for the pri- mary prevention of cardiovascular disease and CRC
    October 27, 2020 - . … There is no direct evidence evaluating effect of sDNA-FIT on CRC mortality. … No direct evidence evaluating effect of CT colonography on CRC mortality. … Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Every 5 years Evidence from RCTs that flexible sigmoidoscopy reduces CRC … Abbreviations: CRC=colorectal cancer; CT=computed tomography; FIT=fecal immunochemical test; HSgFOBT
    July 31, 2020 - to begin screening 50 Mean life-years gained if start screeningb At age 50 y At age 45 y Mean CRC … at age 45 y Screening modality and frequency Stool tests Benefit: Estimated No. of CRC cases averted … 51 2Flexible SIG every 5 y 54 57 3Flexible SIG every 10 y plus FIT every year 0 2520 3010 15 No. of CRC … deaths averted per 1000 screened, by age to begin screening 5 Additional CRC deaths averted if start … 5 y 11 11 0.1Flexible SIG every 5 y 12 13 0.6Flexible SIG every 10 y plus FIT every year 45 y50 y CRC
    July 31, 2020 - to begin screening 50 Mean life-years gained if start screeningb At age 50 y At age 45 y Mean CRC … 5550 60 6535302520105 15 Life-years gained per 1000 screened, by age to begin screening Additional CRC … start screening at age 45 y Screening modality and frequency Stool tests Benefit: Estimated No. of CRC … year 0 2520 3010 15 Life-years gained per 1000 screened, by age to begin screening 5 Additional CRC … 5 y 11 11 0.1Flexible SIG every 5 y 12 13 0.6Flexible SIG every 10 y plus FIT every year 45 y50 y CRC
    November 25, 2014 - Levels between 87 and 100 nmol/L (35 to 40 ng/mL) may be associated with decreased risk for death and CRC … (>200 ng/mL) These levels are considered toxic NA NA 25-(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; CRC … Associated case–control studies with outcome reported: Fracture: Jackson et al, 2006 88 CRC … congestive heart failure; CNS = central nervous system; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRC … analyzed in case–control studies per intervention (vitamin D vs. control): fractures: 266 vs. 285, CRC
    November 25, 2014 - Levels between 87 and 100 nmol/L (35 to 40 ng/mL) may be associated with decreased risk for death and CRC … (>200 ng/mL) These levels are considered toxic NA NA 25-(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; CRC … Associated case–control studies with outcome reported: Fracture: Jackson et al, 2006 88 CRC … congestive heart failure; CNS = central nervous system; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRC … analyzed in case–control studies per intervention (vitamin D vs. control): fractures: 266 vs. 285, CRC
    October 07, 2013 - Abbreviations: ASA = aspirin; CRC
    April 12, 2016 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Publishes Final Recommendation Statement on Aspirin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Colorectal Cancer USPSTF Bulletin An independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine U.S. Preventive Services Task Force …
    September 15, 2015 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Seeks Comments on Draft Recommendation Statement on Aspirin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer USPSTF Bulletin An independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Seeks Comments on Draft…
    December 01, 2021 - low-dose aspirin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colorectal cancer (CRC
    February 03, 2014 - 49 59 Any: ↔ MI: NR Stroke: NR Any:↔† Lung:↔ CRC … 14,641 64 0 Any:↔ MI:↔‡ Stroke:↔ Any: ↓ Lung:↔ CRC … NA NA ↑ Hip fractures among current and former MVI users (↑) CRC
    February 03, 2014 - 49 59 Any: ↔ MI: NR Stroke: NR Any:↔† Lung:↔ CRC … 14,641 64 0 Any:↔ MI:↔‡ Stroke:↔ Any: ↓ Lung:↔ CRC … NA NA ↑ Hip fractures among current and former MVI users (↑) CRC
    May 18, 2021 - 6. … Benefits of Colorectal Cancer Screening CRC … and Burden of Colorectal Cancer Screening CRC
    December 01, 2016 - low-dose aspirin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colorectal cancer (CRC … (Grade B) The decision to initiate low-dose aspirin use for the primary prevention of CVD and CRC … the balance of benefits and harms of initiating aspirin use for the primary prevention of CVD and CRC … the balance of benefits and harms of initiating aspirin use for the primary prevention of CVD and CRC
    June 06, 2017 - cancer deaths averted per 1000 individuals screened which include the SimulationModel Model Estimates, CRC … Simulated Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 y 20 17 21 Populationmodel for Incidence and Natural History (CRC-SPIN … CRC Deaths Averted per 1000 Screened These strategies yield comparable a Harms: Complications (gastrointestinal
    October 15, 2008 - 34.5 34.5 30.5 30.4 30.3 Rectum 31.2 31.2 31.2 7.5 7.2 6.8 Cumulative CRC … 4.0 0.9 2.1 3.4 Lifetime 7.3 7.1 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.3 Stage distribution of CRC … 26.3 26.1 20.0 22.2 22.6 Stage IV 26.7 24.4 23.2 16.4 20.7 23.2 CRC
    November 01, 2008 - 34.3 62.0 62.4 62.8 Distal 34.5 34.5 34.5 30.5 30.4 30.3 Rectum 31.2 31.2 31.2 7.5 7.2 6.8 Cumulative CRC … 1.6 0.2 0.7 1.4 20 y 0.9 2.3 4.0 0.9 2.1 3.4 Lifetime 7.3 7.1 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.3 Stage distribution of CRC … 31.4 39.6 35.1 34.8 Stage III 33.7 26.3 26.1 20.0 22.2 22.6 Stage IV 26.7 24.4 23.2 16.4 20.7 23.2 CRC
    December 01, 2013 - E, 200 mg) 1.3 652 NHS (23) Good Prospective cohort 18 MVI (ingredients not described) NR 72 337 CRC … Incidence Cancer Incidence Mortality Harms Comments 49 59 Any: 7 MI: NR Stroke: NR Any: 7† Lung: 7 CRC … Protective effect against cancer in men (2) but not women (7) 64 0 Any: 7 MI: 7‡ Stroke: 7 Any:2 Lung: 7 CRC
    January 01, 2015 - deficiency Levels ≥50 nmol/L (≥20 ng/mL) have been associated with decreased risk for fractures, CVD, CRC … decreased risk for CVD Levels >75 nmol/L (>30 ng/mL) associated with decreased risk for death and CRC … vary Levels between 87 and 100 nmol/L (35 to 40 ng/mL) may be associated with decreased for death and CRC … >499 nmol/L (>200 ng/mL) These levels are considered toxic NA NA 25-(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; CRC

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