
Total Results: 1,673 records

Showing results for "counseling".

    December 05, 2023 - Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
    February 01, 2009 - Useful Resources The USPSTF has previously reviewed the evidence for counseling to prevent skin cancer … Task Force on C om m unity Preventive Services The U SPSTF has review ed the evidence for counseling
    March 01, 2005 - • The USPSTF did not examine the evidence for the effectiveness of counseling to avoid high-risk sexual … couples reporting ever using condoms and only 8% reporting condom use for each sexual act, despite counseling
    January 15, 2008 - pharmacotherapy (e.g., buprenorphine for opiate abuse) and/or behavioral interventions (e.g., brief motivational counseling … the effect of treatment on social or legal outcomes is sparse and inconsistent, although behavioral counseling
    May 15, 2009 - Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused … history of pregnancy affected by neural tube defects nor the evidence on folic acid food fortification, counseling
    November 01, 2004 - Screening for Bladder Cancer in Adults - Recommendation Statement Summary of the Recommendation The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against routine screening for bladder cancer in adults. D recommendation. The USPSTF found fair evidence that screening with available tests can detect bladder …
    June 20, 2023 - Screening for anxiety disorders in adults Preventive counseling interventions for perinatal depression … antidepressant medication or psychotherapy (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy or brief psychosocial counseling … on other mental health topics pertaining to adults, including screening for anxiety, 52 preventive counseling … interventions for perinatal depression, 53 screening for unhealthy drug use, 54 and screening and behavioral counseling … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and
    March 29, 2019 - The USPSTF recommends providing intensive behavioral counseling for all sexually active adolescents and … The CDC provides guidance on counseling, referral to care, treatment, and prevention of HIV transmission … implementation of other preven- tion strategies (ie, appropriate antiretroviral treatment of the new- born and counseling … Behavioral counseling interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections: U.S. … Prevention (CDC). 2015 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines: HIV infection: detection, counseling
    April 17, 2023 - • Preventive counseling interventions for perinatal depression • Information on additional mental health … anti- depressant medication or psychotherapy (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy or brief psychosocial counseling … on other mental health topics pertaining to adults, including screening for anxiety,52 preventive counseling … interventions for perinatal depression,53 screening for unhealthy drug use,54 and screening and behavioral counseling … Screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and
    June 07, 2021 - nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
    July 01, 2016 - by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services, such as screenings, counseling
    June 01, 2003 - and nutrients that should be emphasized or avoided in their diet (see 2002 USPSTF evidence summary on counselingCounseling to promote a healthy diet in adults: a summary of the evidence for the U.S.
    May 01, 2004 - Lithium Use in Week Preceding Suicide or Suicide Attempt vs No Lithium Use Cognitive Behavioral Counseling … Raj et al compared the use of 10 weekly sessions of cognitive-behavioral counseling with routine medical … suicide attempt.65 Upon ICU admission, the 40 enrolled patients were sequentially assigned to either the counseling … 16–50 Scale for SI 15-point mean decrease 2.75-point mean decrease P < 0.00 Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling … between baseline and 2 to 3 months post-discharge for the 2 groups, they found that those who received counseling
    January 01, 1996 - at age 35, at which time prophylactic bilateral oopherectomy was recommended. 56 The ACP recommends counseling … Genetic counseling for families with inherited susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer.
    March 08, 2004 - findings (e.g., photographs, body maps); treatment for physical injuries; arrangements for skilled counseling … women, showed a trend (not statistically significant) in women reporting decreased violence after brief counseling
    July 26, 2016 - lesions or individuals with known skin cancer; skin self-screening by individuals or partners; physician counseling … interventions for improving sun-protection behaviors. 41-45 The USPSTF recommends primary care-based counseling … Rates of skin cancer screening and prevention counseling by US medical residents. … Behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
    July 26, 2016 - lesions or individuals with known skin cancer; skin self-screening by individuals or partners; physician counseling … interventions for improving sun-protection behaviors. 41-45 The USPSTF recommends primary care-based counseling … Rates of skin cancer screening and prevention counseling by US medical residents. … Behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
    January 01, 2004 - As framework (ask, advise, agree, assist, arrange),78 which the USPSTF has supported for behavioral counseling … Patients’ understanding of medical risks: implications for genetic counseling. … Assessment of risk by pregnant women: implications for genetic counseling and education. … Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling interventions: an evidence-based approach.
    January 01, 2023 - While there have been select topics (counseling for motor vehicle occupant restraints, screening for … To date, several Research Plans (e.g., breastfeeding counseling) have piloted this section. … For example, a weight management counseling intervention may be less effective in Hispanic populations … For counseling interventions, differences in relative effects across 24 populations may reflect … limitations of the counseling intervention itself (e.g., non-culturally tailored) rather than counseling
  20. untitled (pdf file)
    March 07, 2017 - recommendations on screening for cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, as well as counseling … the USPSTF’s recommendation on screening for ovarian cancer9; the USPSTF also has recommendations on counseling … Behavioral counseling interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections: U.S.

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