April 05, 2021 - and to balance the overall portfolio of recommendations by population, type of service (screening, counseling … topic should represent a clinical preventive service (e.g., screening test, preventive medication, counseling
March 07, 2025 - and to balance the overall portfolio of recommendations by population, type of service (screening, counseling … topic should represent a clinical preventive service (e.g., screening test, preventive medication, counseling
December 01, 2011 - input a patient's age and other demographic variables, generating the USPSTF-appropriate screening and counseling … summary, AHRQ ePSS is a very useful tool for the primary care clinic setting, especially for screening, counseling … are then informed whether the patient needs a referral for a test, such as colorectal screening, or counseling
March 16, 2021 - overweight (BMI >25 kg/m 2 ) and have additional cardiovascular risk factors to intensive behavioral counseling … that clinicians should offer or refer patients with abnormal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counseling … for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and the benefits and harms of interventions (such as behavioral counseling … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
March 16, 2021 - overweight (BMI >25 kg/m 2 ) and have additional cardiovascular risk factors to intensive behavioral counseling … that clinicians should offer or refer patients with abnormal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counseling … for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and the benefits and harms of interventions (such as behavioral counseling … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
August 29, 2023 - commissioned a systematic review 1 of the evidence on primary care–feasible or referable behavioral counseling … Benefits of Counseling Interventions
The USPSTF reviewed evidence on the benefits of behavioral counseling … was consistent with that of the general population or too limited to draw comparisons. 1
Harms of Counseling
July 08, 2014 - hypertension, screening for dyslipidemia, the use of nontraditional coronary heart disease risk factors, counseling … on smoking, and counseling on healthful diet and physical activity. … hypertension, screening for dyslipidemia, the use of nontraditional coronary heart disease risk factors, counseling … on smoking, and counseling on healthful diet and physical activity.
February 01, 2010 - Interventions were considered
comprehensive if they included (1)
weight-loss or healthy diet counseling … counseling. … Adiposity was the most common addi-
tional measure, reported in 5 of 13 be-
havioral counseling trials … for weight
loss or healthy diet; (2) counseling for
physical activity or a physical activity
program … -
ity counseling and used behavior-
modification principles to assist with
behavior change.
January 01, 2025 - Summary of USPSTF Final Recommendation: Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures
Summary of USPSTF Final Recommendation
Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures
January 2025
What does the USPSTF recommend?
Women 65 years or older:
October 13, 2016 - Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … Do counseling and nutritional interventions, residential lead hazard control techniques, or chelation … assessing interventions aimed at reducing blood lead levels, including one or more of the following: counseling
July 26, 2016 - The visual skin self-examination will be addressed in a sepa-
rate recommendation statement on counseling … This intervention
will be addressed in the USPSTF’s update of its recommendation state-
ment on counseling … Behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer: US
Preventive Services Task Force recommendation
November 01, 2015 - by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling … comprehensively assesses evidence and makes recommendations about the effectiveness of screening tests, counseling
March 21, 2007 - - Provide staff with
training in patient-
centered counseling or
training, which may … -Refer patient to
evidence based
education or
behavioral counseling--
individual or group. … External policy:
-Add behavior change
counseling to HEDIS
criteria for each
behavior for adult … patients who receive
such counseling.
February 25, 2020 - cognitive impairment, including pharmacotherapy and coun-
seling for tobacco cessation28; screening and counseling … to
reduce unhealthy alcohol use29; counseling to promote healthful
diet and physical activity30,31; … Screening
and behavioral counseling interventions to
reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease
prevention … Behavioral
counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical
activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
January 15, 2008 - Other Relevant Recommendations from the USPSTF
The USPSTF recommendation for screening and counseling … pharmacotherapy (e.g., buprenorphine for opiate abuse) and/or behavioral interventions (e.g., brief motivational counseling … the effect of treatment on social or legal outcomes is sparse and inconsistent, although behavioral counseling
June 15, 2003 - Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials 1999-2002*
Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and CVD: Counseling
January 09, 2018 - www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
September 18, 2018 - “Intensive, multicomponent behavioral interventions combine interventions such as counseling on
nutrition … can
be conducted in group or classroom-style sessions that are led by a moderator, use face-to-face
counseling … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
March 25, 2014 - published recommendations related
to several of the risk factors for cognitive impairment, including counseling … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
February 03, 2014 - Share to Facebook
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Evidence Summary
Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and CVD: Preventive Medication
February 03, 2014
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the …