January 01, 2024 - the USPSTF address clinical preventive services for adults and children, and include screening tests, counseling
November 01, 2017 - and connecting documented
smokers to local quit lines and other telephone-based
smoking cessation counseling
January 01, 2012 - determined as documentation of any of the following: patient given advice to
quit smoking or tobacco use, counseling … by the SNAC
include the lack of a definitive evidence base to support the effectiveness of provider counseling … to quit smoking in adolescents, although such counseling in adults is evidence-based and
recommended … recommend to the Secretary of HHS:
HPV vaccination, medication management for asthma, and behavioral counseling … Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease. 2003;
March 01, 2019 - Weight assessment and counseling for nutrition and physical activity for children and adolescents: body
September 14, 2017 - CANDOR Acknowledgments
The Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) process was funded by AHRQ and is based on
input from experts, key stakeholders, and lessons learned from the agency’s $25 million Patient Safety
and Medical Liability (PSML) Grant Initiative lau…
February 01, 2014 - Compare the effectiveness of an integrated approach (combining counseling, environmental mitigation,
August 23, 2018 - example, use of aspirin or
antithrombotics for those with ischemic vascular disease or smoking cessation counseling … who were screened about tobacco use one or more times within 24 months AND
who received cessation counseling
July 01, 2015 - To improve performance in other priority areas as well,
one SBHC provided nutrition counseling to parents
January 01, 2023 - medical equipment or devices for child
Easy to get special therapy for child
Easy to get treatment or counseling … medical equipment or devices for child
Easy to get special therapy for child
Easy to get treatment or counseling … 51% 46% 44% 44%
Easy to get special therapy for child 46% 45% 55% 47% 43%
Easy to get treatment or counseling … Examples of methods and strategies are:
telephone helpline, individual or group counseling, or cessation … In the last 6 months, how often was it easy to get this treatment or counseling for your
July 31, 2015 - groups (e.g., chronic diseases, age group)
Sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBI) counseling … Patient Recruitment
Health Risk Assessment/Testing
Clinician Counseling … Physicians
Patient Recruitment
Health Risk Assessment/Testing
Clinician Counseling … per
Patient Recruitment
Health Risk Assessment/Testing
Clinician Counseling … per patient
Patient Recruitment
Health Risk Assessment/Testing
Clinician Counseling
September 08, 2015 - • Weight assessment and counseling
for nutrition and physical activity
for children/adolescents: … Weight assessment and counseling
for nutrition and physical activity for
children/adolescents: Body
July 01, 2015 - staff indicated that the electronic
screener helped them identify adolescents who needed
additional counseling
April 03, 2017 - example, use of aspirin or antithrombotics for those with
ischemic vascular disease or smoking cessation counseling … who were screened about tobacco
use one or more times within 24 months AND who received cessation counseling
February 01, 2023 - Oncologist counseling practice and COVID-19 vaccination outcomes for patients with history of PEG-asparaginase
November 01, 2013 - Weight assessment and counseling for nutrition and physical activity for children/adolescents: Body mass … Weight assessment and counseling for nutrition and physical activity for children/adolescents: Body mass
March 01, 2021 - , and connecting documented smokers to local quit lines and other telephone-based smoking cessation counseling
March 03, 2021 - Check all that apply. 1, Cessation counseling | 2, VT quit line | 3, Local resource referral | 4, Reminded
August 23, 2018 - example, use of aspirin or
antithrombotics for those with ischemic vascular disease or smoking cessation counseling … who were screened about tobacco use one or more times within 24 months AND
who received cessation counseling
July 01, 2015 - To improve performance in other priority areas as well, one SBHC provided nutrition counseling to parents
July 01, 2015 - staff indicated that the electronic screener helped them identify adolescents who needed additional counseling