December 20, 2012 - recently described in the 2012 HIV Guidelines (i.e.,
behavioral/structural reminder systems; education/counseling … into the use of behavioral
reminder systems (i.e., activities that require minimal education
and counseling … Summary-
Page 27, lines 7-8: In line with previous suggestion, “through
medication and counseling … examples of psychological
treatments (e.g., CBT, coping skills training) separate from
more generic “counseling … We also chose to
group all behavioral interventions
(“psychological treatments” and
September 13, 2012 - provided in prisons generally parallel those available in the community and may include
psychological counseling … Community, Counseling, and Correctional
Services, Inc. What is a Modified Therapeutic
Community? … Antidepressant*
Drug counseling … OR
community treatment OR complementary OR counseling OR (crisis ADJ
intervention ADJ team*) OR critical … agent/ OR psychotropic drugs/
8 Pharmacologic
Text words
(drug ADJ (based OR counseling
February 25, 2014 - Reviewer 10
Also line 21: “...counseling, self-help materials...” should … We considered motivational interviewing to
be a counseling approach. … The three component, Video
(P4), Guide (P5), and Counseling (P6), SCRIPT Program was
delivered at an … Cost analysis might have been a good
idea on all forms of counseling, incentives, etc. … There were a number of counseling strategies as well
as a wide variation in how well the type of counseling
June 16, 2022 - scope—in other words,
why the review focuses on the combination of family planning, contraception,
STI counseling … care
Per HRSA, family planning was
defined based on Title X
guidelines and included
preconception counseling … and
birth spacing; contraceptive care
(screening, counseling,
provision, and followup care)
was … counselor until they started taking oral contraceptives, which was followed by
6 months of monthly counseling … As you note in future needs, more is
needed on family planning and STI counseling, too.
May 18, 2021 - would enable the AUA to develop additional material with a strong focus on the importance of patient counseling
January 01, 2009 - taken, how the results are delivered to patients (such as by mail or
in person and with or without counseling … effects of amniocentesis on
women and their spouses: importance of
the testing period and genetic counseling … Genetic counseling for families with
inherited susceptibility to breast and
ovarian cancer.
January 01, 2009 - taken, how the results are delivered to patients (such as by mail or
in person and with or without counseling … effects of amniocentesis on
women and their spouses: importance of
the testing period and genetic counseling … Genetic counseling for families with
inherited susceptibility to breast and
ovarian cancer.
April 26, 2013 - Treatment may be delivered via intensive outpatient programs using group or individual counseling, alcoholism … Included trials were mainly in substance abuse treatment settings, and cointerventions (e.g., counseling … nonformulary medication for the VA), and that medications be offered in combination with addiction-focused counseling … Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Risky/Harmful Alcohol Use. … Behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: a
January 27, 2012 - Treatment may be delivered via intensive outpatient programs using group or individual
counseling, alcoholism … Included trials were mainly in substance abuse
treatment settings, and cointerventions (e.g., counseling … nonformulary medication for the VA), and that medications be offered in combination
with addiction-focused counseling … Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary
Care to Reduce Risky/Harmful Alcohol Use. … Behavioral counseling interventions in
primary care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: a
January 01, 2009 - the improvements more directly related to the
additional support provided to the patient, such as counseling
July 08, 2014 - to better
inform the comparison versus pharmacologic therapies,
however it is difficult to say all counseling … various uses of
technology in treatment for depression (e.g. internet-based
therapies, web-camera counseling … to non-pharmacological interventions using
technology such as internet-based therapies, web-camera
counseling … to non-pharmacological interventions using technology
such as internet-based therapies, web-camera counseling … therapy, interpersonal therapy, group therapy,
motivational interviewing, etc.) and evaluate specific
January 01, 2020 - Costs associated with breastfeeding support
(e.g., comprehensive lactation support and counseling, … English),73 and one
prospective cohort study assessed a tailored breastfeeding
counseling intervention … English) or whether benefit of tailored
breastfeeding counseling intervention varies by race/
ethnicity … Telephone peer counseling
of breastfeeding among WIC participants: a randomized
controlled trial. … The effect of a peer counseling program
on breastfeeding initiation and longevity in a low-income rural
March 08, 2013 - Interventions
Multiple interventions to promote smoking cessation exist and include advice and counseling … [Effectiveness of antismoking counseling for postpartum women]. Przegl Lek 2008;65(10):631-3. … [Use of tobacco cessation tools for pregnant women or couples attending pre-birth counseling sessions … [Individually tailored medical counseling for pregnant smokers]. … [Counseling before and in pregnancy. 7: Drug dependence, alcohol and nicotine use].
March 11, 2013 - Interventions
Multiple interventions to promote smoking cessation exist and include advice and counseling … [Effectiveness of antismoking counseling for postpartum women]. Przegl Lek
2008;65(10):631-3. … [Use of tobacco cessation tools for pregnant women or couples attending pre-birth counseling
sessions … [Individually tailored medical counseling for pregnant
smokers]. … [Counseling before and in pregnancy. 7: Drug dependence, alcohol and nicotine use].
January 01, 2013 - Does educational counseling help patients improve glucose control and
adherence to treatment?
January 01, 2005 - Patient Education and Counseling 2004; 55:55-61.
October 26, 2012 - Social stigmatization
No/poor genetic counseling
Delay in treatment during critical early childhood
August 01, 2015 - provides perhaps the most direct discussion of methods in their document on
how to assess behavioral counseling … , and Referral in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol
Misuse (July 2012)10
Counseling, support
Screening … with Metabolic Conditions and Body Mass Index of 30 to 34.9 kg/m2 (June 2013)12
Diet, exercise, counseling … Screening, behavioral counseling, and
referral in primary care to reduce alcohol
misuse. … Screening and Behavioral Counseling
Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce
Alcohol Misuse. U.S.
May 06, 2011 - almost exclusively on interventions related to maternal weight gain, including exercise, nutritional counseling … , and lifestyle counseling, with additional trials on acupuncture for prevention of post-due date pregnancy … birth rate as a primary or secondary outcome included the following interventions: diet and lifestyle counseling