February 01, 2018 - researchers may not be sure
how to deliver these insights back to participants in studies without counseling
February 01, 2018 - researchers may not be sure
how to deliver these insights back to participants in studies without counseling
May 01, 2022 - Prospective randomized study evaluating the
effects of preoperative opioid counseling on
postoperative … Prospective randomized study evaluating the
effects of preoperative opioid counseling on
postoperative … Enhanced discharge counseling to reduce
outpatient opioid use after cesarean delivery:
a randomized
March 01, 2009 - Recommendation recall and satisfaction after
attending breast/ovarian cancer risk counseling. … Understanding mathematical models for breast cancer risk assessment and
counseling. … Identifying and counseling women at increased risk for breast cancer.
September 01, 2012 - A
telecommunications system for monitoring and counseling
patients with hypertension. … Evaluation of software-
based telephone counseling to enhance medication
persistency among patients … Role of
pharmacist counseling in preventing adverse drug events
after hospitalization.
January 01, 2012 - on the provider, staffing needs might increase because staff might need to spend
additional time counseling … patients in the ED: (1) a brief
motivational interview addressing psychosocial needs, substance abuse counseling
January 01, 2012 - provider, staffing levels might change, because a staff member might need to
spend additional time counseling … patients in the ED: (1) a brief
motivational interview addressing psychosocial needs, substance abuse counseling
June 12, 2012 - Antireflux" OR (KW="Reflux"
AND (KW="Surgery OR KW="Surgical")) OR KW="Family Therapy" OR KW="Family
counseling … " OR KW="Psychotherapeutic Counseling" OR KW=”Parent Training” OR
((KW="Family OR KW="Parent*" OR KW
September 13, 2023 - that aim to improve recovery address the
subacute manifestations of distress and dysfunction through counseling
May 17, 2018 - A comparison of
narrative exposure therapy, supportive counseling, and
psychoeducation for treating … The comparators include in the Neuner 2004 study
were trauma counseling and psychological education,
July 05, 2011 - that the
responsible surgeon obtain operative consent from the
mother, preferably in the context of counseling … Nonetheless, these complications could be clinically
significant and therefore relevant to counseling
June 01, 2015 - Patients had balloons in place for at least 6 months and also received regular counseling from a
multidisciplinary … The new drug would likely be added to other drugs and
counseling used by clinicians to help patients
January 22, 2024 - that aim to improve recovery address the
subacute manifestations of distress and dysfunction through counseling
November 13, 2014 - Informal Caregivers
Support Groups
January 01, 2012 - Nonpharmacologic interventions for opioid dependence, such as behavior therapy and counseling,
December 20, 2011 - styles/education
Key Question 3: primary care-based interventions, including
patient counseling
October 19, 2010 - Psychotherapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Professionally administered
October 13, 2021 - manipulation, the report
includes studies assessing nutrition team
consultation, including dietitian counseling … We agree that our findings suggest
interventions via dietitian counseling or
protein/calorie supplementation
October 13, 2021 - manipulation, the report
includes studies assessing nutrition team
consultation, including dietitian counseling … We agree that our findings suggest
interventions via dietitian counseling or
protein/calorie supplementation
July 10, 2018 - Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Source: https://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/
Published on-line: July 10, 2018
Evidence-based Practice Center Program Technical Brief Protocol
Project Title: Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments of Post-Traumatic Stress