December 01, 2013 - All patients received lifestyle modification
counseling. … All subjects received diet and exercise
counseling. … All patients received diet and exercise counseling. … Patients received diet and
exercise counseling and were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to placebo … Drug
therapy is typically offered in conjunction with a program of physical activity, nutrition
June 05, 2014 - They do not include interventions limited to screening or therapeutic
counseling for mental health diagnoses … (counsel* or intervention* or program* or train*).mp.
17. exp Exercise Therapy/
18. exp Directive Counseling
June 01, 2018 - values serve multiple
purposes, including guidance for (a) health professionals
for use in dietary counseling … in
reducing sodium intake may be affected by unmeasured
or unreported factors, such as intensity of counseling … the comparison group consumed
their usual diet (most dietary intervention studies that
relied on counseling … dietary intervention studies to reduce sodium
(or increase potassium) from food sources involved
January 01, 2022 - A systematic review and synthesis of trauma-
informed care within outpatient and counseling health settings
October 29, 2021 - of these patients through positive sharing of their lived in experience, role
modeling and informal counseling
July 01, 2012 - of all the proposed organizing frameworks,21 and (3) the
USPSTF model for assessing screening and counseling … Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling
interventions: an evidence-based approach.
March 01, 2016 - the current research to make
recommendations about clinical preventive
services such as screening, counseling
March 01, 2016 - the current research to make
recommendations about clinical preventive
services such as screening, counseling
January 01, 2012 - medically supervised detoxification and
includes a combination of medical and behavior therapy and/or counseling … Nonpharmacologic interventions, such as behavior
therapy and counseling, are expected to remain as
February 22, 2012 - reprogram how a patient interprets the “tinnitus” sounds by combining sound therapy with directive counseling … TRT also involves fairly extensive counseling, which is based on the “neurophysiological model.” 39 … The combination of sound therapy and counseling with TRT is designed to lead to habituation, meaning … Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment is a combination of acoustic stimulation with a structured program of counseling
October 31, 2013 - would enable the AUA to develop additional material with a strong focus on the importance of patient counseling
January 01, 2020 - hospital policies, costs associated
with breastfeeding support (e.g., comprehensive lactation support and counseling … Preventive Services Task Force in updating its recommendation on counseling to
promote and support breastfeeding … Search ((“baby friendly”[All Fields] OR “hospital practices”[All Fields] OR “Ten Steps”[All
Fields] OR Counseling
January 01, 2020 - Another work-based intervention
that combined Internet-based diet and physical activity
counseling … prevent weight gain may be limited by the lack of
reimbursement for the time to provide information and
counseling … prevent inappropriate weight
gain,33 reimbursement for the time required to provide
weight maintenance counseling … Press Release:
Details for: Medicare covers screening and counseling for obesity.
February 08, 2011 - childbearing age to reinforce social support and positive attitudes about a controlled diet. 7 Genetic counseling
December 14, 2010 - What other patient factors (social support, counseling, preoperative weight loss, compliance with recommended … specific subpopulations (by gender, age, and race/ethnicity) and other patient factors (social support, counseling
August 18, 2014 - in immunization rates, 8,11,12 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder care, 13 preventive care counseling … Electronic health record use and preventive counseling for US children and adolescents.
January 01, 2014 - improvements in immunization rates,8,11,12 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder care,13
preventive care counseling … Electronic health record use and preventive counseling for US children
and adolescents.
April 01, 2015 - 2007 Report19
2011 Hemglobin A1C, Weight,
LDL, HDL, Triglycerides
Screening, Behavioral Counseling … 3.436 (-5.83, -1.041)
I2 = 79.3%, P < 0.001
PL: -27%
DL: -27%
Counseling … BCI = behavioral counseling intervention; CI = confidence interval; CPAP = continuous positive airway … Screening, Behavioral Counseling, and
Referral in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol
Misuse. … BCI = behavioral counseling intervention; CI = confidence interval; CPAP = continuous positive airway
December 01, 2015 - provided data on combination treatments,
including pairings of CBT, BWL, hypocaloric diet,
and diet counseling … the seven trials paired
compound nonpharmacotherapy treatments (i.e., CBT plus
BWL, CBT plus diet counseling … plus BWL in one trial,77 hypocaloric
diet in one trial,81 and group psychological support plus
diet counseling … Imipramine and
diet counseling with psychological support in the treatment of
obese binge eaters: a … A randomized controlled trial
for obesity and binge eating disorder: low-energy-density dietary