August 23, 2013 - “Since TRT depends on both the use of sound
and counseling, it could be considered to span
our two … Revise this
sentence and clarify how much time is devoted to directive
counseling/education and sound … “Since TRT depends on both the use of sound
and counseling, it could be considered to span
our two … “Since TRT depends on both the use of sound
and counseling, it could be considered to span
our two … “Since TRT depends on both the use of sound
and counseling, it could be considered to span
our two
December 26, 2012 - information transfer from expert
to layperson
• Physician-‐patient encounters
o Optimal language, counseling
July 21, 2014 - intuitive eating, 12-step), and nutritional approaches consistent with the ADA’s endorsement of nutrition counseling … children and adolescents)
Behavioral weight loss interventions
Virtual reality therapy
Nutritional counseling … ), ambulatory visits to other health care professionals (e.g., clinical psychologists), nutritional counseling … A randomized controlled trial for obesity and binge eating disorder: low-energy-density dietary counseling … Imipramine and diet counseling with psychological support in the treatment of obese binge eaters: a randomized
May 08, 2019 - medication, formulation [extended release], dosage of medication, duration)
Psychosocial adjuncts (e.g. counseling
September 21, 2021 - exp treatment/
exp stimulation/
exp electroconvulsive shock/
exp counseling
July 21, 2014 - intuitive eating, 12-step), and nutritional approaches consistent with the ADA’s
endorsement of nutrition counseling … and adolescents)
o Behavioral weight loss interventions
o Virtual reality therapy
o Nutritional counseling … , ambulatory visits to other
health care professionals (e.g., clinical psychologists), nutritional counseling … A randomized controlled trial for obesity and
binge eating disorder: low-energy-density dietary counseling … Imipramine and diet counseling
with psychological support in the treatment of obese binge eaters: a
June 01, 2014 - All patients received lifestyle modification
counseling. … .48 Drug therapy is typically offered in conjunction
with a program of physical activity, nutrition counseling … All subjects
received diet and exercise counseling. … All patients received diet and exercise counseling. … Patients received diet and exercise counseling and were
randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to placebo
March 26, 2019 - They provide culturally
appropriate health education and information and informal counseling and social … May provide information on available resources, provide social
support and informal counseling, advocate
November 12, 2013 - shared decisionmaking.1, 2 DSTs may include brochures,
audiovisual materials, educational sessions, counseling … DST-based intervention
(noninteractive material; interactive materials, such as computer software, but no
counseling … ; counseling), and whether the DST is used by the consumer only or by both
the consumer and the provider … Patient education and counseling. 1999 Jul;37(3):255-63.
PMID: 14528551.
17. … Patient education
and counseling. 2005 May;57(2):168-82. PMID: 15911190.
November 12, 2013 - shared decisionmaking. 1,2 DSTs may include brochures, audiovisual materials, educational sessions, counseling … DST-based intervention (noninteractive material; interactive materials, such as computer software, but no counseling … ; counseling), and whether the DST is used by the consumer only or by both the consumer and the provider … Patient education and counseling. 1999 Jul;37(3):255-63. PMID: 14528551.
Gattellari M, Ward JE. … Patient education and counseling. 2005 May;57(2):168-82. PMID: 15911190.
December 01, 2018 - patients
• Scheduling appts
• Translation assistance
• Arranging transport
• Ongoing barriers counseling … • Provide educational information
• Host educational events
• Provide barrier counseling
• Share … risks and benefits of
screening with their primary care provider, provided brief smoking cessation counseling … Provide brief smoking
cessation counseling
Comparator (n=800):
Usual care
• Proportion of
patients … psychological needs
and a significant portion of lung cancer patients may benefit from behavioral counseling
September 01, 2021 - treatment/
4. exp stimulation/
5. exp electroconvulsive shock/
7. exp counseling
October 01, 2022 - 2. exp treatment/ or exp stimulation/ or exp electroconvulsive shock/ or exp TELEMEDICINE/
or exp counseling
January 01, 2021 - treatment/
4. exp stimulation/
5. exp electroconvulsive shock/
7. exp counseling
January 01, 2023 - 4 exp stimulation/
5 exp electroconvulsive shock/
7 exp counseling
June 05, 2014 - They do not include interventions limited to screening or therapeutic counseling for mental health diagnoses … exp Exercise Therapy/
exp Directive Counseling/
Health Behavior/ and (counsel* or intervention* or
September 01, 2007 - studies have indicated that the provision of financial incentives has had a
positive effect on patient counseling … financial
incentives, job satisfaction, is a key driver in increased pharmacist involvement in patient
counseling … A. (2002).”Pharmacist Time Required
for Counseling in an Outpatient Pharmacy” American Journal of Health-System
September 01, 2007 - studies have indicated that the provision of financial incentives has had a
positive effect on patient counseling … financial
incentives, job satisfaction, is a key driver in increased pharmacist involvement in patient
counseling … A. (2002).”Pharmacist Time Required
for Counseling in an Outpatient Pharmacy” American Journal of Health-System
February 01, 2012 - Emotional and psychosocial counseling for the family, with special attention to
donor and nondonor siblings … Emotional and psychosocial counseling for the family, with special attention
on donor and nondonor … HSCT defined such an approach as including:
Research Gap Number 3
a. emotional and psychosocial counseling … undergone HSCT
transplantation defined such an approach as including: emotional
and psychosocial counseling … undergone
HSCT transplantation defined such an approach as including:
emotional and psychosocial counseling