
Total Results: 456 records

Showing results for "counseling".

    January 01, 1995 - Practice audits from February 1992-July 1993 showed increased adherence with all seven counseling services … "Fifteen of 17 respondents (88%) ... reported they understood the message about each of the counseling … In an 18-month period, "improvements occurred in all counseling services, for screening services such
    March 01, 2006 - prescription of beta-blockers, aspirin use, ejection fraction determination, discharge instructions, counseling … Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome:  Smoking cessation counseling increased from 1% to 43% of
    January 01, 2023 - While screening and counseling for IPV is a billable activity, the desire to keep discussions private … Navigator for helping the provider conduct a brief counseling interview, assess risk, document care, … In 36 encounters, reported counseling on injury prevention (Z71.89); and 26 cases of confirmed adult … While counseling patients occasionally required substantial additional time, in the vast majority of … Reported physician time in counseling services for IPV Table 6.
    January 01, 2023 - Project Name Online Counseling to Enable Lifestyle-Focused Obesity Treatment in Primary Care
    January 01, 2012 - Scope: Little is known about the impact of clinician counseling about exercise in adolescents. … It consists of three components: a) clinician prompts to support effective motivational counseling for … Thus, enhancing clinician counseling and increasing adolescent efforts to exercise was selected as the … The first looked at the impact 4-6 weeks of clinician counseling on activating teens to exercising … Prompts for smoking cessation counseling had already been developed.
    January 01, 2010 - referrals, diagnosis codes, laboratory test values, and text clinical notes pertaining to weight loss counseling … 350,000 adults to determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving advice, counseling … identify the relevant clinical events, such as the order codes used at each site, that indicate "obesity counseling
    January 01, 2017 - Physician self-efficacy in communication practices with patients and asthma counseling behavior were … The patient participants’ baseline ratings of their provider’s communication and counseling practices … More objective measurement of communication and counseling behaviors during the clinical encounter may … Given that this was a pilot study, more follow-up time may be needed for improved asthma counseling … Control at 6 months Estimate (SE) P Value Control EHR-PACE Asthma Counseling 19.8 21.6 21.0
    January 01, 1999 - An evidence-based interactive computer program to assist physicians in counseling smokers to quit
    January 01, 2010 - referrals, diagnosis codes, laboratory test values, and text clinical notes pertaining to weight loss counseling … 350,000 adults to determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving advice, counseling … identify the relevant clinical events, such as the order codes used at each site, that indicate “obesity counseling
    January 01, 2023 - While screening and counseling for IPV is a billable activity, the desire to keep discussions private … Navigator for helping the provider conduct a brief counseling interview, assess risk, document care, … In 36 encounters, reported counseling on injury prevention (Z71.89); and 26 cases of confirmed adult … While counseling patients occasionally required substantial additional time, in the vast majority of … Reported physician time in counseling services for IPV Table 6.
    January 01, 2019 - perception of their provider's communication skills, as well as provider-reported confidence in asthma counseling … who completed the EHR-PACE program reported significant improvements in their confidence with asthma counseling … were observed in patient asthma outcomes or their perception of their provider's communication and counseling
    January 01, 2011 - referrals; diagnosis codes; vital signs; text clinical notes pertaining to weight (BMI) and weight loss counseling … 350,000 adults to determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving advice, counseling … distinguish the relevant clinical events (e.g., the order codes used at each site that indicate "obesity counseling
    January 01, 1997 - technology applications were described in 6 categories: computerized communication, telephone follow-up and counseling … significant benefits, including studies of computerized communication (7 of 7), telephone follow-up and counseling
    May 10, 2016 - We also looked at the error pathway of patient counseling. … So our first intervention, patient counseling – we've been to four different states. … So our patient counseling toolkit includes scripted counseling materials. … "Are you surveying patients for their perceived value of the scripted counseling sessions?" … criteria for the information on the scripted patient counseling sheet?
    January 01, 2023 - Challenges in the development of e-Quit worRx: an iPad app for smoking cessation counseling … Challenges in the development of e-Quit worRx: an iPad app for smoking cessation counseling and shared
    January 01, 2020 - conduct personalized, multi-risk screening for youth to inform clinician-delivered health risk behavior counseling … two-phase mixed-methods study and found that although the iHA contributed to higher rates of clinician counseling
    January 01, 2023 - support, tailored patient recommendations, and provider prompts for brief motivational interviewing counseling … features include tailored patient recommendations and provider prompts for brief motivational interviewing counseling
    January 01, 2006 - including more questions about therapeutic regimen (F(2,27) = 4.78, p < .02) and more patient education and counseling … exchange, it is also clear that it is related to increased data gathering and patient education and counseling
    January 01, 2011 - referrals; diagnosis codes; vital signs; text clinical notes pertaining to weight (BMI) and weight loss counseling … 350,000 adults to determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving advice, counseling … distinguish the relevant clinical events (e.g., the order codes used at each site that indicate “obesity counseling
    January 01, 2019 - Providers were comfortable with MI counseling and focused most of their attention on workflow. … Clinicians liked the support for motivational interviewing counseling. … Edited language on weight counseling. … Patients also responded that they were unsure about the impact of the counseling on their plans for … Those of medium risk received provider counseling only. Table 7.

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