January 01, 2023 - dentists recommend and prescribe approved pharmacotherapy; facilitate referral of patients to local counseling … least one quit attempt in the month following the dental visit and 2) increase the reported use of counseling
January 01, 2023 - assessment screening tool in pediatric primary care settings, which found an increased rate of clinician counseling
January 01, 2012 - LHWs used a paper-
based system to track BP readings and conduct counseling and health education sessions … The
trained LHWs will provide targeted outreach and brief lifestyle counseling based on this data.
July 09, 1997 - and diet among diabetic patients with access to a computerized system for providing individualized counseling
January 01, 2023 - Description
This project utilized information technology to develop an integrated screening, counseling
January 01, 2014 - Health information
technology to assist with preventive screening and counseling appears acceptable … For close to 15
years, adolescent clinical preventive guidelines have recommended screening and counseling … The provider behaviors assessed include screening,
anticipatory guidance, and counseling. … should consider computerized pre-visit screening in the
waiting room in combination with in-person counseling … adolescents provided pre-implementation data across the 2 pilot clinics on
provider screening and counseling
January 01, 2011 - to reach a large number of patients, its effectiveness in improving personalized risk assessment and counseling … team is developing a survey to measure self-efficacy for individualized risk assessment and patient counseling
January 01, 2019 - The current traditional
system for providing health behavior counseling in the physician’s office is … There is a need to develop novel health behavior counseling
modalities that leverage the strengths of … Context
The current traditional system for providing health behavior counseling in the
physician’s … In addition, office-
based counseling relies on a patient’s self-reported health behavior information … As
such, there is a need to develop novel health behavior counseling modalities that
leverage the strengths
April 01, 1995 - Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Improved adherence with 7/7 counseling services, and 10
January 01, 2023 - goal setting in the primary care setting, finding it feasible to implement and that it improved diet counseling
July 01, 2010 - Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
Dialogue Systems for
Longitudinal Health Counseling … Medical Center
(urban academic safety-net hospital)
Dialogue Systems for
Longitudinal Health Counseling … School of Medicine /� Northeastern University
Slide Number 3
Dialogue Systems for �Longitudinal Health Counseling … Comprehensive Discharge
RCT of ECA Teaching Hospital Discharge
Dialogue Systems for �Longitudinal Health Counseling
January 01, 2012 - to reach a large number of patients, its effectiveness in improving personalized risk assessment and counseling … This survey will measure self-efficacy for individualized risk assessment, patient counseling about personalized
January 01, 2011 - reach a large number of patients, its
effectiveness in improving personalized risk assessment and counseling … team is developing a survey to measure
self-efficacy for individualized risk assessment and patient counseling
January 01, 2023 - Populations , Adolescents and Young Adults , Women
Electronic health record use and preventive counseling … Electronic health record use and preventive counseling for US children and adolescents.
January 01, 2023 - acceptability of the intervention, determine whether the intervention increased provider rates of screening and counseling
January 01, 2015 - Americans smoke, and over 443,000 deaths each year are
related to smoking.(8) Nationally, rates of counseling … While up to 66% of primary care encounters
identify patients’ tobacco use status, smoking cessation counseling … In response to brief physician encouragement and
counseling, physical activity has been shown to increase … self-efficacy is associated with increased counseling regarding health behaviors
including tobacco … A c ontrolled trial of physician counseling to
promote the adoption of physical activity.
November 01, 2009 - Recognize high-risk behaviors
Screen time (TV computers) Y Y
Nutritional Y Y
Lack of exercise Y Y
Counseling … Screen time (TV computers) Y Y Y 245 1c
Nutritional Y Y Y 179, 186 6
Lack of exercise Y Y Y 179, 186 7
January 01, 2020 - Age-specific modules
EHR-data available to system during call
Key functions: assessment, counseling … Cost
– Improve knowledge
– Support Memory
– Stay Connected
Intervention Targets
– Clinician counseling … Rx labeling
– External aids
– Consumer technologies
Multifaceted Strategies
Better Counseling … Implementation Intention (Dress
– Cognitive planning or “mapping” a behavior
– 3 minute counseling … Effective Counseling
3 Minutes or Less
Next Directions
Contact Info
Q & A
CME/CNE Credits
January 01, 2006 - Nursing Practice (ICNP) Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: The time spent by nursing staff counseling
January 01, 2010 - to an electronic medical record (EMR) will increase recommended screening tests, immunizations, and counseling … percent were due for screening tests and vaccinations respectively; 91 percent and 55 percent needed counseling