June 19, 2008 - They argue that
the core professional values that have permeated the medical profession since the time … The Rural Peer Review Model emphasizes adherence to CMS core measures (quality of care
indicators mandated
February 01, 2004 - The PROS network also receives core funding from the Health
Resources and Services Administration’s
August 14, 2012 - The Joint Commission Introduces Perinatal Care Core Measures
[press release].
August 14, 2012 - The Joint Commission Introduces Perinatal Care Core Measures
[press release].
August 14, 2012 - The Joint Commission Introduces Perinatal Care Core Measures
[press release].
August 14, 2012 - The Joint Commission Introduces Perinatal Care Core Measures
[press release].
August 14, 2012 - The Joint Commission Introduces Perinatal Care Core Measures
[press release].
March 01, 2020 - They have emerged as an intuitive approach to address the two core
contributors to FTR: failure in adequately … display the collected vital signs to nurses decrease the time needed to obtain and document a full
set … Conclusion and Comment
The PSPs reviewed in this chapter aim to reduce FTR by addressing two of its core
November 02, 2018 - Always take into account the core team members, ancillary team members, administration, coordinating … outcome of these briefs had an impact on the team—and on the geriatrician, who although not part of the core … Ideally, you will try to test every intervention that you achieved through the aims that you have set … Set up your goals and targets to complete all these different processes within your implementation plan
November 30, 2010 - and third-party insurers have all
successfully employed various forms of MTM.17, 18, 19, 20
The core … unreasonable) and pharmacists (i.e., it would not be feasible for a community pharmacist to work
without a set
January 01, 2025 - Simulation Model
The project that formed the core of this award was designed to estimate the relative … Ensuring that regional plans start with a complete set of relevant
stakeholders, baseline data, policy … Name Status Description
Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set
August 01, 2009 - A core set of measures might be reasonable,
with flexibility to enable hospitals to design their own
January 01, 2024 - A core set of measures might be reasonable,
with flexibility to enable hospitals to design their own
December 01, 2017 - Core CUSP team guides the process with LFD tool:
CUSP Facilitator.
CUSP Champion.
July 01, 2024 - work teams and increased autonomy of the Data and Evaluation team
to operate independently of the Core … The respondent
highlighted that the Core Leadership team had instituted abrupt changes to decision-making … processes,
specifically moving decision-making authority from work team leads and to the Core Leadership … • Set patient goals collaboratively.
• Use teach-back methods. … • Data feedback
• Intervention sites work with PF and their staff to set data
August 01, 2017 - following monthly benchmarks:
Initiation of the project: Practices received $5,000 if they identified a core
January 01, 2003 - The MBNQA
Tool for Evaluating Patient Safety Performance
framework consists of 11 core values … Core competencies
in cancer genetics for advanced practice oncology
September 01, 2005 - From this conference came a set of
recommendations for improving ambulatory patient safety that included … The core of the project was a reporting system
that collected voluntarily reported medical errors from
April 01, 2018 - We recruited and included all three of the LVHN clinics in the pool to ensure inclusion of the urban core … The next set of five tables ( Tables 4.12 - 4.16 ) present bivariate and multivariate logistic regression
July 01, 2021 - Appendix C. Detailed Descriptions of Agency Research Portfolios
Health Services and Primary Care Research Study: Comprehensive Report
Below we describe in more detail the individual HSR and PCR portfolios of the federal operating divisions in-scope of the study, including both extramural research (i.e., grant…