
Total Results: 2,278 records

Showing results for "core set".

    November 01, 2015 - The 9 types of HACs selected for special focus ("core HACs") by the PfP are listed in Exhibit A1 in … to allow tracking of a variety of other important sources of harm to patients in addition to the 9 "core … Mortality for patients with pressure ulcer was compared to mortality among a matched set of patients,
    April 01, 2013 - that you’re doing, the quality plan or the goals for the hospital as well as the goals for the unit -- core … group picks out, based on feedback from the staff, based on pay for performance performance priorities, core … critical situation or a concerning situation with a patient, it could take 15 minutes to walk from one set … If you have a stat order, we don’t just put it in the computerized order set, but rather we expect you … And so we set down the guidelines, and when that happens, it’s very easy to hold people accountable to
    September 01, 2022 - discussion around the need to improve diagnosis, probabilistic reasoning has not been emphasized as a core … The clinician then decides to perform a particular diagnostic test (or set of tests) to explore likely … skills and tools, including the following achievable steps: ■ Focus on embracing uncertainty as a core
    July 01, 2013 - This committee's report describes core principles for successful integration, including involving the … A set of valid standard measures of the most relevant characteristics of the six basic elements and relationships … clinical-community resource relationships should be more thoroughly reported, perhaps with a standard set
    March 10, 2008 - hospital-level and seven area-level PSIs were recommended by one or more multispecialty panels as a set … patient safety, the OECD convened a Patient Safety Panel, which then solicited indicators covering “five core … The title for PSI 7 (selected infections due to medical care) suggests a broader set of infections than … diagnosis codes,6 because the principal diagnosis is defined in the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set … Conclusion A set of algorithms for the AHRQ PSIs using ICD-10-WHO diagnoses has been developed and
    March 07, 2019 - Step 1: Set the Stage and Create a Sense of Urgency Get people’s attention! … Strategy Senior Leadership is responsible for: Defining a “culture of safety” aligned with expectations, core … learning Train employees so they have the desired skills and attitudes Track activities and progress Set
    March 01, 2017 - The toolkit shares experiences from all 17 IMPaCT grant model and partner States and explains the core
    April 01, 2015 - The toolkit shares experiences from all 17 IMPaCT grant model and partner States and explains the core
    April 01, 2015 - The toolkit shares experiences from all 17 IMPaCT grant model and partner States and explains the core
    June 01, 2023 - ISCR activities Enter Confirmatory Actions Enter Name of Person Responsible for Action List your core
    May 01, 2013 - acknowledges that families, however they are defined, are essential to patients’ health and well-being…” Core
    March 31, 2008 - ASIPS Patient Safety Reporting System The core of the ASIPS PSRS is a Web-based data collection and … primary care errors by Bhasale, et al.20 The cascade analysis found that 80 percent of the errors that set … informational or personal miscommunication, and two of three errors in treatment or diagnosis were actually set
    September 01, 2015 - Self-management support is a coreSet visit agenda. Collaborate on patient goal setting.
    October 01, 2020 - • Supplemental items: The Child Commercial Survey 5.1 includes core items only.
    October 01, 2020 - • Supplemental items: The Child Medicaid Survey 5.1 includes core items only.
    November 01, 2022 - • You may already have an existing committee or group whose members can serve as the core of your action … Use your SOPS survey and supplemental item set results as a starting point. … Remember to set “SMART” goals that will help you see the gap between where you are and where you want
    May 01, 2015 - Services (HHS) and Institute of Medicine (IOM), recommends that IPV screening and counseling should be a core
    February 09, 2005 - At the core of WARFDOCS PDA-based Warfarin Dose Calculator 397 is a computerized decision-support … hospital Semi-rural 89 Currently enrolling patients E Non-profit community hospital Urban core … hospital Rural 102 Withdrew before enrolling patients G Non-profit community hospital Urban core … The interviewer used a set of guiding questions and probes to ensure consistency across the interviews
    January 01, 2014 - During the first communication with patients and families, we need to set the stage for this as well, … morale and trust amongst the organization and care providers as they see that this entire process is core … The implementation of the CANDOR process can be broken down into three major buckets: Assessments—We set
    August 01, 2024 - developing requirements for the collection of disability status consistent with the United States Core … Data for Interoperability standard set in work done by grantees of AHRQ, the Health Resources and Services … research process, it is essential that the federal government partner with disability communities to set

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