
Total Results: 794 records

Showing results for "core set".

  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 06, 2021 - unit stay where we, in collaboration with families and their clinicians and with full transparency, set … physician-centered care, but it’s not the fault of the physician, it's a part of how the system is set … once the baby is out and really thinking about what does it mean to provide good care and then how to set … We thought implementing a standard set of postpartum pain orders would help, but it hasn’t changed at … Like with that example and pain control or the language piece, it's really fixing that core issue around
    January 31, 2024 - Debriefing is a core strategy to foster learning opportunities and reduce future errors.
    January 16, 2025 - Development The first set of NPSGs was developed in 2002 and implemented the following year. … The National Action Alliance for Patient and Workforce Safety  builds on core principles of Safer Together
    October 11, 2016 - This commentary summarizes core concepts of human error and discusses how they can be applied to promote
    September 01, 2006 - We did our first cultural survey back in 1998 to set the benchmark. … RW: When you set up the program what was your vision? … That is, we have a set amount of money, and we have to take care of all the patients who walk in the … We set up the structure, give them the tools, and train them. … The core purpose of analyzing errors is to identify weaknesses in systems and practices.( 12 ) One practical
    January 08, 2025 - the perioperative environment: a conceptual framework of key theories, system factors, methods, and core
    August 01, 2006 - RW: So, a medical school librarian set off the modern patient safety movement? … So we did some pilot studies, and then we set out to do a big study to see if we could find adverse drug … I just think it's another set of issues to which we must apply similar thinking. … That is, getting beyond blame, punishment, and training and going on to saying, how can we set it up … the presence of leaders who were willing to take risks and who appreciated that safety had to be the core
    November 16, 2022 - This type of solution inherently addresses core design problems rather than relying on humans to adapt … SEIPS 2.0 , SEIPS 3.0 , and SEIPS 101 , depict key characteristics and interactions between three core … And so, a core concept is really understanding people and the rest of the system and the interactions … We think about them as a group of different models that have core elements, but each one of them has … skilled nursing facilities that were overseen by these advanced practice providers, an automated trigger set
    May 23, 2007 - December 21, 2016 SOPS Health Information Technology Patient Safety Supplemental Item Set … April 3, 2013 Effects of duty hour restrictions on core competencies, education, quality
    March 14, 2022 - The authors also describe initiatives that integrate core safety concepts into professional development
    August 01, 2006 - I was lured by someone who needed a special skill I had, but did nothing to set me on a growth path or … So, we set out to interview anesthesiologists, residents, and nurse anesthetists, seeking to learn from … the presence of leaders who were willing to take risks and who appreciated that safety had to be the core … RW: So, a medical school librarian set off the modern patient safety movement? … I just think it's another set of issues to which we must apply similar thinking.
    January 27, 2021 - Health care disparities  are  emerging as a core patient safety issue.
    January 19, 2022 - Improving diagnosis has been recently promoted as a core area in patient safety.
    October 19, 2022 - initiative, this commentary describes the development of a checklist created to improve the reliability of core
    June 23, 2021 - Patient/clinician relationships supported by organizational culture and individual wellness efforts are core
    February 26, 2025 - implementation guide (for healthcare providers). 4 The implementation of observational tools (including core … Additionally, it is important to properly set the stage for the value proposition for this innovation … implementation guide (for healthcare providers). 4 The implementation of observational tools (including core
    June 28, 2023 - Diagnostic reasoning is a core component of safe care but is not always included in formal educational
    November 16, 2022 - And so, a core concept is really understanding people and the rest of the system and the interactions … We think about them as a group of different models that have core elements, but each one of them has … The core team that participated in the design process included an ED physician, an ED nurse, sometimes … skilled nursing facilities that were overseen by these advanced practice providers, an automated trigger set … This type of solution inherently addresses core design problems rather than relying on humans to adapt
    July 29, 2020 - Hand hygiene is a core practice for decreasing health care–associated infections , but achieving compliance
    April 27, 2022 - approaches to ambulatory care safety in the future. 2 , 3 The more things change, the more the same core … addressed by the largest number of key studies and commentaries on PSNet over the past year and (2) core

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