February 09, 2011 - several provisions of the law have already been adopted and planning efforts have been initiated for the core … In order to effectively plan, operationalize, implement and manage the vast array of programs set in … Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, is one of the core
October 01, 2010 - The set of households selected for the MEPS HC is a subsample of those
participating in the National … included in the MEPS with no additional
subsampling, the initial MEPS estimation weight would be set … related estimates
derived from the NHIS
The linkage of the MEPS to the NHIS permits a related set … The estimates appear as the first set presented in the columns, using MEPS Panel
12 cohort adjusted … and the Sample Child Core questionnaires.
October 01, 2010 - The set of households selected for the MEPS HC is a subsample of those
participating in the National … included in the MEPS with no additional
subsampling, the initial MEPS estimation weight would be set … related
estimates derived from the NHIS
The linkage of the MEPS to the NHIS permits a related set … The estimates appear as the first set presented in the columns, using MEPS Panel
12 cohort adjusted … and the Sample Child Core questionnaires.
August 01, 1999 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample
and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS
HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal data collection
for core … Then
where S and U are the set of sampled units and set of
units in the universe, respectively. … certified but not hospital based
3 if not certified or hospital based
Beale code =
1 if large metro core … facility weights =
1 if hospital based
2 if certified, not hospital based, for profit in a large
metro core
June 01, 2000 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample
and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS
HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal data collection
for core … A core set of employer information, such as total
employment, selected characteristics, and health
coverage … In the case of the MEPS IC, the core of the
imputation process is a form of “hot-deck” imputation,
by … The donor set is the set of plans
from establishments that have at least one self-insured
October 01, 2004 - permits
enhanced and more extensive analyses that are beyond the more constrained scope of the
core … Applications to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
One of the core health care surveys in the United … A key feature of an integrated survey design is the direct linkage between sample
members in the core … In addition to utilizing this information as a
frame to support the sample design of the core survey … When the core survey is linked to a larger host survey, the
survey operations and field staff that
October 01, 2004 - permits
enhanced and more extensive analyses that are beyond the more constrained scope of the
core … Applications to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
One of the core health care surveys in the United … A key feature of an integrated survey design is the direct linkage between sample
members in the core … In addition to utilizing this information as a
frame to support the sample design of the core survey … When the core survey is linked to a larger host survey, the
survey operations and field staff that
August 01, 1999 - Then
where S and U are the set of sampled units and set of units in the universe, respectively. … set of sample units by multiplying the weights for each unit in the first set by the new total they … Upon review of a selected set of estimates made with (1) the original untrimmed weights, (2) a test set … based
if not certified or hospital based
Beale code =
if large metro core … 1
if hospital based
if certified, not hospital based, for profit
in a large metro core
August 01, 2009 - It has served a core data resource for
estimating the impact of changes … review to insure statistical standards
developed by the statistical agencies responsible for the core … First, core data from the 2002 NHEA-aligned MEPS
file are projected to each end year through 2016 by … In developing the prediction model, a core set of
potential predispositional measures were identified … Discussion
The federal statistical agencies responsible for the development and maintenance
of core
August 03, 2011 - The first set of
analyses are conducted to examine the differentials in pre-dispositional factors that … In addition, the
documentation clarifies that only a subset of persons from the previous NHIS core … developed to permit cohort analyses using health and health care related data
acquired from the NHIS core … integration and future alignment of
surveys, administrative data and electronic health record systems is a core … User's Manual for the Medical Outcomes
Study (MOS) Core Measures of Health-Related Quality of Life.
June 01, 2000 - Return To Top
A core set of employer information, such as total employment, selected characteristics … In the case of the MEPS IC, the core of the imputation process is a form of "hot-deck" imputation, by … The donor set is the set of all establishments that reported for all the plans required by the survey … The donor set for this variable is the set of all establishments that provided an answer to question … The donor set is the set of plans from establishments that have at least one self-insured plan.
March 01, 2007 - The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for
the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … , from which the sample for the MEPS-HC is drawn, and
enhanced longitudinal data collection for core … With each set of weights, we created a set of national-,
regional-, and state-level estimates for … The second set is for
the 816 mean estimates at the state level. … The fourth
set is for estimates of sums made at the state level.
March 01, 2007 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS-HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal
data collection for core … With each set of weights, we created a set of national-, regional-, and state-level
estimates for six … The second set is for the 816 mean estimates at the state level. … The fourth set is for
estimates of sums made at the state level.
November 01, 1999 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample
and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS
HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal data collection
for core … Then
where S and U are the set of sampled units and set of
units in the universe, respectively. … of
respondents in C, would be
The adjusted weights for nonrespondents would be set to
zero. … States were
grouped together as a single set
December 01, 2005 - The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for
the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … , from which the sample for the MEPS-HC is drawn, and
enhanced longitudinal data collection for core … This paper examines the possibility of producing selected
state estimates from one core DHHS … We found that use of Taylor Series
methods for this first set of design-based estimates gave … This is true when making estimates of
error for any set of estimates.
December 01, 2005 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS-HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal
data collection for core … This paper examines the possibility of
producing selected state estimates from one core DHHS data source … However, since there are enough PSUs to calculate an error for each of
these states, this third set … This is true when making
estimates of error for any set of estimates.
May 01, 2018 - data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey pooled for the years 2014 and 2015 to examine three core
January 01, 2007 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … NHIS), from which the sample for the MEPS-HC is drawn, and enhanced longitudinal
data collection for core … A different set of sort variables is used
for the hot deck for each variable imputed. … The recipient takes from the donor plan the values of all three
variables in the set. … The donor set for the second imputation is the set of all establishments that require a
waiting period
April 30, 2019 - This report examines health insurance coverage estimates obtained from the following four core surveys
December 23, 2002 - used in concert with demographic, chronic condition, and preventive care information collected in the core