March 01, 2012 - generated from HCUPnet, a free, online
query system that provides users with immediate access to largest set … Nonmetropolitan counties, i.e., a nonmetropolitan county with an area of 10,000 or
more residents
– Non-core … About HCUPnet
HCUPnet is an online query system that offers instant access to the largest set of all-payer
October 01, 2010 - Micropolitan counties, i.e., a non-metropolitan county with an area of 10,000 or more
– Non-core … The IQIs, a component of the AHRQ QIs, are a set of measures that can be
used with hospital inpatient
January 01, 2014 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … weighted counts for 0/1 variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2013 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … weighted counts for 0/1 variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2017 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
(HCUP 09/07/15) C-2
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2015 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
(HCUP 09/01/15) C-2
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2016 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
(HCUP 09/07/15) C-2
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2014 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … weighted counts for 0/1 variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2018 - Non-
metropolitan counties are divided simply into micropolitan and non-core categories. … This would be done by employing a set of rules as to which insurance takes precedence
over other insurance … variable DIABETES";
ods listing;
(HCUP 10/04/18) C-2
In the PROC SURVEYMEANS output data set … The actual configuration of the output data set depends on the
version of SAS.
January 01, 2001 - nationwide estimates, the discharge weights should be used to extrapolate sampled
discharges in the Core … nationwide estimates, use one of the following discharge weights to extrapolate
discharges in the NIS Core … NIS Year
Name of Discharge Weight on the
Core File to Use for Creating
Nationwide Estimates
Name … that a very large number of observations will be available for most
analyses, it may be feasible to set … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation
December 01, 2022 - based on the NIS data element, HOSP_LOCTEACH, where the urban-rural assignment is determined by the Core … If information on procedure day is missing , the operating room procedure is set to occur on the day … If information on procedure day is missing, the major therapeutic procedure is set to occur on the day … If information on procedure day is missing, the major diagnostic procedure is set to occur on the day
January 01, 2003 - To produce nationwide estimates, use the discharge weights to extrapolate sampled discharges in the Core … To produce nationwide estimates, use the discharge weights to extrapolate sampled discharges in the Core … that a very large number of observations will be available for most analyses, it may be feasible to set … If the analytical file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques
January 01, 1999 - By integrating core data elements comparable to those in a
typical discharge abstract, HCUP has created … This database
includes core inpatient data elements but excludes information that could
April 01, 2022 - default CCSR based on clinical coding guidelines, etiology
and pathology of diseases, and standards set … The SEDD contain
a core set of clinical and nonclinical information on all patients, including individuals
January 01, 2013 - The SEDD contain a core set of clinical
and nonclinical information on all patients, including individuals
January 01, 2009 - classification of urban-rural location, which includes gradations of
metropolitan, micropolitan, and non-core … Estimates that did not satisfy these criteria were set to missing. … Uniform Billing format (UB-92 or UB-04) and, for earlier years, the
Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set … of States in HCUP in 2000 and second with data from the set of States in
HCUP in all three years (1994 … Estimates that did not satisfy these criteria were set to missing.
January 01, 2014 - The SEDD contain a
core set of clinical and nonclinical information on all patients, including individuals
January 01, 2008 - classification of urban-rural location, which includes
gradations of metropolitan, micropolitan, and non-core … Estimates that did not satisfy these criteria were set to missing. … using the Uniform Billing formats (UB-92) and, for earlier years, the
Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set
October 01, 2020 - Users must set up the SAS programs (Comorb_ICD10CM_Format_vyyyy-r.sas and
Comorb_ICD10CM_Analy_vyyyy-r.sas … Set the macro variables in the SAS analysis program
(Comorb_ICD10CM_Analy_vyyyy-r.sas) to match the … the output
File Names
Specify the file name of the input dataset %LET CORE … %LET NUMDX=15
Set to 1 if indicators that diagnoses are
present on admission (POA) are available … in the input data; set to 0 otherwise.
January 01, 2016 - The
SID contain a core set of clinical and nonclinical information on all patients, regardless of payer … They contain a core set of
clinical and nonclinical information on all patients, regardless of payer … The SASD contain a core set of clinical and nonclinical
information on all patients, regardless of payer … Unverified
patient linkage numbers are set to missing. … The next set of
analyses will focus on the potential for differential results based on the patient-level