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    January 01, 2013 - For example, the load program for the 2013 NIS Core file is linked to "Core File" under "2013 NIS". … that a very large number of observations will be available for most analyses, it may be feasible to set … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross–validation techniques … For more information on how hospitals in the data set were mapped to hospitals as defined by the AHA, … At least one Partner required ages in years (AGE) to be set to the midpoints of age ranges.
    August 01, 2006 - Users can link the year-specific skinny ZIP Code files to the same year Core file by using data elements … Starting in data year 2018, the data element ZIP is stored on the Core file.
    November 01, 2015 - For example, the load program for the 2013 NIS Core file is linked to “Core File” under “2013 NIS”. … that a very large number of observations will be available for most analyses, it may be feasible to set … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques … For more information on how hospitals in the data set were mapped to hospitals as defined by the AHA …  At least one Partner required ages in years (AGE) to be set to the midpoints of age ranges.
    January 01, 2000 - This weight has already been merged onto the KID Inpatient Core File by record type and KID_STRATUM … This weight has already been merged onto the KID Inpatient Core File by record type and KID_STRATUM … This weight has already been merged onto the KID Inpatient Core File by record type and KID_STRATUM … This weight has already been merged onto the KID Inpatient Core File by record type and KID_STRATUM … KID_STRATUM was set to 9999 for children’s hospitals.
    January 01, 2006 - Each database encompasses a slightly different set of facilities, as shown in Table 2. … The frequency with which the information provided in the two systems translates to the same set of CCS … coding systems, there is still an appreciable amount of information that is unique to one or the other set … The core file supplies a fixed number of CPT code variables on a single record for each encounter. … CPT codes may be supplied in the core file or in the charge detail file.
    October 01, 2008 - Report found that Hispanics had lower quality of care than non-Hispanic whites on two-thirds of its 32 core … quality measures and lower levels of access to care on 6 of 10 core access measures.1 Rates of … Prevention Quality Indicators The Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) are part of a set of AHRQ Quality … The PQIs are a set of measures that can be used with hospital inpatient discharge data to identify quality
    November 01, 2022 - Beds are the total hospital beds set up (as reported in each year’s AHA Annual Survey Database). … The hospital-specific CCR is set to missing if any of these conditions are met: • The Routine Care … Note that the CCR-NIS CCR upper limit is set at 1.87 to further protect hospital confidentiality. … include the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), which represents the capital cost adjustment index for Core-Based … 2001–2020; KID 2001–2019; NRD 2010–2020 Abbreviations: AHA, American Hospital Association; CBSA, Core-Based
    January 01, 2021 - Beds are the total hospital beds set up (as reported in each year’s AHA Annual Survey Database). … The hospital-specific CCR is set to missing if any of these conditions are met: • The Routine Care … Note that the CCR-NIS CCR upper limit is set at 1.87 to further protect hospital confidentiality. … include the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), which represents the capital cost adjustment index for Core-Based … –2021; KID 2001–2019; NRD 2010–2021; Abbreviations: AHA, American Hospital Association; CBSA, Core-Based
    January 01, 2020 - Beds are the total hospital beds set up (as reported in each year’s AHA Annual Survey Database). … The hospital-specific CCR is set to missing if any of these conditions are met: • The Routine Care … Note that the CCR-NIS CCR upper limit is set at 1.87 to further protect hospital confidentiality. … include the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), which represents the capital cost adjustment index for Core-Based … 2001–2020; KID 2001–2019; NRD 2010–2020 Abbreviations: AHA, American Hospital Association; CBSA, Core-Based
    January 01, 2022 - Beds are the total hospital beds set up (as reported in each year’s AHA Annual Survey Database). … The hospital-specific CCR is set to missing if any of these conditions are met: • The Routine Care … Note that the CCR-NIS CCR upper limit is set at 1.87 to further protect hospital confidentiality. … include the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), which represents the capital cost adjustment index for Core-Based … –2022; KID 2001–2019; NRD 2010–2021; Abbreviations: AHA, American Hospital Association; CBSA, Core-Based
    January 01, 2019 - Beds are the total hospital beds set up (as reported in each year’s AHA Annual Survey Database). … The hospital-specific CCR is set to missing if any of these conditions are met: • The Routine Care … Note that the CCR-NIS CCR upper limit is set at 1.87 to further protect hospital confidentiality. … include the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), which represents the capital cost adjustment index for Core-Based … 2001–2019; KID 2001–2019; NRD 2010–2019 Abbreviations: AHA, American Hospital Association; CBSA, Core-Based
    January 01, 2004 - In order to facilitate analysis of trends using multiple years of NIS data, an alternate set of NIS … The NIS data set includes only the actual (unadjusted) number of observed discharges. … NIS Year Name of Discharge Weight on the Core File to Use for Creating Nationwide Estimates Name … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques … In order to facilitate analysis of trends using multiple years of NIS data, an alternate set of NIS
    January 01, 2005 - In order to facilitate analysis of trends using multiple years of NIS data, an alternate set of NIS … The NIS data set includes only the actual (unadjusted) number of observed discharges. … NIS Year Name of Discharge Weight on the Core File to Use for Creating Nationwide Estimates Name … If the analytic file is too small to set aside a large validation sample, cross-validation techniques … In order to facilitate analysis of trends using multiple years of NIS data, an alternate set of NIS
    September 01, 2019 - STEP 2: Users must set up the SAS program ( to run on their data. … Set the macro variables in the SAS program to match the data element names and file structure of the … I10_NDX in HCUP databases) %LET NDXVAR=I10_NDX; Specify the file name of the input dataset %LET CORE … The goal of the team was to create a set of clinical coding definitions that matched the categories … CCS tool, but rather the team was tasked with creating a set of categories that were identifiable in
    December 01, 2022 - . *** Recent years included in core database files with purchase; older years (2003-2008) available
    January 01, 2007 - Each database encompasses a slightly different set of facilities, as shown in Table 2. … The frequency with which the information provided in the two systems translates to the same set of CCS … coding systems, there is still an appreciable amount of information that is unique to one or the other set … The core file supplies a fixed number of CPT code variables on a single record for each encounter. … CPT codes may be supplied in the core file or in the charge detail file.
    October 01, 2020 - Users must set up the SAS program (PClass_ICD10PCS_Mapping_Program_vyyyy- to run on their data … Set the macro variables in the SAS program to match the data element names and file structure of the … location of the output dataset LIBNAME OUT1 File Names Specify the file name of the input dataset %LET CORE
    January 01, 2018 - is defined as being part of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA); beds are the total hospital beds set … The index is computed for each urban Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) and then linked with the AHA … Adjustment Factor (GAF) The Geographic Adjustment Factor is a capital cost adjustment index for Core … hosp-specific GAPICC Group average all-payer inpatient CCR GAF Capital cost adjustment index for Core
    January 01, 2015 - Data Elements in the 2015 NRD Core File Table D.2. … For example, the load program for the 2015 NRD Core file is found under the link "SAS NRD 2015 Core File … Patient Demographics AGE Age in years coded 0-90 years; any age greater than 90 was set to 90. … For the first set of readmission rates, we required that a 30-day readmission for any cause occur in … For the second set of readmission rates, we allowed the 30-day readmission for any cause to occur in
    September 05, 2020 - By default, the macro variables are set to "1" within the program, indicating that the files will be … a user is not interested in one of the files, the value for the respective macro variable should be set … Specify the name of your input dataset (SAS member name) ( Modify italic text ) → %LET CORE … to 1 if indicators that diagnoses are present on admission (POA) are available in the input data; set … Specify the name of your input dataset (SAS member name) ( Modify italic text ) → %LET CORE " INPUT_SAS_FILE

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