February 01, 2013 - For instance, exercise therapy is often considered a core therapy for patients
with knee pain secondary … Patient, Provider, and
Implement plan of care
Therapist-patient interactions
Core … adjunct treatment(s)
(i.e., knee taping) if
necessary to reduce
participation in core … address whether adjunct therapies were effective for enabling patients
to more fully participate in core … Recommendations for a core set of outcome
measures for future phase III clinical trials
in knee,
September 20, 2013 - For some individuals, the core symptoms of ASD
(impairments in communication and social interaction … The goals of
treatment for ASD focus on improving core deficits in social communication and social … A third particular set of interventions included in this category are those using
principles of ABA … What are the effects on core symptoms (e.g., social deficits, communication deficits, and
repetitive … As noted, we will adhere to the parameters
set forth in the original 2011 review but with the exception
June 10, 2018 - It further classifies
acute pain using five dimensions6: core criteria (the inciting event, timing, … to identify, inventory, and organize
the existing research on treatments for pain attributable to a set … The initial set of priority acute pain conditions were identified by AHRQ and
• Musculoskeletal … We will use a set of questions to facilitate discussions with KIs (Appendix A). … EPC Team Disclosures
EPC core team members must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater
June 10, 2013 - The DRIs—which comprise estimated average requirements (EARs), adequate intakes (AIs; set in the absence … of sufficient evidence to set an EAR), and upper limits (ULs; the highest level of intake likely to … report included only one meta-analysis, a revision of a meta-analysis of a previously published data set … EPC Team Disclosures
EPC core team members must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater … Disclosures of conflict of interest were submitted for the EPC core team investigators before the project
January 01, 2017 - ,
cognitive remediation (core illness
symptoms), family interventions
(core illness symptoms, function … ,
relapse), illness self-management
(core illness symptoms),
psychoeducation (core illness
symptoms, … (core illness symptoms,
employment). … Family interventions improved core illness
symptoms, including negative symptoms. … focus our review of psychosocial
interventions on comparisons with usual care was made
as part of a set
January 01, 2024 - The table lists the core principles and/or
domains of each TIC model, as numerated by the model developers … This primary purpose and focus on patient/clients formed a core basis of
the review; and thus, measures … Building a trauma-informed
national mental health
workforce: Learning outcomes
from use of the core … Trauma-informed juvenile
justice systems: A systematic
review of definitions and core
components. … at a
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric
Hospital: Effectiveness of Six
Core Strategies Based on Trauma
December 07, 2009 - Goals of treatment often focus on alleviating core deficits in communication, social interactions, or … are to maximize the child’s ultimate functional independence and quality of life by minimizing the core … Management strategies consist of a diverse set of interventions that vary in their modality; many lack … KQ1c: What are the longer-term effects (>6 mos) on core symptoms (e.g. social deficits, communication … The definition was clarified to require fundamental core social impairment in addition to either/both
March 29, 2011 - Goals of treatment for young children often focus
on alleviating core deficits in communication, social … progress in the short and long terms.7 For many individuals, the core symptoms of
ASD (impairments … or active control
• Outcome measures for each question:
At this time, we have identified a set … gain)
- Reduction in and negative influences on quality of life
• Timing:
o We will not set … As an inclusion criterion, we will set the cut-off level for study size at a minimum of 20 participants
December 09, 2009 - Goals of treatment often focus on alleviating
core deficits in communication, social interactions, or … are to maximize the child’s ultimate functional independence and quality of
life by minimizing the core … Management strategies consist of a diverse set of interventions that vary in their modality;
many lack … KQ1c: What are the longer-term effects (>6 mos) on core symptoms (e.g. social deficits,
communication … The definition was
clarified to require fundamental core social impairment in addition to either/both
January 01, 2010 - Goals of treatment often focus on alleviating
core deficits in communication, social interactions, or … are to maximize the child’s ultimate functional independence and quality of
life by minimizing the core … Management strategies consist of a diverse set of interventions that vary in their modality;
many lack … KQ1c: What are the longer-term effects (>6 mos) on core symptoms (e.g. social deficits,
communication … The definition was
clarified to require fundamental core social impairment in addition to either/both
March 01, 2020 - advancement, improve
employment stability, assure that community health workers have a standard skill set … Identifying the core elements of effective community health worker programs: a research agenda.
June 18, 2020 - designs, we will incorporate items from three different existing commonly-used tools and will tailor the set … outcome set" that was published in 2015 for research on breast reconstructive surgery. 33 , 34 Core … International development and implementation of a core measurement set for research and audit studies … Development of a core outcome set for research and audit studies in reconstructive breast surgery. … Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials: issues to consider.
April 09, 2020 - designs, we will incorporate items from three
different existing commonly-used tools and will tailor the set … outcome set” that was published in 2015 for research on breast
reconstructive surgery.33,34 Core outcome … International development and implementation of a core
measurement set for research and audit studies … Development of a core outcome set for research and audit
studies in reconstructive breast surgery. … Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials:
issues to consider.
April 22, 2011 - Download Topic Suggestion Disposition [PDF · 129.5 KB]
Briefly describe a specific question, or set … The guideline will be incorporated into the AUA Office of Education’s Urology Core Curriculum, the most … The guideline will be incorporated into the AUA Office of Education’s Urology Core Curriculum, the most
October 01, 2012 - Several efforts are underway to use the ICF framework to
establish core sets of outcomes for patients … that the limits of the specific scope of literature, particularly
being limited to an illustrative set … the Human Services Research Institute, and 28 currently
participating States to report a standard set … The goal of the collaboration is to develop a core
set of measures States can use to manage the quality … Much could be gained from
developing a core set of outcome measures, as discussed
November 01, 2013 - way to obtain informed public input for U.S. health care research, as well as identifying a feasible set … A core goal of deliberative methods is informed input, and a core assumption is that information and … Also, participants often explicitly stated that individual freedom of choice was a core value. … Participants debated whether other payers, such as employers or the government, have the right to set … have a legitimate financial or ethical stake in health care tended to accept that these entities could set
November 01, 2013 - way to obtain informed public input for U.S. health
care research, as well as identifying a feasible set … A core
goal of deliberative methods is informed input, and a core assumption is that information
and … Also, participants often explicitly stated that
individual freedom of choice was a core value. … Participants debated whether other payers, such as employers or the government, have the
right to set … a
legitimate financial or ethical stake in health care tended to accept that these entities
could set
December 01, 2011 - Percentage cancer involvement in each core
Six cohorts used more than 50 percent cancer involvement … in each biopsy core as part of monitoring criteria for disease
progression. … Percentage cancer involvement in each core
No cohort used this factor. … Risk perceptions
One set of interviews in men with low-risk prostate cancer
reported that physician … be offered AS based on disease and
patient characteristics; (3) the “followup protocol,” the
minimum set
October 30, 2020 - English abstract is published in a foreign language, the abstract will be assessed against the full set … If the evidence permits a conclusion, then, all else being equal, a set of studies at low risk of bias … yields a higher SOE rating than a set of studies at moderate or high risk of bias. … EPC Team Disclosures
EPC core team members must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater … financial conflicts of interest that cumulatively total more than $1,000 will usually disqualify an EPC core
April 09, 2009 - Download Topic Suggestion Disposition [PDF · 134.5 KB]
Briefly describe a specific question, or set … they are administered alone versus combined with behavioral/psychosocial interventions for reducing core … Outcomes include (1) reduction in ASD core symptoms, (2) language, cognitive, and social abilities, (