
Total Results: 90 records

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    March 01, 2008 - Reasons for Composite Measures Before considering alternative approaches to composite measures, one
    January 01, 2012 - Home and Community-Based Services Quality Indicators: 1 Home and Community-Based Services Quality Indicators: A Review of Literature Related to HCBS Populations Sheryl Davies, M.A. Eric Schmidt, B.A. Ellen Schultz, M.S. Kathryn McDonald, M.M. The Center for Primary Care and Outco…
    January 01, 2006 - Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling AHRQ Quality Indicators Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling Draft Report AHRQ Quality Indicators Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling Approaches 1 Introduction The Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) are a set of measures that provide a perspective on hospital …
    February 01, 2016 - Using AHRQ Quality Indicators Why do the draft ICD-10 specifications for the PSIs seem to classify cases as surgical that were previously classified as medical in ICD-9-CM PSI specifications, thereby increasing the denominator for “perioperative” and “postoperative” PSIs? — New! AHRQ u…
    February 01, 2016 - Using AHRQ Quality Indicators Why do the draft ICD-10 specifications for the PSIs seem to classify cases as surgical that were previously classified as medical in ICD-9-CM PSI specifications, thereby increasing the denominator for “perioperative” and “postoperative” PSIs? — New! AHRQ u…
    October 05, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 10-05-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the m…
    October 05, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 10-05-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the m…
  8. No Slide Title (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - No Slide Title Day 1: Session I Presenter: Sam Shalaby, General Motors Corporation AHRQ QI User Meeting September 26-27, 2005 General Motors / AHRQ Quality Partnership Measuring and Managing Quality with AHRQ Quality Indicators Sam Shalaby Director of Community Health Care Initiatives General Motors Corpo…
  9. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - PSI 90 Fact Sheet 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 TM AHRQ Quality Indicators PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) …
  10. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - PSI 90 Fact Sheet 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 TM AHRQ Quality Indicators PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) …
  11. Psi90 Factsheet Faq (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - 1 | Page Updates to PSI90, FY2016, Updated 8-31-16 AHRQ Quality Indicators TM PSI 90 Fact Sheet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs) Fact Sheet: Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version PSI 90) for ICD-9 CM/PCS, v6.0 (FY2016) 1. What is the mo…
    January 01, 2015 - My organization is considering using the QIs. My organization currently uses the QIs.
  13. PQI Change Log (pdf file)
    August 01, 2011 - PQI Change Log AHRQ Quality Indicators Prevention Quality Indicators (PQI) Log of Revisions to PQI Documentation and Software Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.qualityindi…
    January 01, 2015 - Panel Discussion: Lessons Learned in Using the AHRQ QIs to Improve the Quality and Safety of Care Panel Discussion: Lessons Learned in Using the AHRQ QIs to Improve the Quality and Safety of Care December 9, 2015 Announcements • This webinar will be recorded and available on the AHRQ QI website - http://www.q…
  15. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template Overview of the Pediatric Indicator Module Presenters: Kathryn McDonald and Sheryl Davies, Stanford University AHRQ QI User Meeting September 26-27, 2005 Acknowledgements Pediatric Module Development: Kathryn McDonald, Stanford University Patrick Romano, UC-Davis Sheryl Davies, Stanford…
    January 01, 2016 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Software: Transition to ICD-10 AHRQ Quality Indicators Software: Transition to ICD-10 July 19, 2016 Announcements • This webinar will be recorded and available on the AHRQ QI website - • Due to the large number of attendees, all participant lines …
    September 30, 2006 - NEWS from 2005 December 1 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI Windows ® Application Version 2.0 and Prevention Quality Indicators FY2006 Update (SAS ® ONLY) November 23 2005 – Call for Nominations September 8 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI Windows Application Version 1.0 September 2 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI W…
    January 01, 2006 - Emergency Department Benchmarking Summit 1 Emergency Department Performance Measures and Benchmarking Summit: The Consensus Statement Introduction Emergency leaders are increasingly faced with challenges that go beyond the scope of traditional clinical medicine and department staffing. A thorough und…
    August 01, 2004 - Criteria for a good indicator for comparative public reporting Guidance for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators for Public Reporting or Payment - Appendix A: Current Uses of AHRQ Quality Indicators and Considerations for Hospital-level Reporting This appendix provides additional details, by indicator, on current use…
    January 01, 2012 - Microsoft Word - AHRQ RAHM Workgroup Technical Report_Final.doc Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ Quality Indicators (AHRQ QI) Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Modeling Workgroup Final Report January 19, 2007 1 AHRQ Quality Indicators Risk Adjustment and H…

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