
Total Results: 3,075 records

Showing results for "considering".

  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 09, 2018 - Tactics include considering a second opinion, bringing an up-to-date medication list, and repeating
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 30, 2013 - These findings are important when considering potential automated triggering systems.
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 21, 2023 - experiencing psychological distress after an adverse event, 22% reported absenteeism and 23% reported considering
  4. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 06, 2015 - This commentary spotlights the importance of considering human factors and cognition when designing
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 02, 2015 - This commentary presents a protocol to enhance the safety of deprescribing by considering the medication
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2004 - Tradeoffs abound in all areas of clinical medicine—eg, between morbidity and mortality, when considering … procedure (such as a hip replacement) to improve quality of life, between survival and morbidity when considering … chemotherapy for cancer, or between long-term and short-term survival when considering surgery (such … When considering restrictions on information transfer, based either on HIPAA or on the precepts of medical
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 13, 2016 - publication discusses reporting initiatives in the National Health Service and focuses on the importance of considering
  8. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 11, 2015 - information-healthcare-professionals-risk-transmission-blood-borne-pathogens-shared-use
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 27, 2011 - Finally, the authors recommend considering a series of issues, which they enumerate, before organizations
  10. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 19, 2014 - demonstrate that in-hospital mortality remains difficult to estimate and underscore the need for caution in considering
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 06, 2023 - Findings underscore the importance of considering additional vulnerabilities, improving engagement with
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 02, 2019 - Surgeons with worse performance for attentiveness, informing others, and considering others' suggestions
  13. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 29, 2020 - experience, (3) use of rules of thumb and protocols, (4) making shared decisions with parents, (5) considering
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 27, 2011 - engineering, which takes a broader view, focusing on more than just the “nuts and bolts” of devices and considering
  15. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 10, 2010 - This commentary summarizes challenges to the use of the term “human error” while considering its usefulness
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    February 14, 2006 - ., retrospective, prospective) greatly impacted estimated accuracy, highlighting the importance of considering
  17. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 24, 2017 - Considering the fundamental importance of clinical reasoning, the topic has received surprisingly little
    January 10, 2024 - expand on an internationally recognized process for good prescribing by suggesting additional steps—considering
  19. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 09, 2017 - This cross-sectional survey study found that while 30 of 44 countries surveyed were considering implementing
  20. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 06, 2011 - tuberculosis, 18% to 26% with aortic dissection, and 9% with pulmonary embolism die without clinicians considering

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