
Total Results: 2,582 records

Showing results for "considering".

    May 01, 2017 - When considering a dietary supplement, always check the label to see if the supplement has been tested
    January 15, 2015 - pre-test risk, the key questions seek to compare tests’ ability to improve clinical outcomes while considering … discussion of testing parameters and results in relationship to clinical decisionmaking and thresholds for considering
    September 06, 2016 - developed on how to conduct and report systematic reviews, an Achilles heel has remained: are we really considering
    February 16, 2016 - results we have added information about specific aspects of the studies that should be noted when considering … It is my opinion, as indicated by my comments, that an expanded framing of HBPC, considering more deeply
    July 01, 2012 - encourage investigators doing systematic literature reviews to think through this range of outcomes, considering
    January 02, 2024 - Commentator & Affiliation Section Comment Response PR 5 Methods 2.1.2 KQs Would recommend considering … Response PR 5 Methods 2.3 Table 1 - Regarding the chosen outcomes for infants, would recommend also considering … 54 Commentator & Affiliation Section Comment Response PR 5 Discussion 4.1 Key Findings ConsideringConsidering that RH Impact is a separate organization that is being funded specifically to do work regarding
  7. Ced-Appendix-3 (xls file)
    June 24, 2022 - real-world evidence, but to be effective, patient and consumer engagement approaches would include considering … FDA2021 Data_registry When considering using an existing registry or establishing a registry de novo, … FDA2021 Data_registry When considering using an existing registry or establishing a registry de novo,
    March 29, 2016 - We agree with the reviewer that there are many issues to weigh when considering changing the guidelines … The four key questions are appropriate for considering the current state of CDI in terms of diagnosis
    January 01, 2020 - Disposition of Comments for CER 170 Cultural Competence Health Disparities Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report Research Review Title: Improving Cultural Competence To Reduce Health Disparities Draft review available for public comment from June 22, 2015 to July 20, 2015. Research Rev…
    May 01, 2005 - We recommend considering the risk of selective outcome reporting for both individual studies and the … of bias of individual studies, rather than applying a single common rating based on design without considering … Although the task of considering the direction and magnitude of bias can be challenging, it helps reviewers … Similarly, evaluating the potential for selective outcome reporting bias is complex when considering … Likewise, when considering whether or not to integrate systematic review results into de novo reviews
    February 01, 2012 - specificity for CRC and similarly, including precursor lesions as false positives when considering … specificity for CRC and similarly, including precursor lesions as false positives when considering … specificity for CRC and similarly, including precursor lesions as false positives when considering … I strongly suggest considering a change in this sentence to reflect that timing issue. … I strongly suggest considering a change in this sentence to reflect that timing issue.
    January 01, 2012 - Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach rates the overall quality of evidence by considering … Also, the approaches considering a single benefit and a single harm outcome can deal with several outcomes … We (JAMA) also use this phrase, more precisely, to mean the processes that individuals use in considering … Such analyses provide estimates on the relative effectiveness of health care interventions by considering … By considering the challenges of benefit harm assessments, the characteristics of available quantitative
    December 01, 2023 - childbirth in the United States exceeds that of any other high-income country.1 This becomes more alarming considering
    May 01, 2005 - We recommend considering the risk of selective outcome reporting for both individual studies and the … of bias of individual studies, rather than applying a single common rating based on design without considering … Although the task of considering the direction and magnitude of bias can be challenging, it helps reviewers … Similarly, evaluating the potential for selective outcome reporting bias is complex when considering … Likewise, when considering whether or not to integrate systematic review results into de novo reviews
    November 19, 2014 - Introducing a series of methodological articles on considering complexity in systematic reviews of
    February 25, 2014 - Considering that the line 41 reference is quite comprehensive, I suggest you change it to the general … A two week time point for induction of remission may be too conservative considering variation of onset … We have edited the wording for KQ 1 to reflect that we are considering studies evaluated patients … We listed the timepoints that we are considering for KQ1 in Table B and in the Methods chapter under
    April 01, 2021 - Effectively utilizes existing research and knowledge by considering: - Adequacy (type and volume) of
    August 01, 2012 - this conclusion, the other expert cited potential new evidence There is some new evidence and considering … thought the conclusion regarding carbamazepine was questionable There is some new evidence and considering … the individual conclusions, one thought the conclusion is still There is some new evidence and considering … that the data and strength of evidence are inadequate for conclusions There is new evidence and considering … that the data and strength of evidence are inadequate for conclusions There is new evidence and considering
    August 01, 2012 - this conclusion, the other expert cited potential new evidence There is some new evidence and considering … thought the conclusion regarding carbamazepine was questionable There is some new evidence and considering … the individual conclusions, one thought the conclusion is still There is some new evidence and considering … that the data and strength of evidence are inadequate for conclusions There is new evidence and considering … that the data and strength of evidence are inadequate for conclusions There is new evidence and considering
    May 26, 2017 - Our risk of bias system attempted to account for such variations by considering multiple elements in … Our risk of bias system attempted to account for such variations by considering multiple elements in

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