September 03, 2019 - Considering all input, we
applied a clinically important difference of 2 to
draw conclusions for the … Considering all input, we decided
to apply a clinically important difference of 2 to
draw conclusions … Considering all input, we
decided to apply a clinically important difference
of 2 to draw conclusions … No comment
Peer reviewer
Discussion The findings support considering more non-narcotic
options … It may be worth
mentioning this limitation or considering whether
some of these can be sub analyzed
July 17, 2020 - 5: In patients with early stage breast cancer, what is the optimal imaging assessment for patients considering
December 26, 2012 - Considering these
four items, which is the most important to you?
January 01, 2011 - Peer Reviewer #1 Results The detail and tables are a bit overwhelming considering
the conclusions. … Considering the
outcome (which I agree with) would it not be possible to
condense? … It is OK considering it says very little that is not commonly
known. … evidence
regarding the advantages of these novel biomarkers as
compared to traditional ones when considering
November 14, 2013 - nasal tip)
When medical therapy (corticosteroids or propranolol) is justified for treatment of IH, considering
June 01, 2010 - • In considering whether to use observational studies in CERs for addressing beneficial
effects, … This process is detailed in another paper in this series.12
Decision Framework
In considering whether … One very compelling situation for considering observational
studies in a CER for a question of benefit … the
intervention being examined.26
To make decisions about the severity of selection bias when considering … In addition, reviewers should outline in the review protocol
the approach to considering the inclusion
September 01, 2014 - For primary studies comparing
two or more tests, we used a set of nine risk-of-bias items
after considering … Reporting bias was
addressed by considering unpublished trials listed in
clinicaltrials.gov as well … evidence involves four key
aspects: patients, tests/interventions, comparisons, and
settings.19 In considering … Note: In addition to considering study limitations and the domains of directness, consistency, precision … Note: In addition to considering study limitations and the domains of directness, consistency, precision
February 01, 2014 - This is considerably lower than the
480 that would be expected without considering death as a competing … The Gail/NCI approach first estimates the number of expected events while considering
mortality (or … Relative weights for outcomes came from a small sample of
participants considering aspirin for primary … For example, considering use of information from NNT and NNH analyses in
decisionmaking contexts, weighting … For the Gail/NCI approach, we used relative weights obtained from a sample of participants
February 01, 2013 - .[#19] In addition to considering methodological limitations of studies, the
appropriateness of the … Research gaps relating to screening tests can be fit into the PICOS framework by considering
these tests … Research gaps relating to screening tests can be fit into the PICOS framework by considering
these tests … C SR THE PICOTS framework assists writers in
considering all areas. … Research gaps relating to screening tests can be fit into the PICOS framework by considering these
January 01, 2010 - utilization and
expenditures, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) prioritized data collected by
considering … present is inherently a subjective process based
on ideals (e.g., fairness) and decisions are made by considering … Recent work by the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) calls on us to focus these aims further
by particularly considering … Fourth, estimate the potential value by
considering the probable impact on health of
commissioning … systematic review by AHRQ or others)
Effectively utilizes existing research and knowledge by considering
December 01, 2017 - Clinicians
considering FeNO as an adjunct to diagnose asthma should
expect a fair number of false negatives
December 03, 2019 - Considering
the advancement in genomics, genetic counseling would
allow informed decision making to
December 03, 2019 - Considering
the advancement in genomics, genetic counseling would
allow informed decision making to
June 14, 2021 - When considering
who performs skills like ETI, RSI, and
cricothyrotomy, perhaps it is prudent not only … Importantly, this document supports the need for
continued education on critical thinking and
considering … The manuscript is detailed, but is super
thorough when considering the past three decades
of airway
July 01, 2012 - Two overarching questions that arise in considering quality in the sense of “value for
judgement making … of a body of
evidence, and Chapter 8 covers the issue of random error, which can be addressed when
considering … Evidence for Biases Affecting Medical Test Studies
Before considering risk of systematic bias, it is
January 01, 2011 - paper focuses on subsequent steps in a review to describe a systematic but practical approach for
considering … Applicability Should Be Judged Separately for Different Outcomes
The most applicable evidence may differ when considering … Although this step involves judgment, such judgments can be made
more explicit by considering how different … individual
studies, the reviewer must then consider the applicability of the body of evidence and
January 01, 2011 - paper focuses on subsequent steps in a review to describe a systematic but practical approach for
considering … Applicability Should Be Judged Separately for Different Outcomes
The most applicable evidence may differ when considering … Although this step involves judgment, such judgments can be made
more explicit by considering how different … individual
studies, the reviewer must then consider the applicability of the body of evidence and
July 01, 2012 - Whether or not one uses a decision model to help sort
out these issues, considering the important test … Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews.3
**The GRADE approach is moving towards considering … This table illustrates how presentation of the same information in
different ways can be helpful in considering
December 09, 2020 - Current Page Topic Timeline Apr. 7, 2020 Topic Suggestion Dec. 9, 2020 Draft Key Questions Antenatal Care
Key Questions December 9, 2020
Antenatal care reduces maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality by identifying risks and preventing and managing pregnancy-related or concurrent…
February 29, 2016 - The IMMPACT publication discusses this
issue in detail and the summary
recommendation is: when considering … In
considering the results it would be
difficult to come to valid conclusions
about comparative effectiveness … We would have
liked to see more studies specifically
considering the effectiveness of one
antidepressant … In
considering comparative effectiveness
the results are limited by the absence of
dosage information … In
considering comparative effectiveness
the results are limited by the absence of
dosage information