
Total Results: 2,582 records

Showing results for "considering".

    September 26, 2011 - Current Page Topic Timeline Jan. 14, 2008 Topic Suggestion Mar. 9, 2010 Research Protocol Sep. 26, 2011 Systematic Review Jan. 4, 2012 Disposition of Comments Report Jul. 3, 2013 Surveillance Report Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Systematic Review…
    January 01, 2013 - By considering the viewpoints and priorities of a broad range of stakeholders, the team may reduce the … Considering these factors, the team proceeded with a different type of EPC report, a technology brief … A detailed record of the interviews can be useful for reliably considering all relevant input.
    October 08, 2014 - Calcineurin_Inhibitors_Protocol_FINAL_10-07-2014 Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Systematic Review of Calcineurin Inhibitors for Kidney Transplant I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review Approximately 17,000 kidney transp…
    December 01, 2011 - We also provide below reasons why these questions are asked and answered when considering whether a … Potential existing comparators and potential comparators in development 18 While considering … ask experts for their opinions about patient acceptance or adoption of an intervention, we are also considering … These parameters are intended to serve as anchoring points for considering the overall potential impact
    August 10, 2022 - Radiation Therapy for Bone Metastases Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Radiation Therapy for Bone Metastases Initial publication date if applicable: July 1, 2022 Amendment Date(s) if applicable: August 10, 2022 (Amendments Details–see Section VII) I. Background …
    July 01, 2017 - When considering a biopsy to diagnose renal carcinoma, clinicians may wish to discuss with patients
    September 01, 2011 - Also, because of the substantive expertise of potential users we interviewed, we received comments considering … categories and extensive instructions for PIs and abstractors to assist them in developing criteria for considering … The generation of resulting data may be able to help with a critical question when considering resource
    May 26, 2016 - Disposition of Comments for CER 178 Newer Medications for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Source: reports/?pageaction=displayproduct&productID=2235 Published Online: May 26, 2016 Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report Res…
    January 28, 2016 - Disposition of Comments for CER 162 Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report Research Review Title: Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Draft review available for public comment from January 29, 2015 to February 27, 2015. Research Review Citation: Maglione MA, Okunogbe…
    November 01, 2013 - Compared with the control group, the CP method shifted participants’ attitudes related to considering … The higher intensity method (CP) shifted participants’ attitudes related to considering health care costs … That is, although all participants moderated their views on the appropriateness of considering costs,
    June 01, 2012 - three-step algorithm is recommended for meta-analyzing studies with a gold standard reference: Start by considering … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (1 of 2) Trikalinos TA, Coleman CI … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (1 of 2) Step one involves considering … example of a receiver operator characteristic graph with the shoulder-and-arm pattern Step 1: Start by Considering … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (2 of 2) The top figure in this slide
    June 01, 2012 - three-step algorithm is recommended for meta-analyzing studies with a gold standard reference: Start by considering … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (1 of 2) Trikalinos TA, Coleman CI … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (1 of 2) Step one involves considering … example of a receiver operator characteristic graph with the shoulder-and-arm pattern Step 1: Start by Considering … Step 1: Start by Considering Sensitivity and Specificity Separately (2 of 2) The top figure in this slide
    January 01, 2009 - The most applicable evidence may differ when considering a benefit or a harm. … In addition, the most applicable evidence may differ when considering a benefit or a harm.
    March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist Before… During… After… The Clinical Encounter Determine patient’s eligibility. This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant. The Clinical Encounter Com…
    March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist Before… During… After… The Clinical Encounter Determine patient’s eligibility. This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant. The Clinical Encounter Com…
    March 11, 2010 - This uncertainty impacts the decision-making for clinicians who are considering treatments for subclinical
    February 01, 2018 - event and non- event (e.g. death and survival) and raw data are not available RR versus OR • When considering
    March 01, 2019 - report is to evaluate the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of nonopioid pharmacologic agents, considering
    February 01, 2019 - is to evaluate the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of nonopioid pharmacologic agents, considering
    November 19, 2014 - Introducing a series of methodological articles on considering complexity in systematic reviews of interventions

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