
Total Results: 1,191 records

Showing results for "considering".

    January 01, 2023 - Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules Acronym GOMS Description Goals, operators, methods, and selection rules is a method derived from human-computer interaction (HCI) and constructs a description of human performance. The level of granularity will vary based on the needs of the analy…
    January 01, 2023 - Fleming, Neil Stewart The impact of electronic health records on workflow and financial measures in primary care practices. Citation Fleming NS, Becker ER, Culler SD, et al. The impact of electronic health records on workflow and financial measures in primary care practices. H…
    January 01, 2023 - What is workflow? Read the frequently asked questions on workflow. What is workflow? Workflow is the sequence of physical and mental tasks performed by various people within and between work environments. It can occur at several levels (one person, between people, across organization…
    January 01, 2023 - USA, CA, Santa Monica Integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes Into Routine Primary Care: Monitoring Asthma Between Visits Description This study developed, implemented, and rigorously evaluated a clinically integrated remote symptom monitoring intervention for asthma patient-rep…
    January 01, 2018 - /A Social 10 7/16/17 9/15/17 61 N/A Medical 11 8/6/17 1/3/18 150 N/A Poor surgical candidate; considering … VNS 12 8/6/17 3/30/18 236 N/A Poor surgical candidate; considering VNS ID: identification
    March 23, 2017 - You said you need to explore further before considering widespread adoption. … had any patients ask about that functionality, but that is certainly something that we are considering
    October 19, 2022 - AHRQ Webinar: Optimizing Data Visualization to Improve Care - Q&As AHRQ Webinar on Optimizing Data Visualization to Improve Care October 19, 2022 Richelle J. Koopman, M.D., M.S. University of Missouri QUESTION: How do you try to distinguish which blood pressure (BP) measurements are obtained using science-base…
    January 01, 2017 - Electronic Health Record-linked Decision Support for Communicating Genomic Data - Final Report …
    January 01, 1990 - Treatment of chronic heart failure: an expert system advisor for general practitioners Authors:  Perlini S, Piepoli M, Marti G, Rabino A, Rota P, Compagnoni F, Moroni V, Ponzini D, Pugni M, Bernardi L Journal:  Acta Cardiol Publication Date:  1990 Volume:  45 Issue:  5 Pages:  365-78 HIT Description:  Compu…
    September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance National Webinar September 13, 2013 2 Moderator and Presenter Disclosures Moderator: Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H. Agency for H…
    September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance National Webinar September 13, 2013 2 Moderator and Presenter Disclosures Moderator: Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H. Agency for H…
    January 01, 2011 - The largest improvement in time was in the case of interruptions in considering complex patients. … Considering your expertise with this problem, how would you rate your degree of comfort in handling this
    June 02, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template Going It Alone? The impact of stand-alone vs. EHR- integrated e-prescribing systems Catherine M. DesRoches Assistant Professor Harvard Medical School Mongan Institute for Health Policy June 2, 2010 Background  Most of the landmark studies do…
    January 01, 2011 - Using Evidence-Based Nursing Practices and Electronic Health Record Decision Support to Reduce Fall-Related Patient Injuries in Acute Care 1 | Using EvidEncE-BasEd nUrsing PracticEs and ElEctronic HEaltH rEcord dEcision sUPPort to rEdUcE Fall-rElatEd PatiEnt injUriEs in acUtE carE AccelerAting chAnge And trAnsformA…
    October 02, 2014 - Improving Sickle Cell Transitions, Focus Group Moderator Guide: IT Developers Improving Sickle Cell Transitions, Focus Group Moderator Guide: IT Developers The Lewin Group, Inc., Falls Church Virginia This is a focus group guide designed to be conducted with developers across a health care system. The tool …
    January 01, 2023 - Needs Assessment Examples Walker J, Bieber E, Richards F, et al. Appendix 2: physician reporting and digital storage system needs assessment - endoscopy suite. In: Walker J, Bieber E, Richards F, editors. Implementing an electronic health record system. London: Springer; 2005. p. 183-91. Des…
    February 01, 2010 - That is, government investments should take a longer view, whether that involves considering benefits
    January 01, 2005 - Considering the complex information systems supported the depth of employee skills and knowledge is
    March 01, 2007 - Evaluation of nurse interaction with bar code medication administration technology in the work environment Authors:  Carayon, Wetterneck, T.B., Schoofs-Hundt, A. Journal:  Journal of Patient Safety Publication Date:  March 2007 Volume:  3 Issue:  1 Pages:  34-42 HIT Description:  Barcoding  More info... Pu…
    January 01, 2009 - Personal Health Information Management and Design of Consumer Health Information Technology PERSONAL HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND DESIGN OF CONSUMER HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  1 Project Title: Personal Heal…

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