April 24, 2017 - Which of the following tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the
issue? … Which of the following tools might you consider implementing to address the issue? … Which of the following tools might you consider implementing to address the issue? … Which of the following tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the
April 24, 2017 - Which of the following tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the
issue? … Which of the following tools might you consider implementing to address the issue? … Which of the following tools might you consider implementing to address the issue? … Which of the following tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the
June 30, 2015 - sections:
Description of the Measure – A brief explanation of the measure and why an
organization would consider … Analysis Considerations – Issues to consider when planning to use a measure, including
the potential
August 15, 2012 - Controlled natural language
– Offers verb choices based on action-type
– Traps and disallows use of “consider … , engagement of local clinicians,
clinical policies, EHR functionality
Developers Fail To Consider … 12 From Demonstration To Standard Practice
P2 in Implementation
Failure To Consider … User Needs Effectively
• Consider needs of different user groups
– Specialists vs primary care clinicians … Building Recommendations in a Developer’s Guideline Editor
P2 in Implementation
Developers Fail To Consider
April 01, 2018 - Contents
Next Steps
Based on the lessons learned throughout this project, AIR recommends that AHRQ consider … Namely, we suggest that AHRQ consider how to maintain the catalog to ensure it contains current information … In particular, AHRQ should consider a plan for periodically monitoring the Internet for new programs, … At a minimum, AHRQ should consider updating the catalog on an annual basis to reflect these potential … AIR recommends that AHRQ consider some of the following research studies to better identify the needs
December 01, 2017 - /or interventions
( ) Medications that could increase fall risk:
Review medications and consider … Consider psychiatric evaluation if indicated to evaluate psychotropic meds
Consider consultant pharmacist … ( ) Low vision
Consider optometry or ophthalmology evaluation. … Consider blood work for BUN/Creatinine ratio.
Consider TED hose. … ( ) Unsafe gait, transfers, and/or wheelchair seating problems
Consider OT/PT evaluation
January 01, 2012 - Consider adding a descriptive title (e.g., “Better performance than average on 7 IQIs”). … Consider adding a descriptive title (e.g., “Better performance than average on 7 PSIs”).
#REF! … Consider adding a descriptive title (e.g., “Better performance than average on 7 PDIs”). … Consider adding a descriptive title (e.g., “Recent Decline in PSI 03 Since 2012”). … Consider adding a descriptive title (e.g., “Higher number of observed than expected events”).
November 01, 2019 - To
maintain enthusiasm and to ensure issues are
addressed in a timely manner, you may want to
consider … Consider prioritizing
guidelines related to the diagnosis and treatment
of community-acquired pneumonia … Consider attending unit safety/quality
improvement meetings from time to time to
address stewardship … If this is not enough for
your administrators, you may want to consider
focusing on interventions to … You may want to consider focusing on one
stewardship intervention annually.
November 01, 2019 - To
maintain enthusiasm and to ensure issues are
addressed in a timely manner, you may want to
consider … Consider prioritizing
guidelines related to the diagnosis and treatment
of community-acquired pneumonia … Consider attending unit safety/quality
improvement meetings from time to time to
address stewardship … If this is not enough for
your administrators, you may want to consider
focusing on interventions to … You may want to consider focusing on one
stewardship intervention annually.
January 01, 2013 - Consider administering a general survey, such as the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture ( … Consider administering a survey to assess the culture of safety in your hospital. … Consider the aspects of the problem that will be most compelling to your stakeholders. … Consider framing your efforts in line with broader initiatives, such as the Institute for Healthcare … In developing the list, consider the resources already in place, such as a data system for reporting
January 01, 2013 - Consider administering a general survey, such as the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture ( … Consider administering a survey to assess the culture of safety in your hospital. … Consider the aspects of the problem that will be most compelling to your stakeholders. … Consider framing your efforts in line with broader initiatives, such as the Institute for Healthcare … In developing the list, consider the resources already in place, such as a data system for reporting
November 27, 2007 - Consider Project Impacts on Potential Metrics 5
VII. … Consider Ongoing Evaluation of Barriers, Facilitators, and Lessons Learned 6
VIII. … Consider Your Evaluation Budget 11
Consider the potential metrics on your list and whether … For a quantitative study, you might
consider what comparison group
you will use.
March 15, 2017 - Cost Not a Factor in Determining Recommendation Grades
The Task Force does not consider the costs of … made to maintain a clear
focus on the science of clinical effectiveness (i.e., “what works”), and not consider
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.
March 07, 2019 - You can consider the coaches as the chief
sustainment officers. … After you watch the video, however, consider the following questions. … Do you think that you'd consider these to be 100-level skills in your office environment? … Take a few moments to consider this before
going on to the next slide. … Take a moment to consider this before moving on to the next slide.