July 01, 2012 - The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing
a service in this assessment. … Commenters were concerned that the USPSTF did
not adequately consider a separate recommendation for
black … Additional information about this population
can be found in the Patient Population Under Consider-
ation … Both the ERSPC and PLCO tri-
als were heavily weighted by the USPSTF in its consider-
ations, because … Commenters asked the USPSTF to consider evidence
from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epide
January 01, 2020 - The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a ser-
vice in this assessment. … Statement
In deciding whether to screen for PAD with the ABI in asymptom-
atic adults, clinicians should consider
December 05, 2023 - When determining whether this service is appropriate for an individual, patients and clinicians should consider … The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a service in this assessment. … Risk Assessment
When determining who is at increased risk of falls, primary care clinicians can consider
March 01, 2022 - determining whether behavioral counseling interventions are appropriate, patients and clinicians should consider … settings.
• Adoption of healthy behavior advice may be increased by tailoring behavioral counseling to consider … determining whether behavioral counseling interventions are
appropriate, patients and clinicians should consider … Clinicians should consider screening at an earlier
age in persons from groups with disproportionately … The USPSTF does not
consider the costs of providing a service in this
May 15, 2014 - Poor quality
Non-English studies
* We will consider
May 15, 2014 - Poor quality
Non-English studies
* We will consider
March 14, 2011 - kept
confidential unless that protection has been waived
by the reviewer(s).
7.3 The GDG should consider
October 09, 2017 - To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best
available science and research
June 11, 2019 - The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a ser-
vice in this assessment. … These are factors that clini-
cians and patients can consider as they discuss the use of PrEP for
July 01, 2007 - Update on Methods: How To Read the New Recommendation Statement - Table 2
Template for 1-Page Summary of U.S. Preventive S…
June 01, 2018 - Specific Populations
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The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is committed to improving the health of people nationwide. The USPSTF makes evidence-based recommendatio…
May 01, 2014 - The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing
a service in this assessment. … drug and nonmedical
pharmaceutical use for children and adolescents, primary
care providers should consider … in
children and adolescents who do not have a substance use
disorder, primary care professionals may consider … Because of the strong association among
tobacco, alcohol, and drug use in adolescents, researchers
should consider … The
USPSTF currently has separate recommendation state-
ments that address each substance and will consider
July 01, 2007 - The
GRADE process more directly includes costs than the USP-
STF approach, although the USPSTF does consider … patient’s clinical state and cir-
cumstances and personal preferences, factors that are im-
portant to consider … Likewise, the preamble states that policy
decisions should consider local resources, constraints, ex-
April 25, 2022 - Who Might Consider Starting Aspirin?
June 03, 2019 - Clinical Summary: Screening for HIV Infection
Clinical Summary: Screening for HIV Infection
Population Adolescents and adults aged 15 to 65 years Pregnant Persons
Screen for HIV infection.
Grade: A
Screen for HIV infection.
Grade: A
Risk Assessment
Although all adolesc…
September 22, 2014 - The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a service in this assessment. … Clinicians should consider the communities they serve and may want to consult local public health authorities … For a sex partner who cannot be linked to care, the CDC suggests that clinicians consider expedited partner … Clinicians should consider annual screening for chlamydia in sexually active males in settings with high … Clinicians should consider annual screening for gonorrhea in other sexually active and young adult males
February 11, 2019 - “When deciding whether or not to offer medications, clinicians should carefully consider their patients
March 14, 2022 - When deciding who should be screened, clinicians should consider how common syphilis infection is in
February 14, 2022 - When determining which patients might benefit from counseling interventions, clinicians should
September 27, 2022 - When deciding who should be screened, healthcare professionals should consider how common syphilis