
Total Results: 1,677 records

Showing results for "consider".

    January 01, 1998 - The Task Force does not  consider the costs  of a preventive service when determining a recommendation
    May 01, 2012 - Consider your own health and lifestyle. … To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research
    November 01, 2022 - Hormone Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Persons: Clinician Summary of USPSTF Recommendation The USPSTF recognizes that clinical decisions involve more considerations than evidence alone. Clinicians should understand the evidence but individualize decision making …
    April 23, 2013 - In the absence of clear evidence, a health care professional should consider a number of things when
    September 01, 2009 - expressed by clinicians, and the call for guidance, the USPSTF held a workshop in spring 2005 to consider … develop a strategy that would reduce confusion created by the wording “I recommendation,” and to consider … AND PERSISTING ISSUES Recognizing the paucity of evidence from RCTs, the USPSTF and other groups consider … Decision makers appropriately consider a broad array of information when making policies and recommenda … When considering clin­ ical preventive services, clinicians probably already consider these factors
    April 12, 2021 - To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research
    March 24, 2014 - The USPSTF received several comments requesting it consider including children and adolescents in the … Finally, several comments asked the USPSTF to consider other data sources in addition to randomized,
    January 01, 2016 - Think about your personal beliefs and preferences for health care and consider scientific recommendations … To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research
    January 01, 2016 - Think about your personal beliefs and preferences for health care and consider scientific recommendations … To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research
    March 24, 2014 - The USPSTF received several comments requesting it consider including children and adolescents in the … Finally, several comments asked the USPSTF to consider other data sources in addition to randomized,
    August 01, 2012 - determining whether this service is appropriate in individual cases, patients and clinicians should consider … The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a service in this assessment. … Other Relevant USPSTF Recommendations Balance of Harms and Benefits Primary care clinicians can consider … Brief Assessment of Individual Risk in Primary Care Primary care clinicians can reasonably consider a … The USPSTF did consider several systematic reviews that came to different conclusions from those of the
    March 01, 2021 - A more comprehensive framework encompassing chronic illness, functional status, and HRQL must consider … First, many screening studies do not even consider harms of screening, so their extent is unknown. … Most participants reported that they would continue screening throughout their lives, and 43% would consider … In contrast, caregivers of women with severe dementia did not consider mammography screening important
    December 01, 2007 - We will do this by con- sidering 3 questions: 1) What evidence does the Task Force consider to estimate … WHAT EVIDENCE DOES THE TASK FORCE CONSIDER TO ESTIMATE NET BENEFIT? … The Task Force must consider differences between the general primary care population and the populations
  14. USPSTF Overview (pdf file)
    July 02, 2018 - The Task Force does not consider the costs of a preventive service when determining a recommendation
  15. USPSTF Overview (pdf file)
    July 02, 2018 - The Task Force does not consider the costs of a preventive service when determining a recommendation
  16. USPSTF Overview (pdf file)
    July 02, 2018 - The Task Force does not consider the costs of a preventive service when determining a recommendation
    December 01, 2007 - We will do this by con- sidering 3 questions: 1) What evidence does the Task Force consider to estimate … WHAT EVIDENCE DOES THE TASK FORCE CONSIDER TO ESTIMATE NET BENEFIT? … The Task Force must consider differences between the general primary care population and the populations
    March 01, 2022 - In deciding whether to screen, clinicians may consider the following.
    September 01, 2013 - Consider scientific recommendations, like this one from the Task Force. … To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research
    September 01, 2013 - Consider scientific recommendations, like this one from the Task Force. … To develop a recommendation statement, Task Force members consider the best available science and research

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