April 03, 2018 - Consider inviting patients to provide input and
feedback on the process changes. … If you have a patient and family advisory council, consider
taking this plan to the council for their … Be sure to consider
special circumstances, such as appointments that take significantly longer than
January 01, 2017 - utilizing the TeamSTEPPS domains of leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, and communication
Consider … track tasks
Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures
Slide ‹#›
Possibilities to consider … Hybridizing
Consider for
task or time
specific teams
Perhaps the biggest
challenge will be
June 01, 2017 - Consider dedicated quality improvement staff, nurse managers, and administrators, for example.
… Alternatively, consider: (b) Preoperative or (c) post-anesthesia care unit. … Consider whether to include physicians.
October 01, 2022 - risk assessment model, one approach is to avoid this issue altogether and simply present a prompt to consider … Consider extended duration prophylaxis. … Sites considering the Caprini VTE RAM may want to carefully consider the relative strengths and limitations … and consider whether they have the environment and tools demonstrated to minimize the model's limitations … Table 4.2: Bleeding Risk Factors and Conditions To Consider With Pharmacologic VTE Prophylaxis
May 24, 2016 - EVIDENCE
March 01, 2017 - The following sections outline performance measures to
consider. … Consider
sharing the results in staff meetings, “town hall” meetings with residents and families, and … A select set of measures are outlined to consider when
measuring performance to reduce CAUTIs, and a … Consider what processes can be integrated into the normal workflow. … Consider engaging the staff by assigning a section to each person and having them
teach their peers.
April 01, 2022 - Standards of Practice specifically highlights which catheter may be best suited for a patient, and when to consider … Consider using the MAGIC guidelines to drive the decision on the best alternative for infusate and duration … Slide 12
As you consider integrating interventions to include a review of clinical indications and
April 21, 2014 - Your First Checklist Meeting Guide
The following document is a sample agenda and topics you should consider
February 09, 2006 - Consider your answers as you select the Forward arrow in the lower right corner to begin this module. … Take 5 minutes to consider these two questions:
How would you offer task assistance in this example? … Take five minutes and consider how you would answer these two questions. … Which mutual support tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the issue? … Which mutual support tools or strategies might you consider implementing to address the issue?
June 01, 2023 - To make this process more concrete, consider a scenario in which one team member witnesses another team … As another example, consider a scenario in which a medical floor nurse is assigned to a patient after
March 01, 2017 - Assemble and verify supplies (e.g., wash cloth, soap, basin, clean gloves and consider wearing a gown … Consider having assistance during the procedure to help position resident and decrease risk of IUC contamination
March 01, 2017 - Consider what factors or pressures may be driving the physician’s repeated rounds of cultures and antibiotics … If the concern is of missing urosepsis, consider pointing out that you will help assess for any deterioration
February 02, 2006 - 4 2.0 Page ‹#›
Leading Teams
Defining the Plan
When developing a plan, team leaders should consider … Which of the tools and/or strategies for leading teams might you consider implementing to address the
September 01, 2015 - Consider including team process, team outcome, and office outcome aims. … Consider Kirkpatrick’s taxonomy when selecting measures.
Who is responsible? … What are the logistics to consider?
May 17, 2016 - Consider using any of the following to improve oxygenation: face mask, high-flow
nasal cannula, … Consider inotropic support if fluid resuscitation not successful. … Also consider use of the
rapid-response team for screening.
May 17, 2016 - Consider using any of the following to improve oxygenation: face mask, high-flow
nasal cannula, … Consider inotropic support if fluid resuscitation not successful. … Also consider use of the
rapid-response team for screening.
September 01, 2015 - In addition to items on the Checklist for Assessing Practice
Readiness, this assessment should consider … • Consider stepping back from active intervention with the practice until a time when they
are better … Module 12: An Introduction to Assessing Practice Systems: Issues to Consider
Appendix 12C. … Appdx12C_OnlyOneForMilesCaseExample FINAL 8 7 15
Module 12: An Introduction to Assessing Practice Systems: Issues to Consider
January 01, 2012 - o Consider placing at-risk pediatric patients on a pressure-reducing surface rather than a
standard … hospital mattress.7,8-11
o Consider the use of foam overlay to reduce occipital pressures in children … For children
over the age of 2, consider also using a gel pillow.1
• Avoid surfaces designed for adults … Consider specifically including the following in organizational protocols:
o Pediatric blood pressure
December 01, 2022 - Identify the Audience for Your Healthcare Quality Report
Before doing anything else, you need to consider … Consider this natural constraint on the need for and interest in your information when developing your
March 01, 2021 - Consider who the reader is.
Consider what the reader needs to know.